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Chapter 1 When did you not want to go home?

"Legend of Ten Cities in Haocheng... Headless Motorcycle Riders... Send a text message to find your three no girls... Let you find a love office..."

Just wanted to click in to have a look, but the phone popped up a prompt of "low power, about to shut down".

Xia Yin was stunned. Looking at the top right corner of the screen, 2% of the bright red color was extremely bright. Then, as the body shook, the screen went black, and his psychology became dull.

However, fortunately, the three day and two night trip is coming to an end, and this mobile phone has also completed its mission.

He tilted his head and looked out of the window. In the dark, the edge of the city was outlined by neon lights.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the train is arriving at S City Station, please get your luggage ready..."

The radio sounded, and the car, which was just as silent as death, suddenly became restless.

Someone took out a heavy mobile phone, with the light on his right face, and the dialect with strong local flavor came out of his mouth; Someone stood up, raised his hands, pulled out the old snakeskin bag from the top of a pile of luggage, and accidentally rubbed others, a burst of cursing; Others unfastened their seat belts and looked out of the window with their heads down, eager to try

Even the air in the car became crowded, with all kinds of languages and tall, fat and thin people mixed together,

The steward walked through it, squeezed aside several uncles and aunts, blushing, "Be quiet! Be quiet! Stand up after the bus stops!"

Instead, the crowd seethed.

Xia Yin looked at the steward and sighed that her fat body could be so flexible, while her heart was full of sympathy for her.

Because who can stop the mad dog who has been locked up for three days and two nights from coming out of the cage?

Thinking of this, he smiled sarcastically and suddenly realized that he was scolding himself?

Xia Yin stopped smiling, stood up from the trunk and shook her legs.

A burst of sour and refreshing came from the lower body, as if the legs no longer belonged to me.

His legs are numb now because he has stood for too long.

No way, he only bought standing tickets.

In three days, even the stewards sometimes pitied him and asked him to take a seat when the train stopped. Then, a few minutes later, he was chased up by the aunt with the ticket and rolled back to the corner in dismay.

In this way, Xia Yin survived three days and two nights. The end point was coming, and Xia Yin's heart was filled with joy.

The bell and whistle told everyone that the train was coming in, and the crowd began to gather at the door.

The train stopped in the dark night and shed bright light on the platform. The stewards squeezed hard to the door, ready to open the door and release the dog.

Xia Yin stood in the corner, clinging to her luggage, surrounded by red woven bags and large black backpacks, suitcases, people interspersed in them, and smelled of sweat, sour and viscous.

In addition to people squeezing themselves, there are even two bags of eggs clinging to their lower body

He exhaled heavily and felt helpless. His mind could not help thinking that if he had a machine gun now

Well, bear it again.

When she finally got out of the station, Xia Yin was confused when she stood in the crowd, especially when there were huge suitcases on the left and right, and the backpack behind her was heavy.

Turn on the phone again, and look at the time,

Well, at 21:48, the screen showed that the battery was low, and then it turned black again, and the fuselage shook.

It seems that the last bus can catch up. Xia Yin put away her mobile phone.

The temptation to go home dispelled the confusion. He felt the only 20 yuan change in his pocket, took a deep breath, pulled the suitcase, and joined the crowd.

After two transfers, I finally returned to my so-called home.

It's 10:30 already. The lights are bright. They are still familiar with iron doors, familiar low buildings, and even Bao'an is the original one. They are alone in the sentry box, lighting a small light, rubbing their hands while watching the play.

It's just that Xia Yin has been away from home for too long. It's estimated that Uncle Bao doesn't know him anymore.

Putting aside her mind to say hello, Xia Yin walked into the community with her head bowed. The wheels of her suitcase rolled on the rough concrete floor, making a gurgling sound, which made her hands tremble.

Walking through a dark low building, I followed my memory to find my home.

Xia Yin stood in front of the door and put down the box. Her whole body seemed to be free from the heavy armor, and her soul floated out.

He patted his tired face vigorously, took two deep breaths, and then knocked on his door.

Xia Yin couldn't help being crazy when she imagined her mother's surprise expression and her own warm little bed later

The sound of footsteps came.

Xia Yin smiles.

When the cat's eyes get dark, it's definitely Mom looking out.

He wanted to say hello to the inside.

The door opened, like the gate of heaven opened, and Xia Yin's whole body was loosened.

Then a strange face popped out.

"Who are you?" The strange face was on the alert.

Xia Yin smiles, "Clam?"


Xia Yin, a junior at a second tier city university in the north, didn't go home during the summer vacation. She thought she would leave home for a year. If she didn't go back after the Spring Festival, she would probably break off the relationship between mother and son.

