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Chapter 1 The beginning of nightmare difficulty

Qin Mu stared at the little Zhengtai in the opposite side and really wanted to punch him in the face.

Well, it's not a huge family feud between the two, nor is his girlfriend running away with someone. It's just a long time ago, Qin Mu sold each other a piece of equipment and killed each other once.

Yes, Qin Mu is a game player. His career is playing games, and his income comes from games.

But from today on, everything is over. According to the contract, he can't play StarCraft again for three years.

Qin Mu clenched his fist angrily, "You deliberately fucked me! The Phoenix Guild is yours, and you deliberately let me fail to practice for you!"

Little Zhengtai took up her wine glass and glanced at Qin Mu contemptuously

Ma De, you drank more than 300 drinks!

The little abbess looked at Qin Mu's dark face and smiled softly, "Qin Mu, the master of Lu, I just tell you one truth, money can do whatever you want!"

Qin Mu stood up quickly, slapped the table heavily, and said in a cold voice, "So there is no need to talk about it?"

Little Zhengtai made a frightened appearance and deliberately replied, "Ouch, I'm so scared! Do you want to hit me?"

Two big men came up at once and pressed Qin Mu on the chair.

Qin Mu instantly changed his face and begged for mercy, "Brother! Uncle! You can let me go! I will pay you 3000 yuan, no, 30000 yuan, can't I? What happened many years ago, as for the three hundred yuan, do you still want to remember it?"

Little Zhengtai regained her cold face, stared at Qin Mu and said with gnashing teeth, "I was still the pure flower of the motherland in those days. I didn't expect to be cheated by you for the first time when I played the game. Do you know how much impact this has had on my psychology? My young heart! You have cast a shadow on me! Do you think you can afford it!"

Hearing Xiao Zhengtai's hysterical roar, Qin Mu was not satisfied. Who was not trapped? I was trapped countless times before I learned how to trap people. You were trapped once and chased me for so many years!

Qin Mu blinked his eyes

"Hehe, that's impossible. I just want you to lose what you care about most and let you experience the pain!" The little Zhengtai waved her hand to the two bodyguards and said, "Throw the boy out!"

Two bodyguards came up to Qin Mu and threw him outside the restaurant.

Qin Mu stood up a little lost, walked to his car (advertising space for rent), and drove to his new house.

Yes, although Qin Mu is an agent trainer, he is not a poor loser. Although most of his money is invested in the game, he has earned tens of millions of money. Otherwise, he could not afford a car or a house.

But from now on, his source of income will be gone, he can't touch games, he has no technical ability, how to maintain his life.

At the moment when he lost his soul, a big truck suddenly appeared in front of him. Qin Mu didn't respond to it at all, and the two cars collided.

"In this regular season, the Imperial team was once again defeated by the Undead Bird team of the novice club. Due to this unexpected failure, the Imperial Club announced that the coach 'Fisherman' had announced his resignation, and the club intended to introduce the former Tomato captain 'Gongyang' as the team coach."

"Now there is a short message. The 27th player on the Chinese celebrity list and the fourth player who is the most unpopular are all wet. I am the only one who stood out. Yesterday, I was killed in a car accident. After all, people die. The audience friends will finally get revenge. Well, let go of the hatred and express condolences for the death of our famous mechanical master."


"Why did this man come in?"

"I don't know. Whatever it is, it has nothing to do with us!"

Who's talking?

Qin Mu quickly opened his eyes and saw the yellow light on his head. He got up and looked around. He found that there were iron walls around him and an iron fence at the door.

Remember being hit by a big truck, as if the other party was driving against the rules? Well, we must let the goods make a good compensation, and we will live on this compensation in the future.

It's a pity that I have just bought a new car for a few months and haven't paid off the loan yet. It's estimated that it will be scrapped!

No, I am a victim. How could I be put in prison?

Then Qin Mu felt a sharp pain in his brain, and some memory fragments came into his mind. Although they were fragmentary, he slightly understood.

From the memory fragments just now, Qin Mu found himself walking through a young man called Qin Mu. This young man was the youngest son of the Qin family. He only remembered that he was also called Qin Mu, but the rest were vague. He didn't know what had happened to him and how he was put in prison.

So the compensation is dead? What a bargain! The driver who caused the accident!

Well, I'm sure I passed through it, but the scene is very familiar, and from the memory of the teenager, he even felt that he had been to several places before.

"It's time to have a look! It's time to come out!" the C.O. shouted with his baton at the end of the corridor.

Then the door in front of Qin Mu opened automatically. He looked out curiously, and saw people coming out of the left and right cells. One of them, a middle-aged man with pale face, bowed his head and walked past him.

Qin Mu's eyes suddenly widened. It was strange because he knew this person!

Slayer Hart!

This...... Isn't this Boss in the Star Game‘ The fourth person of Night Crow!

"I have passed through..." Qin Mu muttered to himself.

When Qin Mu came back to his senses, he was a little confused. Once he passed through the prison, it was too difficult. Tut, there was no treatment for the protagonist!

But something is wrong. Hart was killed by the superhero Cook. When was he put in prison?

Regardless, first look at his own situation. Qin Mu silently recites the character panel and unfolds a translucent light curtain in front of him, which does not affect his vision at all and is quite sci-fi.


Name: Qin Mu

Race: carbon based human (yellow)

Template: NPC

Overall grade: 1

Experience: 0

Main occupation: None

Deputy occupation: civilian lv1

Attributes: strength 1, agility 3, endurance 2, intelligence 3, spirit 1, perception 4, mystery 1, charm 3, luck 1

Free attribute point: 0

Pneumatic force: 0

Energy level: 1

Level: G (mortal)

HP: 50/50

Stamina value: 60/100 (hungry)

Race talent: dexterity - increases learning speed and manufacturing speed by 5%

Personal expertise: None

Skill: None

Potential points: 0

Professional knowledge tree: not opened

Influence: None

Legendary: 0

Equipment: None


Sure enough, we have passed through StarCraft, and all the game functions are available, so it's easy to say everything with this thing.

As a game master, Qin Mu has a bad reputation, but he plays the game really well, and the tuba is famous for being wet.

Eh? NPC template?

Qin Mu immediately noticed this. He frowned and pondered. Is this NPC template good or bad?

First, he can be sure that he has lost the ability to resurrect, and NPC has no resurrection point.

Second, his NPC template is not ordinary, but can be upgraded, and can be improved like a player.

The conclusion is that this NPC template has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it can not only upgrade tasks, but also release task harvesting player experience. The upgrade speed must be much faster than that of ordinary players.

The disadvantages are obvious. He can't be revived. Just like in previous lives, rowing without oars depends on the waves. That's not to think about. We must take a safe route.

Qin Mu pinched a handful of toothpastes, and some eggs hurt. He had to give up a lot of previous operations.

It doesn't match my style!

The remaining light sweeps to the lower right corner of the light curtain - September 2, 799.

Qin Mu's eyes widened and he thought it was unbelievable. It was the month before the game was tested in the game?

This...... Is this the surprise of life everywhere?

"9527! It's you! Can you let it go?" The impatient voice of the prison guard came.

Qin Mu, as if waking from a dream, hurriedly bowed his head and walked out of the prison door, while in his heart he digested the shock brought by the crossing.

Looking at the scenes around him, he said to himself: No matter what, that is to escape within a month!

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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