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Chapter 1 The Gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion is High

The autumn wind is rustling and the weather turns cool.

On the streets of Kaifeng, people are in a hurry. No matter the traders or the common people, there is no smile on their faces. Born in an unlucky world, it's strange to be able to laugh.

There was a son who sent his father's coffin out of the city for burial, but he was stopped by the doorman. He could not go out without paying taxes. It was unheard of to tax the dead!

We spent all the money for the funeral, and we still owe a lot of debts.

Unable to pay taxes, the son had to cry and pull his father's coffin back. He didn't know what to do. Crying all the way, people around looked pitiful, but they didn't dare to say a word more!

At the roadside tea stand, sat an old woman in her seventies, with a bowl of clean water in front of her. Her hair was all white, and she had a bare stick on her hand, carrying a big old bundle.

Opposite the old woman, there was a young man who was at most eleven or twelve years old. He was tall, but he was too thin. He could not find much meat all over his body. His cheeks were shrunk, and his eyes were unusually large, which seemed funny. But when I looked carefully, these eyes showed the depth that the youth did not have. They looked worried.

He has reason to worry, because he does not belong to this era... The boy's name is Ye Hua, and he is a makeup artist in the funeral home. It sounds like an industry that will make many people creepy and keep them away. Especially the blind date girl, when she knew it, she was more like a ghost. She didn't want to say anything more, so she ran away quickly.

Ye Hua can't help it. He is a single parent family, and his father doesn't care about him. He dropped out of school early. If the master of the funeral home hadn't taken him in and taught him how to make up for the dead, he might have starved to death. Ye Hua is not a person who likes to feel sorry for himself. If he gains, he will lose. He has been working for a long time and has saved money. The reason why he continues to work is because of the face of his master.

After two years of retirement, Shifu will go out to do business and say goodbye to the funeral home experience!

Ye Hua has planned this for a long time.

But he never thought that God would realize his wish in advance, and let him come to ancient times in such a special way!

cheat your papa!!

At this moment, Ye Hua just wants to sigh: "Let me go back. I'd rather not find a daughter-in-law all my life. I would rather stay in the funeral home all my life than think of five generations!"

Yes, Ye Hua came to the most chaotic and darkest five generations and ten countries!

With the fusion of memory, Ye Hua finally knows that the current national title is Han and the year title is Qianyou.

With these two pieces of information alone, I'm afraid that ordinary history lovers may not know what era it is, but Ye Hua is clear.

It's hard to have friends when working in the funeral home. In her spare time, Ye Hua likes reading books most. From the original magazine Wuxia, to the official history of classics, to the online novel, she almost reads every book.

With an inventory in his stomach, Ye Hua will also join some book friends to point out the country and argue with other fans. Ye Hua's profound skill, citing classics and penetrating into the interior, always amazes people... Facts have proved that it is beneficial to read more books, and Ye Hua immediately confirmed that this "Han" is the fourth dynasty among the five generations, the later Han Dynasty established by Gao Zu Liu Zhiyuan!

Liu Zhiyuan died soon after he ascended the throne. According to time, the current emperor is Liu Chengyou, the son of Liu Zhiyuan, also known as Emperor Yin of Han Dynasty.

There were only two emperors in the Later Han Dynasty. In less than four years, they were soon replaced by Guo Wei's Later Zhou Dynasty.

By the week after tomorrow, perhaps more people will be familiar with it.

Guo Wei was in power for three years and passed the throne to his adopted son Chai Rong. Zhou Shizong is a man of great talent and great achievements, and is known as the first Ming Emperor of the five generations.

If Chai Rong is given more time, he may be able to wipe out the world, recover the Yanyun, and establish a prosperous age comparable to that of the Han and Tang dynasties.

But it's a pity that Chai Rong died young, which made Zhao Kuangyin pick up a bargain and build a great Song Dynasty... Ye Hua combs the historical process in his head. The little emperor Liu Chengyou is just a flower in the future, and the boss Guo is the king.

Let alone say that he found a glimmer of hope. It turned out that he had some relatives with Guo Wei, the first ancestor of the Zhou Dynasty. This time, he and his grandmother went to Beijing to join the Guo family and ask for promotion.


Guo Wei's father, Guo Jian, once served as a governor under Li Ke. At that time, Ye Hua's grandfather and Guo Jian were courtiers in the same palace and had a good relationship. Moreover, Ye Hua's grandmother was also the daughter of Guo Jian's cousin. At that time, the two people often corresponded and looked after each other.

Later, Guo Jian was killed. Guo Wei was just a few years old. He followed his mother, Wang Shi, and his mother died. Fortunately, his aunt raised him up. In fact, Guo's childhood was also very tragic.

