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Chapter 1 Chen Xiaofan

Xuanjie is the Heavenly Sword Sect.

In a room full of daughter fragrance, Chen Xiaofan and a beautiful girl sat facing each other in the palm.

Chen Xiaofan is the elder martial brother of Tianjian Sect. He has a peerless martial spirit. His talent and strength rank first among the disciples of the same generation.

The girl's name is Bai Ling'er. She is also talented, but her martial spirit has some drawbacks. She often suffers from the pain of Dark Ice.

At the moment, Chen Xiaofan is delivering Zhenyuan to the girl, and suppresses the suffering of black ice in her body with her own red flame Zhenyuan.

It can be seen that Chen Xiaofan's body and hands are surrounded by a layer of red aura, which is constantly pouring into the girl's body. Maybe it is because the persistence has taken too long, Chen Xiaofan's face gradually becomes pale, and sweat seeps from behind.

A moment later, Chen Xiaofan closed his palm, opened his eyes and spit out a turbid airway: "Linger, has the pain been relieved?"

Bai Linger also opened her eyes, a pair of big and bright eyes, which were lovely. She looked at Chen Xiaofan for a while, lowered her head and said.

"Linger feels much better." With a little girl's shyness, Bai Linger paused and said, "Thank you for your help. If you don't mind, Linger wants to show you something."


What's the meaning of Chen Xiaofan's pale face? Is

Without waiting for him to speak, Bai Linger slowly pulled off her gauze clothes and exposed half of her white arms and shoulders. The beautiful girl seemed more attractive at once.

"Senior Brother..."

Bai Linger twisted her body and threw her upper body into Chen Xiaofan's arms.

However, there are no signs.

A dagger appears in Bai Ling'er's hand.


The flesh and blood burst and the blood splashed.


Chen Xiaofan was shocked and angry. He pushed Bai Ling'er away and looked up again. Bai Ling'er's eyes were not a little shy. At the moment, they were all cold and vicious.

He stood up angrily, but just as he stood up, he felt dizzy and weak.

He fell to the ground again with a puff, looked around the room with a frightened look, and then glared at Bai Ling'er: "When did you poison me?"

"Stupid, don't you feel strange about the fragrance in this room?" Bai Ling'er stood up and looked down at Chen Xiaofan with scornful eyes.

"It's poison incense..."

Chen Xiaofan's heart sank. He had just consumed Zhenyuan in his body, but now he was injured again, even poisoned by poison incense. This could be regarded as being slaughtered by others, and he had no power to resist.

"Bai Ling'er." In meditation, Chen Xiaofan frowned at Bai Ling'er and said, "I asked myself that I am not mean to you, but now you are so rewarding. I want to know what you are for."

"You'll soon know."

Bai Linger smiled coldly, tied Chen Xiaofan to the bed and made sure that she could not move, then stretched out a cold hand to cover Chen Xiaofan's head. As she became excited, a wave of devouring power poured into Chen Xiaofan's body.

"Damn it!!"

Chen Xiaofan was shocked. He felt that the fiery spirit in his body was engulfed and moved by the power of Bai Ling'er!

Bai Ling'er wants to swallow his peerless spirit!

How can you!

How could it be!

People's martial spirits are naturally different. Whose is it? How can it be swallowed up by others?

Once he loses the spirit of martial arts, he will not only lose his unique talent, but also break the path of martial arts! From then on become a waste!

"Bai Ling'er!"

Chen Xiaofan's eyes suddenly turned red and he struggled desperately. Bai Linger not only retaliated with kindness, but also wanted to destroy his martial arts!

This is unforgivable!

Bai Linger was laughing, and his originally beautiful face was now full of excitement: "Senior Brother, don't waste your energy, and bear with me for a while. Do you know that I have been interested in your spirit for a long time. As long as I devour your spirit, my spirit will wake up to the spirit of ice and fire, which is a divine spirit!"

Chen Xiaofan's eyes narrowed. There were only a few talents of this level in the world. How could Bai Linger get it by this means?!

"I know you can't understand."

Bai Linger calmed down a little, and swallowed Chen Xiaofan's spirit while smiling happily: "In fact, you and Shifu don't know that my spirit is not the dark ice spirit, but the dark dark spirit. This kind of spirit's ability is to swallow, and must swallow a kind of extremely positive spirit to really wake up, otherwise I will suffer from the dark ice every other time."


Chen Xiaofan's eyes turned red again.

Bai Ling'er was always helping to suppress him when he suffered from Dark Ice before, but in the end Bai Ling'er did such a thing to him!

"All right!"

Bai Ling'er suddenly stopped, stood in the same place with an excited look and realized herself, and there was a clear strong breath coming out of her.


Chen Xiaofan spits out a mouthful of blood, and can clearly feel that he has lost an important thing in his body. He knows that it is his own spirit!


For a moment, Chen Xiaofan's heart was filled with hatred and anger. He stared at Bai Ling'er and said, "I'm the chief disciple. If you dare to harm me like this, you won't worry about the consequences of Shifu's investigation!"

"Senior Brother." Bai Linger opened his eyes and looked at Chen Xiaofan contemptuously. Then he stood up and took out a jade seal and said, "I have calculated everything. Look what this is."

Chen Xiaofan's face was cold: "You stole the leader's seal that was lost seven days ago!"

"You are wrong."

Bai Ling'er smiled coldly, and her beautiful eyes became insidious now.

She turned over her hand and threw the seal on Chen Xiaofan, saying coldly, "Now you stole the leader's seal."

"You still want to frame me!" Chen Xiaofan was shocked and angry, and his hatred was about to erupt.


Bai Linger stared at Chen Xiaofan and suddenly smiled shyly, "How can Linger get away without doing this? Hehehehehe."

Smiling and laughing, Bai Ling'er suddenly tore her own clothes a little more disorderly. Then her face changed, and she became frightened and desperate. She screamed, "Come on, come on! Help me if you want to insult me!"

Her voice came out.

Chen Xiaofan hasn't had time to change color.


The door and window were opened rudely, and an old man flew into the room. A pair of thunder eyes looked at Chen Xiaofan, and they were furious: "How dare you do such a thing!"

"The elder."

Chen Xiaofan is surprised and wants to explain.

But there was no chance for him to explain. The elder came to him one step at a time, and the thunder imprisoned his body, so that he could see and hear, but could not move without words!

Chen Xiaofan's heart suddenly chills.

The elder and Bai Ling'er are in collusion! They are birds of a feather!

Sure enough

"Chen Xiaofan!"

At this time, the elder took the leader's seal from him, and his voice was loud: "I never thought that you stole the leader's seal!"

This voice, like thunder, resounded through the night sky and spread all over the world.

Seeing this and hearing the sound, Chen Xiaofan vomited blood again. In his heart, he was completely desperate. Endless hatred rushed to his crown, and he fainted before his eyes.

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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