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Chapter 1 Dance Yue Hong

There is a continent called Shenwu. Two hundred years ago, there were four disputes. After several wars, the world was divided into five parts: Dongling, Nanguo, Xiliang, Beiyu and Zhongzhou.

Among them, the soldiers and horses in the northern region are the most powerful and prosperous, which all owe to one person. It is said that the man's surname is Wu and his name is Yue Hong.

A young man in his early twenties is already a general who has experienced many battles. He knew the emperor of the Northern Regions at a very early stage. Although he was not related by blood, he was close to his brothers.

It is said that emperors are ruthless. The side of the couch does not allow others to sleep soundly, but the Northern Emperor and Wu Yuehong often discuss war, and it is common for them to sleep when they are tired. Since then, the whole court knows how much Wu Yuehong is liked by the emperor.

Wu Yuehong helped the emperor of the dynasty and made great contributions every time he fought. Some people said that Wu Yuehong's origin was mysterious and certainly not simple, but these conjectures have never been confirmed, only that he was very brave.

On one occasion, Wu Yuehong was ordered by the emperor to select carefully among his elite generals. Five hundred men and horses were selected to form a guard, which was named Shenyin. Under the leadership of Wu Yuehong, Shenyin accomplished many impossible things.

What is most talked about is that Wu Yuehong took five hundred gods to spend seven days in seclusion, set out from the northern regions, bypassed Zhongzhou and went straight to the southern nests, and made a fire by visiting the enemy camp at night.

The fire burned all night, and the enemy's food and grass were gone. When the enemy was in a panic, Wu Yuehong and Shenyin were like divine soldiers coming from heaven, and the river in front of the enemy camp turned red.

When the sky was still dark, he left as if he had never appeared before. After this battle, the name of Wuyuehong and his god's hidden place spread all over the five countries.

The Northern Emperor was overjoyed when he heard about it. He specially approved Wu Yuehong to take charge of the Shenyin Order, which can be hereditary! He also gave a surname of Shenwu and announced it to the whole world. Since then, Wu Yuehong has changed his name to Shenwu Yuehong, who has become very popular in the Shenwu Continent.

In the year when Shenwu Yuehong was thirty years old, the Northern Territory had become the most powerful country among the five countries, with picturesque scenery, harmonious people and various mineral veins. Everywhere you look, it looks prosperous and prosperous.

The Northern Emperor also had no intention of expanding his territory and began to reorganize the whole court under the influence of virtuous people. One law after another was issued to benefit the country and people.

Shenwu Yuehong had a wife and children by this time, but he had a heavy army in the northern region, which was self-evident.

He knew that even if he had no greed in his heart, no matter how aboveboard he was, he would not be able to stand for a long time and the world would deliberate. So he immediately wrote to the Northern Emperor to take back the tiger amulet and allow him to return to the field.

Of course, the Northern Emperor knew what he meant, and he was furious at the moment. The tables in the court were lifted, but he didn't move a finger of Shenwu Yuehong. At last, he just threw down a word "no" and wanted to leave!

Shenwu Yuehong also knew the nature of the emperor. He gritted his teeth and knelt down on one knee to ask for orders to guard the border. He could not call back. If he was not allowed, he would kneel down and die here.

The Northern Emperor was extremely angry, but no matter what he said, the Shenwu Yuehong kept silent and just bowed his head and knelt down.

However, the Northern Emperor finally allowed him to take his family with him, but no one expected that Shenwu Yuehong would finally leave alone with his soldiers.

The Northern Emperor smiled angrily in the court at the moment, and finally issued a decree to let Shenwu Yuehong return to the imperial capital every three years to report on his duties.

All this happened in the eyes of all the officials. In addition to being afraid of and respecting Shenwu Yuehong, they did not delay their enthusiasm for Shenwu even though he was no longer in the imperial capital.

Since then, it has been spread all over the mainland. The friendship between General Shenwu Yuehong and the Northern Emperor can be entrusted is even more a story.

But more than 200 years later, the Northern Emperors had already changed their appearance after four years.


The high wall of the Shenwu General's Mansion, located in the capital of the emperor, is still towering in the past. This is the achievement of the Shenwu Family, which has been maintained through several generations of renovation, and this is the glory of their generations.

However, there are many more pavilions in the General's Mansion now than in the past, and some courtyards are more exquisite like gardens. If you look closely, you can see the murderous look in the General's Mansion in the past.

But these were completely hidden by the clusters of bright red flowers. The place where the weapon shelf was placed in the corner was already covered with flowers called Lingxiao. Liang Yu looked at the little man and shook his head sadly.

"Ah...... Hua Er, you occupy the place of the weapon shelf, but everyone in the mansion likes you, but no one thinks of the weapon shelf anymore......"

Liangyu, with two bags tied up and wearing a goose yellow dress, stood at the corner of the wall, feeling the Lingxiao flowers and whispering.

"Oh, look who this is..." Then a small figure, surrounded by a group of slaves, walked step by step towards Liangyu with the sun on his back.

The man was small, but he had enough style. He was close. Liangyu recognized who he was. He smiled and said, "Lian Xi, why didn't you play with Lian Ruo?"

Lian Xi, who used to have a strange voice, saw Liangyu's silly smile, and felt his fist hit the cotton, so he raised his chin with great air

"Lian Ruo is still a little baby. What's the point of playing with her? I will go to the street with Her Highness Eight and Her Highness Nine later!" Looking at Liangyu's still smiling and her face unchanged, Lian Xi's heart swelled with anger. "I won't take you..."

"I'm going to learn martial arts from my master later, so I don't have time!" Liang Yu finally touched the flower named Lingxiao and just got up. After carefully brushing the wrinkles on her skirt, she smiled at Lianxi again, "Lianxi, just have fun!"

Looking at Liang Yu's cheerful smile, Lian Xi was worried. She hurried to show off, but she didn't attract people at all. Lian Xi was angry when she thought about it

"Still learning martial arts?" Lianxi sneered and raised her delicate chin

Liang Yudai's lips stiffened with a smile, his eyes flashed a dark light, but he still smiled with good temper, "I have practiced since I was three years old, and now I have been used to it for almost four years...."

Lianxi was even more upset when Liangyu said this. He raised his delicate white hand and pointed at the brocade, bit his lower lip and said angrily, "I'm hopeless!" Then he turned his head and drank, "Let's go!"

Liangyu stood there and watched them go away. Her little hand, which had a thin cocoon on her fingertips, clenched tightly. She had originally said she would laugh at Yan Yan's face, but now it was expressionless. Her long, narrow, slightly upward half squinted eyes had begun to show their ferocity. This seven year old girl was obviously not as simple as she showed.

After standing by the trumpet creepers for a while, Liangyu picked up his mood and walked to the main courtyard with a smiling face. The back is not only delicate and slender. On the contrary, the backbone is straight, and the arrogance is clanking. As soon as you move, you can see what you will look like

Copyright: Start Girls Network

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