So even if there were only standing tickets, I also wanted to come back as soon as possible. After all, there were examinations before and Spring Festival travel after, and both of them were daren't provoke.

As a result, my home disappeared after a long journey.

Now the mobile phone has no power, and the store is closed in the middle of the night

Xia Yin is worried.

When I was young, my mother said to him, "If I can't find my mother, I'll borrow the phone number from my uncle and aunt on the way..."

However, this never happened. Instead, someone who claimed to be a "college student from other places" borrowed money from him and said that he would leave a phone number and pay it back later and invite him to dinner. Xia Yin saw her beautiful face at that time and thought it was an opportunity to get rid of the bill. Without saying anything, she took out her pocket pocket money and smiled, "You're welcome, you're welcome".

As a result, she was beaten by her mother when she came home, and Xia Yin knew that she had been cheated.

Then he thought to himself how he could talk to strangers casually. He wouldn't be so cheeky.

So my mother often said that if he went to beg, he would starve himself to death.

Now Xia Yin is sitting in the KFG near her home, with two suitcases piled beside her. This KFG is between the school and home in the past, next to a shopping center, which is a place where she often meets with her friends.

However, KFG doesn't care whether you are a repeat customer or not. No matter how many times you come, KFG always has the same attitude towards you.

He could only force himself to order a cup of Coke, and pretended to look at his mobile phone while drinking, pretending to be waiting for someone.

I can't help it. I'm too thin skinned to sit there and do nothing.

In addition, considering that he may stay here for the night later, he must leave a good impression on the salesgirl. After all, he is also a customer who bought a cup of coke.

Hehe, is it true that people will constantly break through the lower limit in times of crisis?

Now Xia Yin is bored after drinking cola. She can only put ice cubes in her mouth and chew them. She observes the salesgirl from time to time. When she finds that her expression is wrong, she immediately picks up her mobile phone and pretends to type.

But this is the 48th time that I picked up my mobile phone and pretended to type, and it's almost zero. This is not waiting for someone at all. It's really time to die. Is the person you asked is Xiao Qian?

Now Xia Yin can't sit still any more. He seems to feel that the clerk is poking his back with his eyes.

His back felt numb and tingling, and cold sweat came out.

As expected, you'd better sleep on the street and get some KFG.

At this time, a voice of surprise suddenly sounded, just like a bucket of ice water falling down, which also has a familiar taste.

"Xia Yin?"

Xia Yin suddenly trembled at the sound and turned back subconsciously.

"Zhao Chenxi?" He couldn't help blurting out a name deep in his memory.

In fact, unlike novels, the school flower class flower is a very empty thing. After three years of schooling, no one even knows who the class flower is. No student will be bored to judge a "flower" like an Oscar Best Actress. When most dorm night talks, they feel that the next class is very beautiful, and then even the person with the least conversation gets excited.

Generally, such girls are either too bitch or too beautiful.

Zhao Chenxi belongs to the latter.

Even sometimes, Xia Yin, who graduated three years ago, will occasionally think of the woman who aroused the blood in the boys' dormitory.

On the one hand, it is because of the beauty of the parents. On the other hand, Xia Yin is also called the scandal boyfriend of Banhua in a sense. During the senior year, he was the closest boy to Banhua

To what extent?

Let's put it this way. For a period of time, the class looked at them with ambiguous and teasing eyes, which made people feel ashamed.

That's why Xia Yin always felt that her senior year was the peak of her life - she could play basketball, draw a few cartoons, and occasionally read miscellaneous books, movies, and cartoons in the top three of her grade, so her knowledge exceeded that of her peers.

According to the introduction, he is a good student in the eyes of teachers, parents and classmates

More importantly, he is the man beside the class flower.

"Xia Yin! Xia Yin!" The gentle voice sounded, catching his mind back.

Unconsciously, Xia Yin shook her head. When she regained consciousness, she found Zhao Chenxi sitting opposite, staring at herself, with a gentle smile on her face.

"You still haven't changed. You are always distracted." The classmates teased.

I don't know whether this is to boast or to hurt myself. Xia Yin can only scratch her head with a smile, and she is embarrassed.

This state of mind wandering has appeared since the first time I met Zhao Chenxi in senior high school. He also secretly wrote in his diary: "Whenever you smile at me, I always bump into others when I walk, and I am always called by the teacher in class. In addition, I always step empty when I go down stairs."

"How are you now?" Zhao Chenxi asked. "You never contacted me after graduation. It's like you've disappeared."

