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Chapter 1 The first day of official entry


The shadows of the trees are scattered, and the setting sun is like blood.

A black Santana car stopped at the roadside. The body of the car vibrated slightly and the engine did not stop. It seemed that it could rush out at any time, just like a black monster preparing to hunt and waiting patiently.

Lin Zijun sat in the driver's seat, staring closely at the intersection ahead, his hands full of sweat holding the steering wheel and gear handle.

The traffic light changed into a red light, and a white Toyota Camry appeared at the intersection from south to north, stopped, and a middle-aged man with glasses and smoking was sitting in the co driver's seat. His hand was bouncing ash from the window.

As the red light on the traffic light turns green again, Camry starts slowly.

Lin Zijun stared at the middle-aged man in the passenger seat of Camry and scolded: "Bastard! Scum! Go to hell!" Then he engaged the gear, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and drove Santana forward to speed up

Toyota Camry drove forward to the middle of the intersection, and the middle-aged woman driving saw Santana rushing from the right side, she quickly braked and stopped.

But, late!

Santana ran straight into Toyota Camry!

Lin Zijun can clearly see the fear expression of middle-aged men!

At that moment, in the face of death, Lin Zijun felt a pleasure rising from his body.

At 17:50 on April 30, 2018, a news post appeared on Baidu Post Bar Hongcheng Bar: At 17:30, a major traffic accident occurred in the county. At the intersection of the North Second Ring Road and National Defense Road, a Santana car and a Toyota Camry car collided, which was a horrible scene. The Toyota Camry car was almost broken, and a man and a woman in the car died on the spot; Santana's head is seriously dented, and the driver is still in rescue, whose life and death are unknown. An insider revealed that the two parties had old grudges, and it was suspected that the owner of Santana took the initiative to crash into the car and died with the other party


Chapter I Lin Zijun's Resurrection with Full Blood

"Ringing bell~~" An alarm bell rang, and Lin Zijun reached out to turn off the alarm bell, ready to sleep for a while, thinking: Why don't you want to get up at all today? Why don't you stop running and get some more sleep?

run? What's the running pace?

Lin Zijun suddenly remembered the incident of driving into Mei Renping and his wife, "Shit, what's the situation?"

Lin Zijun quickly opened his eyes, looked at everything in front of him, and was immediately shocked:

I am sleeping on a 1.2 meter wide single wooden bed with the head of the bed and two sides on the right side against the wall.

On the left is the door of the small bedroom. At the end of the bed next to the bed is a pine cabinet with drawers. Above the cabinet are two red painted pine boxes.

On the wall opposite the door is a large double steel window. Below the window is a dark purple desk, on which two rows of different kinds of books are placed vertically against the wall.

Lin Zijun could not be more familiar with this small bedroom, which was less than 10 square meters. It was the place where he lived from his senior year to his marriage.

The boxes and cabinets were made by my father before he transferred from the army. They are pine wood, strong and durable. They have served for thirty or forty years and still haven't been retired.

"Well, it's not in a dream, is it?" Lin Zijun muttered, stretched out his hand and looked around several times, then squeezed his right face hard, "hiss..." Lin Zijun took a cold breath, "It hurts!"

"So, is it crossing?! Rebirth?!"

Remembering the travel novels he often read on the Internet, Lin Zijun suddenly got excited: "Ha ha ha ha, it's true that heaven has eyes, and good people will be rewarded! I'm back!"

"Zijun, get up and eat!" This is the voice of my mother Zhu Yuxiu, still as clear and loud as when I was young.

Zhu Yuxiu knocked on the door outside his son's bedroom and shouted, but then nothing happened.

Lin Zijun knew that it was my mother's habit to shout and then go to the dinner table. If no one was seen after the dinner, he would shout again until he sat down at the table.

Lin Zijun was excited for about a minute. A carp straightened up and got up directly from the bed. In less than ten seconds, he put on his clothes. Then he folded the thin quilt into a small piece of tofu and put it on the head of the bed. After opening the door, he walked out.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, Lin Zijun suddenly remembered that as a passer, the first and most important thing to do had not been done, that is, since we have confirmed the crossing, we should first confirm the time, and see when the crossing is right.

Walking to the table, Lin Zijun took the desk calendar: December 27, 1995.

"Then, it should be December 28, 1995." Lin Zijun turned over a page, and the desk calendar was almost over. It was the end of the year again.

