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Chapter 1 Preface

November 10, 2023

Examination Hall of ZZ Dental Hospital, HEN Province

"... Brother Wang, your inspection report has come out... It's really..."

"Needless to say!!!"

I grabbed the report, turned around, left the hall at a quick pace, and returned to the dental office on the second floor. I sat in a chair with my eyes blankly. The computer on the desk in front of me displayed a medical paper titled "Clinical Pathology of AIDS", in which I highlighted a paragraph.

"1. Oral mucosa Candida albicans infection is a precursor symptom of AIDS. A small number of cases occur in the middle of the disease. Many mucous membranes appear patchy, erythema or leukoplakia, with white cheese like exudates on the surface. Candida albicans can be seen in the picture inspection.

2. Oral hairy mucosal leukoplakia is a white mucosal leukoplakia with unclear boundary, slightly raised, blurred boundary, and sometimes folded or proliferated into a blanket.

3. Kaposi's sarcoma can occur in any part of the oral mucosa. It is characterized by purplish red patches or flat and high masses. It is soft to touch, with unclear boundaries, and easy to bleed.

4. Gingivitis Periodontitis can affect the entire gums, showing purplish red swelling, necrosis and ulcer of gingival papilla, and hyperplasia and hypertrophy can cover the entire tooth surface.

5. Oral herpes, small blisters or papules on the oral mucosa, may be caused by herpes simplex virus.

I should have thought of it! (standing up silently)

I've been doing medical work for six years! (Take off the white coat)

Can't you even see such obvious symptoms? (Go to the mirror at the office door and open your mouth)

In the mouth, herpes, ulcer, gingivitis, glossitis and sarcoma. This is not the mouth that a normal 26 year old young dentist should have. It is more like the gate of the sewer, pus, pus, blood, foul tongue coating, which makes people unconsciously disgusted!!!

..................................... Dividing line


ZZ Yellow River Bridge

I remembered that two months ago, I had performed crown restoration for a female patient with heavy makeup. After giving the patient anesthetic, I accidentally pricked her finger. At that time, I didn't care about her. I just thought that she was really smelly and beautiful. My lipstick would stick to my entire glove. (unwittingly came to the river crossing bridge)

He lost his brother five years ago. (He acted bravely and died in a car accident.)

She lost her grandmother who loved her family four years ago. (He is badly hit and his body is weak.)

Now, even my sister will be taken away! (My sister is only eight years old...)

The traffic behind me all rushed to go home for a good New Year, but I was homeless.

(Send the edited bank account information)

The last thing I thought of was the innocent smile of my little sister when she comforted me.

What qualifications do I have to be your brother! younger sister!

Hands up, step over, farewell! I chewed everything in my mouth, and blood drew a cruel pattern on the bone piercing river!


Gradually, consciousness disappears



.....………….... Dividing line


Two digit exterior door of the box court · [Jianmu Village]

"Since you all want to watch it so much, I will announce that the second session of the game of gods begins!"

"Human beings! Revel! Please please us! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!"

The gods danced wildly.

The Buddhas laughed.

The future belongs to man, and man belongs to the gods.

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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