After saying that, he tooted his mouth to express his dissatisfaction, which was very girlish.

But Xia Yin had no time to appreciate it, and that sentence directly pressed his rippling heart to the bottom of the valley.

Here we are, the question I'm afraid to hear from my old classmates.

"Well, that..." He opened his mouth, but didn't know how to say it.

"Hmm?" The class flower girl tilted her head to show that I was very interested.

Xia Yin's dry and cracked lips moved for a moment: "In fact, that's all."

"Ah, what's that like?" Zhao Chen began to murmur. "It's ok if you didn't tell me in the crowd at that time. Now you don't even tell me. Besides, you used to be the best student in our class."

This sentence hit his heart directly. Xia Yin's chest seemed to be empty for a moment. He could only laugh, and his expression was like paper soaked in water.

"I only got two books, and I still eat the parents' money every month." Xia Yin put down the empty Coke cup and sighed deeply.

Zhao Chenxi turned his eyes for a moment, smiled softly and comforted: "Ah, it doesn't matter, the future is still a long way to go."

Xia Yin said "Hmm" slightly, saying that although it is useless for eggs, thank you for your comfort.

"Oh. By the way, I remember you were writing a novel, didn't you?" Zhao Chenxi suddenly asked.

"Well, I'm still writing," he nodded.

"Oh?" Zhao Chen was interested and leaned forward slightly. "Where did you publish it? Can you find it now?"

"Yes, but..." Xia Yin turned her head to avoid the hot eyes of the class flower girl. "It's too shameful."

"Tell me."

The girl's coquetry is killing her.

After swallowing saliva, Xia Yin restrained her mood and extended her hand.

"Mobile phone," he said with affected calmness.

The girl smiled and handed her mobile phone to him.

Xia Yin took the phone and was stunned.

Well, Kidney X, the latest model, I knew that Banhua girls had money before, but at that time I thought that money was nothing

At the thought of this, his heart darkened again.

But he recovered quickly. He began to search his own novel in the browser. After clicking it, he deliberately slid past the click volume, directly jumped to the book review area, and then flashed it to Zhao Chenxi.

"The leaves of the alien world fight against the dragon Aotian." The girl in class took her mobile phone, approached, and read the book title with some difficulty.

Xia Yin pretended to cough and blushed, "Well, this is my book and the readers' comments."

Zhao Chenxi slid the screen and said in surprise, "It seems that many people like your book."

"Well, it's OK." Xia Yin said, inevitably showing a little pride on her face. "I have already written more than 300000 words."

"How awesome!" said Zhao Chenxi. "Do you have any royalties now?"

As a result, the Banhua girl broke the little pride without mercy.

Xia Yinzhao smiled: "Well, not yet. The manuscript fee is only available on the shelves, but I haven't yet, and I have to wait for the signing..."

The lower the sound is about the back.

"Oh." The class flower girl nodded vaguely.

"Oh, by the way, can you lend me your mobile phone?" Xia Yin suddenly remembered an important thing, but also to change the topic, "I just got off the plane, but my mobile phone is dead, so I need to call home."

"Good." Zhao Chenxi did not hesitate to hand him his mobile phone again.

Xia Yin took it, said "thank you" and went into the toilet with it.

He needs to go to the toilet by the way. Before, he was embarrassed to use the toilet because of his face, but now with the class flower girl, his heart seems full of power.


"Ah, why are you calling now? The train has arrived long ago. I have already returned the rent of the house. Now I work for your aunt in the county instead of Haocheng. You should stay with your cousin today, and then see if you want to live with me later. If you don't want to, you should live with your cousin first, and then come back after the Spring Festival..."

My mother's stern voice echoed in my mind, like a heavy hammer blow.

So when he went out of the toilet, he sat opposite the class girl.

Zhao Chenxi looked at Xia Yin's expression and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

"It's OK." She smiled reluctantly, shook her head and returned the phone to her.

The class flower girl took her mobile phone and looked at Xia Yin suspiciously, but she didn't say anything. Then suddenly she seemed to think of something, and her face suddenly appeared.

"By the way, do you know about the dinner party tomorrow?" she asked.

Xia Yin frowned, "Dinner? What dinner?"

"The high school group is going to get together. They have been talking about it since last month, and then set the time for tomorrow." Zhao Chen hopes to open WeChat and show Xia Yin the chat record.

Xia Yin glanced at them, saw several familiar avatars, looked at the group name, and then smiled sarcastically, "I added this group before, and then I was kicked because I didn't speak."

The class flower girl covered her mouth and exclaimed, her expression seemed to say, "How can this be?"!

