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Chapter 1 War Monsters

When Xia Xiaotian heard Luke's cry, he felt numb on his back, and it was too late to run forward, so he rolled sideways, and a huge beast flew down, which could be said to be a close call. He saw the snake body of the beast, the eagle claw, the top corner of the head was extremely sharp, and his eyes were bloodshot, staring at the prey violently.

Xia Xiaotian put down a bundle of flowers in his arms and looked at the monster's bloody eyes. He wanted to run away, but the monster didn't blink. Xia Xiaotian estimated that the guy had just opened his legs and rushed forward, so he had to hold the wooden sword with both hands. The old wooden sword really didn't have any power, but Xia Xiaotian had only one fight!

"Woo!" The monster saw Xia Xiaotian confront him, and roared furiously up to the sky, threatening to tear the prey in front of him into eight pieces!

Luke dropped Didila on his shoulder and rushed over with an iron spear and shield. He wondered if Xia Xiaotian had a funny head. The monster was called Hamley, and the scales on his body were extremely hard. Even his iron spear could not pierce it! What's more, Xia Xiaotian's impressive wooden sword! But it's strange that Hamlet stayed in the canyon. Why did he come up.

Luke was extremely worried and tried to attract Hamley's eyes. He shouted, "I Saka! Ali Ali!" "Bang! Bang! Bang!"!

"Roar!" Hamlet growled. Luke's movements and sounds seemed to have a special effect on Hamlet, and he was successfully attracted by Luke. Hamlet turned to Luke, and his body rolled back like a snake. This was the prelude to the attack. Luke inserted the iron shield into the ground, and held the iron spear tightly with his right hand at Hamlet!

"Huh!" Hamlet opened his mouth and jumped at Luke like a poisonous snake! Luke's body was slightly and completely behind the iron shield, and the iron spear of his right hand was thrust out!

"Kuang!" Hamley threw himself on the iron shield, and Luke's iron spear stabbed Hamley's neck, which made sparks! Hamlet's blow was unsuccessful, "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" He opened his big mouth and grabbed a few more mouthfuls! Although Luke has an iron shield to protect him, the power of Hamley is too great, and the impact made Luke's arms numb!

Xia Xiaotian saw that the monster was attracted by Luke, and secretly moved to the side of Hamlet, and cut it down against its creaking nest!

"Kuang!" Although he hit Hamlet, it didn't seem to hurt him! This surprised Xia Xiaotian, who was so hard! But facing this fierce monster, Xia Xiaotian has no choice but to fight, otherwise he and Luke will become its dinner!

"Roar!" Hamlet was even more furious when he saw Xia Xiaotian appeared on his side. He swept his tail and tried to turn Xia Xiaotian into meat cakes. Xia Xiaotian jumped up, jumped over his swept tail, and cut his back leg with a sword!

"Kuang Kuang Kuang!" Another few swords were cut down, but there was still no trace. But gradually Xia Xiaotian found that every time he cut a sword, the strength of the next sword would increase, and the strength of his whole body would become stronger and lighter! Hamley also noticed that Xia Xiaotian's sword was hurting more and more!

"Ka!" After Xia Xiaotian cut countless swords, he struck down Hamley's stomach, leaving a sword mark! Blue liquid oozing out! Xia Xiaotian likes going out!

"Ka! Ka! Ka!" There were several swords again, and there were sword marks on his legs and stomach! Luke was worried. If he could not defeat Hamley, he and Xia Xiaotian would not want to go back! But Xia Xiaotian is agile, effortless, moving faster and faster, and has left several sword marks on Hamley! At least the situation is turning in a favorable direction!

"Ow!" Hamley felt stabbing all over his body, and his physical strength also disappeared quickly. He was covered in bruises and blue blood flowed from several sword marks all over his body. Xia Xiaotian's attack was still not weakened. Hamley gradually lost his support, so he had to roll on the spot. Xia Xiaotian seized the opportunity to get close to Hamley's head and thrust his wooden sword!

"Ho! Ho! Ho!" When the sword entered the flesh, Hamley lay on the ground with a wail and twitched, losing his ability to move.

Xia Xiaotian held the wooden sword covered with blue liquid tightly in both hands, panting, feeling that there was a strong force in his body, trembling, and even feeling that his body was about to explode!

Luke saw Hamley fell to the ground and was dead, so he came to his senses!

"Little sky!" Luke was surprised to see Xia Xiaotian trembling, especially the wooden sword held by Xia Xiaotian's hands, and the shadow of the sword appeared unexpectedly. Luke rubbed his eyes, thinking that his eyes were dazzled! It seems that I have seen such a sword shadow somewhere!

"Little sky!" Luke grabbed Xia Xiaotian's hand and looked at him with worry. Xia Xiaotian suddenly came back to himself, sweating heavily. He was relieved to see Luke staring at himself with big eyes and worry.

"I'm fine." Xia Xiaotian looked at Hamley, who was covered with sword marks, and looked at the wooden sword in his hand. It was clear that the battle was over. It seemed that the force could not stop the car and almost killed itself.

When Luke saw Xia Xiaotian was fine, he was relieved. Looking at Hamley on the ground, he said, "These things used to attack villages. Later, the empire sent archangels to set up a border and drove them to the canyon. I don't know why they appeared here."

Xia Xiaotian said, "Empire? Archangel? What is it?" Luke looked at Xia Xiaotian again and said, "You don't even know this, do you?" Xia Xiaotian thought about it, shook his head and said, "I can't remember!" Luke squeezed a cold sweat, but Xia Xiaotian didn't look like he was pretending, so he said, "OK! Go back and I'll tell you slowly. It's getting dark. Let's hurry back to the village! "

"Oh, good!" Xia Xiaotian looked at the scarred ground. The bundle of flowers he had held had been scattered by the fight just now. Xia Xiaotian turned over the crushed flowers and finally found one that was still intact.

Luke shouldered Didila, Xia Xiaotian took the iron spear and shield, followed Luke and walked towards the village.

Xia Xiaotian walked behind Luke for about an hour, and finally came out of the forest. There was a rolling hill not far away. There were dozens of families on the hill. At this time, it was getting dark, and every family started to smoke. Luke pointed to a family under the hill and said, "Look, that's my family!" Xia Xiaotian saw a family with a fence in the distance.

"Grandma! Yingzi! I'm back!" Luke moved the fence door open with his body and entered the yard. Xia Xiaotian followed Luke and looked at the yard made of fences. Although the yard was simple, it was clean, with a stone table and a well.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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