"Huh~~" With a long breath, Lin Zijun shook his fist and said, "Very good, very cool. After dinner, start planning."

I just don't know if I will have any superpowers after traveling, just like the protagonists in the travel novels I have read before. If there are some, they will be very handsome.

People's desires never end. Just after finding that they are reborn, Lin Zijun is thinking about super power again

Lin Zijun punched and kicked for several times, and then tried to jump for several times, but still didn't find anything special about himself.

"It's unscientific. How lucky it must be to be reborn through time and space. It's better to exchange your life for it, which is lower than the chance of winning the first prize in the lottery. Why doesn't it come with a special ability?"

Lin Zijun didn't understand and was very dissatisfied

After washing, Lin Zijun sat down at the table and looked at his parents' slightly white sideburns, and his grandmother's slightly stooped figure. He swore to himself: In this life, you will not worry so much about your unfilial son, and you will live a good life!

Lin Zijun's father, Lin Yuanshan, was an old policeman who worked in the Hongcheng County Public Security Bureau after returning from the army.

The former Linzi Junzi inherited his father's career and returned to work in Hongcheng County Public Security Bureau after graduating from Jiangnan Police Academy.

Ten years later, on a whim, Lin Zijun borrowed money and invested more than one million yuan to set up a factory with Mei Renping and others.

At first, due to improper employment and poor management, the company lost money and sold the factory.

When reselling the factory, the book lost a total of 20000 to 300000 yuan.

Lin Zijun felt that the investment was initiated by himself, and the loss could not affect his friends, so he asked Mei Renping and others to take back their capital. The loss was borne by himself.

As a result, Mei Renping, who had been friends with Lin Zijun for nearly 20 years and was known as "not a friend, but a brother", only took the capital back, but after taking back the capital, he blackmailed Lin Zijun for more than 300000 yuan.

You should know that the salary at that time was only seven or eight thousand a year, and the debt of five or six hundred thousand was astronomical for Lin Zijun, which directly overwhelmed him.

Lin Zijun took in all the money his daughter-in-law earned from opening computer stores, Internet cafes, cosmetics stores, stock speculation and borrowing money from relatives and friends.

After getting a loan, I paid back the money I borrowed from my relatives and friends, and then borrowed usury to repay the loan. In this way, the vicious circle of robbing Peter to pay Paul began.

Finally, because the usurious interest is rolling more and more, Lin Zijun is really unable to pay it. The creditors come to the door every day to press for debt. He is really boring and dies with the evil Mei Renping and his wife.

It is conceivable that Lin Zijun, as the only son, has brought troubles and injuries to his parents and family!

After having breakfast, Lin Zijun scrambled to pick up the dishes after his parents left for work.

Grandma said, "Put it there. Go and play. I'll paint it."

Lin Zijun smiled and said, "Take a rest. I'm fine. Let me come."

Grandma laughed and said, "Well, well, then brush it."

Seeing Grandma take off her apron and enter the bedroom, Lin Zijun felt sad.

In the 1960s, when there was a natural disaster, my grandfather went out to beg for food from home and starved to death on the roadside.

Grandma brought up her father, uncle, aunt and sister-in-law by herself, until her father came back from the army and was assigned to work in the county public security bureau. Later, she became the deputy director, and life was getting better and better.

However, Lin Zijun's debt has put a heavy psychological burden on Grandma.

Before Lin Zijun's rebirth, Grandma was ninety-six years old and almost never got out of bed.

Today, Grandma is still healthy, and she is basically responsible for the family's three meals a day.

After cleaning, Lin Zijun went into his small bedroom and sat at the table, carefully recalling some important events and time points before his rebirth.

The advantage of rebirth is that you can predict some things that will happen in the future and the development trend?

Especially in the case, I have the advantage of being a prophet first, so it should not be difficult to achieve something.

Lin Zijun thought about it, but he was a little sleepy. He took a nap and didn't wake up until lunch. He didn't know why he was so sleepy.

At noon, while having dinner, Lin Yuanshan accidentally saw Lin Zijun's hair growing a little. He told him, "Zijun, go to cut it this afternoon and cheer up. Remember to report for duty tomorrow morning."

"Oh, I see." Lin Zijun had planned to cut his hair into short hair.

He didn't understand why he had left the middle part before, just like two fools.