Is this caring about me? Xia Yin's heart twitched.

After a few seconds, she asked, "Will you go tomorrow?"

Xia Yin bit her lip and shook her head silently, "I don't know. I just came back today. I'm really tired, and..."

And if you kick me out, I'll go again. Is it too shameless.

"Actually," Zhao Chenxi hesitated, "I hope you will go. After all, I haven't seen you for a long time. It's good to get together."

Sudden aggravation of breathing. Xia Yin looked straight at the Banhua girl and began to look at her with great courage. Seeing her smiling face, Xia Yin felt very excited.

The atmosphere became a bit ambiguous. A car flew past from the outside, and the lights flashed warm light.

The whole body is immersed in happiness, even the toes are warm, Xia Yin's mouth slightly rises, nods heavily, "OK, I'll go."

"Great!" The class flower girl laughed even more.

As if to persuade Xia Yin to attend the party the next day, Zhao Chenxi left after a while, leaving only a faint fragrance in the air.

After sitting for a while, Xia Yin felt that the clerk was driving him away with his eyes, so she had to leave KFG and head into the empty street.

I sat down on the steps of a shop and leaned against the wall. My buttocks and back felt cold. I calmed down for a while.

Looking at the yellow street lamp, the sense of happiness suddenly disappeared. He remembered that he would see the so-called old classmates tomorrow, but he could not find his own home when he came back. He suddenly regretted it.

The expression peeled off bit by bit, like an old and crisp wall, leaving only dried flesh and blood inside, and tears flowed silently.

Go to the fucking party! Why do you promise! So impulsive! Zhao Chenxi was not the only one at the party.

He really doesn't want to go to any party, nor does he want to depend on others in his cousin's house!

He remembered that he was just a loser. He claimed that he would not pass the college entrance examination of 985. As a result, he only took one or two books and studied in a third tier city. Now he has spent three years, failed six subjects, and is worried about his internship in the senior year. Every time he has a final vacation, he dare not go home because he is afraid that he will not find his own home each time, and then he will go to live in a relative's home for a month or two.

Every day when the summer silver brushes the circle of friends, I feel extremely heartache.

Those whose grades in the third year of senior high school were lower than themselves, but their scores in the college entrance examination were higher than themselves, asked for votes on the campus of 985211 and showed their love; Those whose scores are lower than their own are either already abroad, full of blond hair, blue eyes and English in the dynamic, or have already worked, have long been economically independent, and have made the declaration of "work hard, will succeed" all day long.

Those damn chicken soup!

At this time, the soft touch came from the legs.

After sniffing, Xia Yin wiped her eyes. A little black cat appeared in front of her. The cat's paw was on her calf. A pair of cat pupils were shining in the dark night, flickering.

Strangely, Xia Yin saw comfort from the black cat's eyes.

He burst into tears and smiled, said "thank you", and then was about to reach out and touch the kitten's head.

"Ah ah ah, it seems that there is a lonely kitten here." The voice full of evil taste came from the darkness.

When the black cat heard the words, it twisted its head and rushed to the sound source.

Xia Yin was shocked and looked up.

The black cat jumped gently into the man's arms, and the man skillfully caught the black cat while touching its head and approaching.

"Don't you want to rest today? Why do you want to run out? It's very tiring to run with you. I don't have four legs like you..." The voice was full of laziness, like a person who just woke up talking.

But what surprised Xia Yin more was that the man seemed to be talking to the black cat.

At this time, the black cat gave a soft "meow", as if responding to the man.

Damn it, it seems that 12:00 at midnight, the midnight has arrived, can't it really wait until the door of death opens? Xia Yin felt her legs shaking.

Men step on leather shoes and make a sound of "Da Ta". Every step is like stepping on the heart.

It's getting closer.

What came into sight was a pair of shiny leather shoes, a suit and trousers with a shirt, without a tie. The button on the top of the shirt was unfastened, revealing some unruly. In the dark, the man's face was ambiguous.

Xia Yin swallowed a mouthful of water and couldn't help thinking of those urban legends, such as the kidney being cut off, waking up in water filled with ice, human meat buns, etc

"So kitten, do you want to be lonely no more?" the man suddenly said.

Xia Yin was stunned when she realized that the "kitten" just mentioned was not a black cat, but herself.

"Do you want 'love'?" the man asked again.

What "love" and "loneliness"? I'm afraid this man is not a ghost, but a psychopath who escaped secretly.

However, Xia Yin nodded her head.

"Very good," the man seemed to laugh, and the black cat followed with a "meow". He then said, "Then, tell me your requirements?"

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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