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Chapter 1 Wake up


At the end of the sky, dark clouds roll, and dazzling thunderstorms come from all directions, gradually forming a purple area in the center of the dark clouds.

Kaka! Kaka!

At the most central place, the electric snake ran away and roared with thunder, gradually opening a desolate void. The Buddha was like the eyes of heaven.

Surrounded by the most violent thunder, the central place is strangely quiet and desolate, like a dark mirror, presenting the oldest boundless scene.

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, the whole picture was broken, and the empty space collapsed. The thunder and lightning snake were surging, almost devouring the whole world.

"Void robbery!!!"

On a dilapidated bed, Zhang Liuguang sat up suddenly, with cold sweat all over his forehead and cheeks, and his violent breathing echoed throughout the dilapidated room.

"Oh, dream!"

He was silent for a while, and the whole person just lay down again like mud.

"Damn the old monster! I always have this weird dream!"

Zhang Liuguang rolled over and planned to continue sleeping for a while.


Suddenly, he got up again and looked around with a dull face. What I saw was no longer the familiar single apartment, nor the soft big bed under my body. There were no large French windows, computers, refrigerators, and cartoon pictures pasted all over the walls in the room... Even the body is no longer the body of a 30-year-old adult, and everything familiar in memory has disappeared.

This is a low and dilapidated room with light everywhere. There is only one bed and a set of dilapidated tables and chairs in the room. In addition, what occupies most of the space is debris and waste, emitting an unpleasant smell.

"Sure enough... All this is not a dream! It's really not on the earth anymore! And these strange and messy memories in my mind!"

Zhang Liuguang murmured with a complex face, slowly calming down his intense heartbeat, and then the whole person slumped down again. The bed, which could only be placed against the wall with a broken leg, immediately gave out a groan of pain, as if it would be scattered at any time.

"Your uncle! Bad luck! Old monster! You bastard still don't wake up! You really killed me!"

Zhang Liuguang lies swearing and his eyes wander on the roof angrily.

The messy and mottled sunlight came through the cracks in the roof, with a little warmth. The color almost made Zhang Liuguang lose his mind for a moment.

But now only he knows that it is no longer the sunshine on the earth. This is a completely strange world.

He crossed! He has accomplished the feat that countless curtily male losers dream of, but this real case is doomed to be known only by himself.

"Old monster! You like being struck by thunder. Why did you pull me?"

Zhang Liuguang looks miserable. Although he has been forced to accept the reality, this consequence still makes him a little hard to accept. The strange world and body make him a little depressed. Time passes steadily. Zhang Liuguang never steps out of this simple room. He is hungry and looks for food in the cupboard beside him, The rest of the time he slept soundly, combing the strange memories that appeared in his mind.

That was the memory of a ten year old boy named Luya Ivin.

"Luya Elvin!? That's a good name, isn't it?? There's no aura at all!"

Zhang Liuguang talked about the name, but what made him uncomfortable was his current identity and career.

Luya Elvin!

A scavenger in a strange world! Wanderers!

The memory of ten years old is not big, only the impression within a few miles of this abandoned house.

This is a place called Waste Terminal, which is located at the foot of a mountain called Golbo, and on the other side of the terminal is a huge kingdom city, Goya Kingdom!

Luya Elvin has lived here since he had a memory. Every day, garbage trucks from the city dump garbage and moldy food at the abandoned terminal. People living here rely on picking up garbage to survive.

This is a gathering place for vagrants and criminals, as well as an illegal place without legal protection. People living in the towns of the Kingdom call them "garbage bugs".

To be honest, those who can survive in this environment are all cockroaches! Strong vitality. It is even more incredible that a ten year old boy can grow up.

Perhaps it is also because the human constitution in this world is different from that in previous lives.