Just after I promised my father, my mother casually asked, "By the way, has Mei Renping paid back the money he borrowed?"

Lin Zijun was stunned: "Er, what money?"

"He borrowed 360 yuan. Didn't you say he used it to buy gifts for his partner? One month's salary."

At this point, Lin Zijun suddenly remembered.

In his previous life, Mei Renping first took a one-year class in the Water Authority after graduating from high school before he went to the provincial capital to attend the University of Technology.

His girlfriend Zhang Youmei is a high school classmate. She graduated from high school without going to college or looking for a job.

Mei Renping's parents are very dissatisfied with her. She doesn't have a job and doesn't belong to a cute, sensible and attractive girl.

A year ago, when Zhang Youmei was celebrating her birthday, Mei Renping wanted to buy a couple of watches as a birthday gift for her.

At that time, Lin Zijun was still at school. Where could he borrow money, he asked his mother for 360 yuan to lend to Mei Renping.

In the previous life, my mother also asked me several times. Later, Lin Zijun told my mother that he had paid back, so it was over.

In fact, not only did Mei Renping fail to repay the money, but also he failed to repay the nearly 80000 yuan he had borrowed repeatedly. He had no habit of repaying the money at all.

At the beginning, my mother gave Mei Renping a comment: It's easy to borrow and pay back, but it's not difficult to borrow again. The child is not good. He refused to pay back such a little money. In the future, don't play with him.

But Lin Zijun didn't take his mother's words seriously and thought that such a small thing was not worth mentioning.

Now think about it, Lin Zijun thinks that my mother really hit the nail on the head. Mei Renping is still at school, and my mother already knows that there is something wrong with his character.

Lin Zijun had never thought of such a simple truth.

When I was young, I valued friendship more than money. I always thought that friends should be loyal, and good friends should have money sharing.

So, is it a providence to be reborn to the present?

This is a time node that Lin Zijun should see through Mei Renping's essence through his mother's eyes.

In the previous life, Lin Zijun suddenly realized that he was so confused that he was fooled by his "brother" for so long without knowing it.

Thinking this way, Lin Zijun was a little distracted until his mother asked again, "What's your question? Have you paid back the money?"

Lin Zijun came back to himself and quickly replied, "No, he doesn't work now. How can he pay back? I will urge him more when I have time."

In my previous life, I lived under the protection of my parents and didn't lack money, so I never thought of urging him to pay back the money.

He really treated Mei Renping as his brother. How could he have thought that this so-called "brother" was just under the guise of a brother?

I have a shallow sense of life on paper. Without the precipitation of years, where can I get my life experience? Where do you know the world is dangerous?

In the afternoon, Lin Zijun ran to his uncle's barber shop and cut his hair short, which really made him feel much more energetic.

Back home, Lin Zijun lay on the bed and habitually ordered a Dujiang brand cigarette, a soft box, and a three yuan six one pack.

At this time, Dujiang brand cigarettes have a moderate, moderate and mild taste. The key is that the price is moderate, and they are most popular with ordinary people in Jiangnan Province.

With the curling smoke, Lin Zijun fell into meditation

According to the memory of my previous life, I was notified at the end of the year to report to the Chengnan police station on January 2, 1996.

He worked in the Chengnan police station for one and a half years, and then returned to the office in June 1997.

Chengnan Police Station?

Sick, report to Chengnan Police Station?

Thinking of this, Lin Zijun is not calm. That's no good. This time, he can't waste time in the police station.

To work as a criminal police, we should make good use of the knowledge and skills learned from the police school, plus the advantages of rebirth, to solve cases, solve more cases, and solve major cases!

My hero, I will be a criminal policeman!

So Lin Zijun hurried to find his father and told him his idea. He said he would go to the criminal police team to work as an investigator. He asked his father to talk to the bureau and change it before the documents were handed down.

Lin Yuanshan also went to the post of deputy director from the instructor of the criminal police team. With a strong criminal police complex, he was very happy with his son's choice and readily agreed.

The next day, the documents of the bureau came down and Lin Zijun was asked to report to the Criminal Police Force on January 2, 1996.

Other newly recruited policemen also need to participate in a month long pre job training, mainly professional training, to learn various commonly used laws and regulations, public security management, household registration management, investigation and case handling and other professional knowledge.