When he was seventeen or eighteen, Guo Wei joined the army and killed a butcher on the street because he was young and energetic.

You should know that the ancient butchers were not ordinary people who could be. They must have some power. Guo Wei made a mess. Someone immediately complained to Li Jitao, who was staying in Luzhou, and even killed Guo Wei at that time.

Fortunately, Ye Hua's grandfather worked under Li Jitao. When he saw Guo Wei's name, he remembered his old friend. After asking, he knew that Guo Wei was really the descendant of his old friend.

Mr. Ye found Li Jitao and finally secured Guo Wei.

Later, Guo Wei gradually developed and went to Ye's home several times to pay tribute.

About 20 years ago, when Ye died of old age, the Ye family declined. However, the situation of the two families reversed as Guo became more and more powerful. Ye Hua's father had some scholar's arrogance. He was afraid of being accused of fawning on powerful officials, so he moved less and less. He became an official wholeheartedly.

Just four years ago, Yelu Deguang entered Kaifeng. Ye's father refused to kowtow to Khitan and was killed. Ye Hua's mother was devastated and died within a month. At that time, Ye Hua was less than seven years old and had to live with her grandmother.

The old lady lost her husband in middle age and her son in old age. All kinds of tragic things happened.

As an old man and a young man, he was lonely and had no choice but to join Aunt Ye Hua's family. But Ye Hua's uncle was also a poor man, lazy and fond of gambling. Ye's son in law lost all his money. It will be winter soon. Ye Hua is still wearing a single dress and straw sandals. The old lady really has no choice.

"I am so old that I don't care about this cheeky face. The Guo family has developed over the years. Relying on the past friendship, I went to the Guo family to beg! Anyway, I will ask for a job for you. You are good at doing things and supporting the family. Can you do it?"

Ye Hua's uncle opened his eyes and smiled. He thought he had been waiting!

"Don't worry, my mother-in-law. My son-in-law is not incompetent, but has no talent. I will work hard this time to live up to my mother-in-law's wishes." My uncle patted his chest to the sky.

The old lady believed that she was going to pack up and leave for the city. Her uncle's eyes rolled, "Mother in law, can you talk to the Guo family, just find a civil servant position in the capital, and don't let me go to the front of the army... I'm not afraid of death. It's convenient to take care of my home when I'm near!"

My uncle's explanation was overwhelming. The old lady gritted her teeth. She really didn't make progress. Why did she go blind and marry her daughter to you!

Seeing the old lady hesitating, my uncle turned his eyes and pulled Ye Hua over.

"Let Huazi follow. The Guo family will not help them because they are old and young!"

All right!

My uncle's limited mind is devoted to these things.

The old lady forced herself into the city and met the Guo family.

After inquiring, I knew that Guo Wei had been leading the army in the past few years, first pacifying Li Shouzhen in the river, then moving north to defend against Khitan. He was appointed as the emissary in chief, left Yecheng as the garrison, and was the commander of the Tianxiong Army. He was in charge of all the roads in Hebei. He could be called a powerful minister who was below one man and above ten thousand people, holding a heavy army.

I heard that Guo Wei is so beautiful. The old lady was full of hope and cheeky, and asked her to find a job for her son-in-law. How could she know that the Guo family had rudely refused and said a lot of ugly words, such as what a poor guy, flattery, ungrateful... She also drove out the grandparents and grandchildren. Even the local game brought by the old lady, a whole package, was thrown out.

In the face of this situation, Ye Shi was so angry that she trembled all over, ashamed and ashamed.

"I'm really confused. I'm so old and shy, which makes people humiliate me. I've known that the prime minister's residence is high, and I should never come to die. Your grandfather has been strong all his life, and I've lost all his people!"

The old lady complained about herself and held her grandson's hand tightly.

"Hua Er, you should try your best in the future. Learn from your father, your grandfather, and don't learn from me!" The old lady cried bitterly.

Ye Hua felt uncomfortable, and his throat was a little hoarse. "Big, big mother (grandmother), the Guo family may have some unspeakable secrets, not necessarily poor love..."

Before Ye Hua finished speaking, the old lady glared at her and scolded fiercely, "Listen, don't mention their family again, just think we don't know each other!"

Although the old lady is old, she has a lot of strength. She takes Ye Hua to the east gate and is about to go home. Suddenly, hundreds of forbidden troops came and blocked the city gate. All those who wanted to leave the city were driven back!

"Your Majesty has a decree to close the city gate, and no one is allowed to go out!"

... Now the old lady is so foolish. Why did she close the city gate before noon? Is there something important?

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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