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Chapter 1 Strange Stone Falling from the Sky

"You liar, catch him!"

"Give us back our capital!"

Zhu Shou ran away with his life, and the sound of shouting and beating behind him was getting closer and closer. Desperate to find his way, he ran into the alley. On the opposite side is a 3-meter high wall, with nothing around. It is impossible for him to climb over the wall with his bare hands.

Zhu Shou gasped behind the wall. His pursuers were excited. Some were holding bricks and some were holding rolling sticks. He swallowed his saliva, and even someone waved a kitchen knife.

The crowd trapped him in a space less than one meter, and the kitchen knife was shining in the sunlight. Zhu Shouhuo has gone out. There is no difference between living for dreams and salted fish!

Zhu Shou gritted his teeth, stopped and shook his arms at the risk of being hacked to death, shouting: "Plan 104 is a top secret, and no one outside knows it. You should not listen to online rumors. There are a lot of online keyloggers, and the government requires all people to register their real names in order to crack down on these rumormongers. This is to protect the smooth progress of Plan 104. Those who claim to be able to make a net profit of 10.4 million yuan are pyramid schemes."

In the crowd chasing him, the older people were skeptical. "Someone in the circle of friends actually posted that they should register with their real names."

"I saw the news in the news, can he be true?"

Zhu Shou breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there were people who believed in him.

"Let me reveal some secrets to you. This money is used for national infrastructure construction. Everyone knows that the country's infrastructure is the first in the world. Now external forces want to bring down our country. The country has no way to come up with this secret plan. As long as we help the country survive this period of time, the country will give us rich rewards. Look at me now, I have sold my house and invested 10.4 million yuan, and I get more than 20000 yuan of interest every month. After two years, the principal can be recovered smoothly. "

"Think about those who invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in stocks, and there are only tens of thousands of dollars left on the book, and the money can not be seen even when it is thrown into the water. What about joining the 104 plan? The principal of 69800 yuan invested has an interest of 2000 yuan every month, and the principal will be returned two years later. That is to say, in addition to the principal, you can get 48000 yuan of interest.

If you want to get the principal as soon as possible, introduce 10 people to get the principal one month in advance. Introduce 240 people, and I will give you the principal and interest right away. "

The so-called 104 plan is the name Zhu Shou mixed pyramid selling and financial management together. He is not a liar. He just wants to raise money to support his company.

"This person is not like pyramid schemes. All pyramid schemes are fools who can earn hundreds of millions." The nearby onlookers said together.

Someone asked, "You said that the money was used secretly to build infrastructure for the country. Why didn't the country issue national debt?"

"Once the national debt is issued, the financial revenue will be recorded, and the accounts will be published every year. Foreigners will soon know." Zhu Shou slapped his thigh, "I'll tell you the truth. The country will build cities in the plateau area that can accommodate hundreds of millions of people. Do you know why?"

"Why?" they asked in unison.

Zhu Shoumian realizes that Brother Kitchen Knife has put away his kitchen knife. He praises his eloquence and tact. "Now there are earthquakes everywhere, and the earth has entered an active period. In order to have a place for people to escape from a major disaster, the country will work out the 104 Plan."

"When the interest rate is close to 70%, what does the country earn?" asked a smart man.

Zhu Shouxin's next happy moment will ask so that these people will soon enter the urn. There are many people watching the activity, and he will receive another investment.

"Of course, it is selling houses. With so many Chinese people, it is impossible to expect free housing distribution. Those who want to take refuge must spend money to buy houses. I tell you, people who participate in the 104 Plan can buy houses first, and you can use your principal to buy ten. Your 698 thousand principal can serve as 698 thousand. It is equivalent to giving you half a house."

The crowd was very excited. Those who joined wanted to contribute more. Those who did not join wanted to participate. The scene was once out of control.

"People who are interested come to the company to learn about many other preferential policies." Zhu Shou walked back to the company like stars in the sky.

He could not help being complacent. Under his foolishness, he reversed the danger of being hacked to death and immediately obtained a large amount of 'investment money'.

Life should be so exciting!

As he proudly walked ahead, a stone fell from the air and hit his head.

Zhu Shou thought before he lost consciousness: Why isn't pie falling from the sky?

After a while, Zhu Shou slowly opened his eyes. He lay on the white clouds, and the blue sky seemed to be right in front of him, within reach.

He reached out his hand and was horrified to find that his body was gone, like a soul wandering between heaven and earth. Fear seemed to weigh him, and he fell down sharply, unable to stop. He couldn't find the brake parts at all.

There is a sound below.

"Thousand year old master, stop quickly. The Yuxiu Pavilion can't be smashed!" The chambermaid dressed in Tuisa knelt on the ground and hugged the calf of a child about eight years old. "The Yuxiu Pavilion can ensure the peace of the Ming Dynasty and the stability of the country. The emperor will be angry."

The little prince scolded angrily: "There is no peace in the palace after this pavilion is built. First, my little sister died young, and my mother washed her face with tears every day. Then, there was a fire in the Empress Dowager's Palace of Tranquility. Today, my palace will smash it to avenge my little sister."

The child did not listen to the dissuasion of people around him and tried to tear down the pavilion.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to fall!" Zhu Shou shouted to those people, but they didn't hear him at all.

"Pa" Zhu Shou directly hit the middle and small prince. A blood stained stone suddenly appeared on the ground.

Zhu Shou felt dizzy. He unconsciously touched his head and his hands were sticky. Reaching out his hand, he saw the blood stain on his hand, which was very scary.

He fell straight back. Nima's, this is human trafficking!

"Ah, millennial!"

"Send the doctor quickly!"

"Go and report to the emperor and the empress!"

In the Yuxiu Pavilion, a small chamberlain took the opportunity to rush to the inner officer.

Li Guang is opening an altar. The Yuxiu Pavilion has just been built, and the princess died of chickenpox, followed by the fire in the Qingning Palace of the Empress Dowager. He was impeached by many ministers, especially the Imperial Court, who said, 'Yuxiu Pavilion is guilty of years old'.

If the emperor believes the Imperial College, even if the emperor can let him go, the queen who lost his beloved daughter will kill him.

"Grandpa Li, it's not a good thing!" The little chamberlain shouted, "The millennial was hit on his head by a stone falling from the sky in front of the Yuxiu Pavilion."

Li Guangda was surprised: "Are you sure it's a stone falling from the sky?"

The waiter nodded: "Many people saw it."

Li Guang closed his eyes and pinched his fingers. After half a sound, he suddenly opened his eyes

He sat on the ground with a deathly gray face: "It's over, it's over, it's all over!" The prince is the only heir of the emperor. Now the prince's life has been exhausted, and he will certainly die.

"Duke Li, the chief eunuch, Duke Dai, is coming here with the imperial edict." Another small chamberlain came to report.

"Let's go, all of you." Li Guang lost his soul and divided the gold naked son in his purse between the two messengers.

The two young attendants who reported the news gratefully left with the golden naked son.

Li Guang opened the porcelain bottle in his purse and drank it. This is the turtle poison he prepared in advance.

When Dai Yi arrived at the internal officer's prison, Li Guang had been poisoned and died. Dai Yi closed Li Guang's eyes and said, "It's a pity that I just broke my skin. The emperor won't let you die."

"Go back and report to the emperor, and Grandpa Li will die to apologize." Dai Yi stuffed the blank imperial edict into his sleeve.

He was just ordered to summon Li Guang. Li Guang's suicide had nothing to do with him.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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