Lin Zijun has studied these contents in the police school for two years and no longer needs to participate in such short-term professional training, so the notice asked Lin Zijun to report directly to the criminal police team and exempt from training.

The office building of the Criminal Police Force is a two-story building, with purple red glazed tile roof and marble particle wall, which looks very fashionable.

There are more than ten rooms in the team leader's room, instructor's room, forensic medicine room, trace examination room, information room, material evidence room, etc.

Lin Zijun, a member of the Criminal Police Force, almost knows him. After all, he lives in the back yard of the Public Security Bureau and basically meets every day.

Sometimes Lin Zijun would go to the office of the Criminal Police Force to play table tennis with everyone. In addition, when he went to the police school, Lin Zijun had a probation in the Criminal Police Force in his first summer vacation.

Lin Zijun felt very kind to the people who were familiar with the department. Unlike in previous lives, when I went to the police station, I didn't know anyone and had to get familiar with my colleagues.

The criminal police captain is Hai Dafu. He is 33 years old. He is from Sihai County, a neighboring county. He is also a graduate of Jiangnan Police School. He is Lin Zijun's eldest brother and has strong professional ability.

When Lin Yuanshan was the instructor of the criminal police team, Hai Dafu was the investigator brought by Lin Yuanshan. At that time, he was a young man just like Lin Zijun now.

Lin Zijun also knew that he would be the next director of public security. When the next director took office, he would promote Hai Dafu to the position of deputy director in charge of criminal investigation. This is also the practice. As the head of the most important police category in the public security bureau, the criminal police captain will definitely get to this position as long as he does not make mistakes, and there is a great probability of being promoted to the post of director.

No need to ask anyone. Lin Zijun went directly to the captain's office of Hai Dafu.

Hai Dafu was very enthusiastic. He took the letter of introduction from the bureau office and put it aside without reading it. He said with a smile, "I knew my younger martial brother was coming. Now I'm here at the right time. Everyone is here. Let's go and meet you."

Hai Dafu led Lin Zijun from the captain's office to the big office next door and briefly introduced him to the team members: "This is Lin Zijun, and I think everyone knows him. Now we are officially assigned to the criminal police team! Since today, we are a family, and we know each other, so I won't introduce more."

Lin Zijun looked around and saw that everyone was quite familiar.

Investigators Wang Yawei, Li Guodong, Zhang Dejun, Hu Siyuan, Liu Xiaofeng, Zhang Qiang, Deng Kaige, forensic doctors Ding Xiaohui, Wang Junjie, internal service personnel Wu Fengjuan, technicians Xu Songming, Gao Zhiqiang, and intelligence officer Chen Weidong were left without the instructor Meng Dongfang.

Hai Dafu shouted, "Welcome Lin Zijun!"

Then they took the lead in applauding, and the team members clapped their hands together.

Just as it happened, Meng Dongfang, the instructor, also arrived. Hai Dafu said to Meng Dongfang, "Meng Dao is just in time. Lin Zijun is officially assigned to our team."

Meng Dongfang also applauded and smiled, "Welcome, welcome Lin Zijun!"

Lin Zijun felt that the atmosphere was very good, so he straightened up, raised his hand and made a standard salute to everyone: "Hello, everyone, please take care of me!"

Later, Hai Dafu arranged Wu Fengjuan, the office worker, to clean up a desk near the north wall, which was used as Lin Zijun's desk.

After Hai Dafu and Meng Dongfang left, Wu Fengjuan brought Lin Zijun another set of office kit, including a fountain pen, inkpad, awl, transcript paper, and file cover. With a smile, she said, "You are not a new person. You can handle a case with all your things."

Lin Zijun curled his mouth and said, "Sister Wu, you can't be so cruel. Anyway, let me get used to it for a month or so."

Wu Fengjuan said with a smile, "Want to get used to it for a month or so? To kill you, those who graduated from the police school will have to arrange someone to handle the case with you. Once you handle two cases, you can host the case report."

Just after the words ended, Hai Dafu and Meng Dongfang came in from the outside and gave an order seriously: "Wu Fengjuan is at home, and everyone else gets on the bus. Follow me. There is a murder case."

For the police, the police information is the order, especially the homicide case, which must be taken seriously at any time and must not be ambiguous.

Lin Zijun didn't expect to encounter a murder on his first day at work.

The wonderful life of criminal police has begun!

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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