"Waste Terminal!? Golbo Mountain!? Goya Kingdom!? Inferior!? A city is divided into the land of the kingdom!? What a ghost place!? Aliens!? Ancient Europe!? What a messy world! Why do I have a creepy sense of familiarity!? But... why can't I remember!?"

Zhang Liuguang rubbed his eyebrows and sighed sadly.


At this time, the dilapidated door was suddenly opened, and a tall figure covered the sun outside the door and walked in.

"Elvin, are you dead? You didn't go to the meeting yesterday! Boss Kuli was very dissatisfied with the lack of routine confession! Why... don't you want to continue to live here!?"

The visitor was tall, but very thin. He was more than 30 years old. He had long brown hair and messy hair. His face was also dirty. His beard was full of decadent color. His eyes were raised and pulled to form a pair of perfect dead fish eyes. He held a bottle of wine in his almost skinny hand. While talking, he put the bottle up and swallowed the strong wine.

Uncle Sam!

This is the only person with the deepest memory in Luya Irving's memory, and the benefactor who raised him! It is also the only umbrella under which he can live in this place full of bloody struggle with a body less than ten years old.

According to Uncle Sam, Luya Elvin is his brother's son, and naturally he is his son. Dad should protect his son.

Therefore, even in this cruel place of existence, no matter how harsh the situation, Uncle Sam never thought of giving up the burdensome son of Luya Elvin.

It has been a whole decade from a little bit of beancurd......

"Uncle Sam!"

Zhang Liuguang stood up and glanced at the figure in the room. The memory in his mind also made him feel the same.

This is a man who is as tall as a father to this body!

"Come on! Stinky boy! In order to fill your share, I have emptied the bottom line! Now you are waiting to raise me!"

Uncle Sam looked at Zhang Liuguang, rolled his eyes and poured a mouthful of wine into his hand.

"Tribute!? Share!?"

Zhang Liuguang blinked his eyes, but he whipped at the corners of his mouth.

Where there are people, there will always be classes, and the rule of "where there is no one to get rich" is even more naked without any concealment. Elvin and Uncle Sam have always been peripheral members of a gang, and they need to provide some money every month to get the protection of the team.

Because he is too young, he only needs to provide some meat.


If Zhang Liuguang remembers correctly... It seems that he has eaten all the tribute!

Zhang Liuguang took a subconscious look at the food residue on the table beside him. He was always very picky when eating. Luya Alvin saved a month's money to buy tribute meat. He picked up the best part of the meat. The remaining greasy meat pieces and some moldy cans were placed on the table, making the middle-aged man who saw this scene along his eyes angry.

"Hey! Stinky boy! I found a treasure! How extravagant I am eating meat! I don't know how to be filial to me! White eyed wolf!"

The middle-aged man was drunk and murmured discontentedly. Then he leaned against the table and ate the food left by the streamer, with unspeakable praise and enjoyment in his mouth.

"Sobbing! Delicious! That's the taste! Bastard! I haven't known what meat tastes like for half a year! It feels......!"

With a satisfied face and a cheering mouth, he poured another mouthful of strong liquor. In general, he stuffed the leftover food into his mouth, even squeezed the mold can and swallowed it under Zhang Liuguang's creepy eyes. Later, he stretched out his tongue and licked the table where meat was placed, It looks like a wild dog who has been thirsty for a long time in the lonely mountain and wilderness.

"Ow! Ow! The man Robbie Sam. has come back to life! I feel back to the time when I was 20 years old! The sea is infinite! Ha ha ha!"

Sam laughed and waved his arms, with a bold smile on his face.


Tao Liuguang stared at the scene, and then closed his mouth for a long time and said, "Well, Uncle Sam."

"Don't talk! Elvin! Let me feel the greatness of life! Only every time I eat meat can I realize the value of living!"

Uncle Sam closed his eyes and looked holy.

"My body... is like a bird flying through the clouds, fish swimming deep into the sea! Hiss! Eh... What should I say next!? Forget it! In short, it's delicious! It's delicious!"

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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