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Chapter 1 Ghost Event of Bus

It's no wonder to see anything on the bus. It itself is the gathering place of Wuqihaba.

It's nothing new when you see shopping aunts, troublemakers, Miss Cos, and acting handsome and cool.

This is also the reason why Gu Shan likes to take the bus most. Watching all kinds of strange people is more interesting than watching dog blood TV dramas. Of course, the main reason is that there is no money.

At 12.00 p.m., Gu Shan just finished working overtime. Finally, I caught the last bus. God bless her, or the taxi fare will be enough for her to eat steamed bread and pickles for a week. Gu Shan gets on the train and looks around, looking at the cold carriages. Although there are not many people, they are just full. I had no choice but to sit on the senior seat.

The car is not in a hurry, and the interior of the car is also extremely quiet. Gu felt that he was about to fall asleep.

"Banging --" Suddenly, the car made a sudden jerk.

Gu Yi didn't sit down steadily and fell on the ground.

When she slowly got up from the ground, the car had returned to a stable state and began to swing slowly.

She struggled to sit back to what she had done, only to find that there was someone standing beside her. Because she was sitting in the elderly seat, she looked up with a guilty look.

It's a man.

To say that, the man is also dressed very strangely. Wearing a black satin cloak, he wrapped himself tightly. The head was also wrapped tightly, leaving only a pair of glasses outside. He seemed very uncomfortable, and his body was shaking all the time. He coughed from time to time.

Although he was not an old man, he also aroused Gu's pity. She picked up her bag and suddenly stood up, making a gesture of giving up her seat.

The man looked at her, didn't think he was talking to himself, and still stood there shaking.

Gu Shan thought that he would stand up and do well in the end. So he smiled at the man and said, "Sit down. You look uncomfortable."

The man still glanced at her and looked beyond her back.

Gu List-1 said definitely, "It's you. Sit down."

The man still has no intention of moving.

Gu Shan thought he was embarrassed, so he tried to reach out to hold him.

As a result, the man reacted quickly, avoiding Gu's hand and sitting directly on the seat. This series of movements seemed to be completed in a second. Look at the list and stay there.

Gu Shan's mouth curled: Not even a thank you, hum.

"Banging --" The bus gave another violent jolt.

Gu Qingshan hasn't had time to complain about how lousy the car is today. The bus is a sharp turn again——

Gu Shan fails to stand firm and falls down on the man in black. Her face turned red all of a sudden. She was so big that she had physical contact with men for the first time.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with the bus today." Gu Yi repeated his apology. Struggling to get up from the man, he raised his eyes just to the man's face.

Gu Shan just pulled down the man's cloak to cover his face when he fell down, so now he has just seen the whole appearance of the man.

Only the man——




It's all cut off.

At the moment, it is still dripping blood.

The car shakes and a stream of blood is thrown on Gu Qingdan's face.

Seeing all this, Gu Shan felt numb and foolish.

When the car shook, Gu Shan remembered and was afraid. He shouted, "Ah, ghost, ghost, I want to get off, let me get off -- ah --"

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Gu went straight to the front to find the driver: "Stop! Stop! Let me get off -"

The driver did not respond.

Gu Qingshan reaches out his hand and pats the driver on the shoulder. He shouts loudly, "Let me get off the bus."

The driver drove slowly and turned his head slowly.

When he turned around, Gu found that the driver had one eye - only one pair of eyes on his whole face, and nothing else.

"Ah --" Gu Yi Li was so scared that he went crazy on the bus.

Everyone else on the bus seemed to sit quietly in the same place, expressionless.

She rushed to ask for help one by one. But I found that they were like projections, and disappeared when I touched them.

She was like a deflated ball, full of fear but helpless. She cried out in fear, stood still and did not dare to move, and did not dare to open a net around again, for fear of seeing some strange and scary faces.

The car suddenly stopped.

Gu Qingdan sees the door open, yells and rushes down.

Just got off.

A truck roared toward the list——

"Di Di"

Gu Qingdan lies horizontally and vertically in the middle of the empty living room. The huge living room has nothing but a sofa and her.

Gu Shan woke up in a nightmare. When she opened her eyes, she saw the familiar ceiling. The sun hit her upper body through the semi transparent curtains.

She slowly sat up and found herself sleeping in her living room. It seems that everything around has been robbed, and nothing has been found.

In doubt, she found her eyes still hung with tears. I think this nightmare is really scary. I cried like this in my dream. But... where have all the things at home gone? Did sleepwalking throw everything away? Gu Qingshan raises his hand and finds that his arm is sore. She frowned in pain and reached out to wipe the tears from her eyes.

One touch, one look.

His hands were covered with blood stains on his face.

She stood up in panic and ran to the bathroom. In the mirror, there was a stubble of blood on her face, which had not solidified.


She quickly went to the bag to find the phone.

"Hey -- the police -- the police uncle, I -- I saw a ghost -- no, no, our house was stolen, nothing in the living room, I... I still have blood on my face. I... I? I'm fine, I'm not injured, anyway, you come quickly, come quickly, please come quickly!"

Gu Shan hangs up the phone and sits on the ground, trembling. She dared not move, huddled in the bathroom, quietly waiting for the arrival of the police.

Gu always remembers what happened yesterday. He was nearly hit by a car, dodged the truck and stumbled back to the apartment.

Then... And then?

Gu wants to remind himself of some things, but his memory seems to be broken.

While pondering over the list, a sound of rustling came from the quiet apartment.

Gu listed calmly out of the bathroom, looking for the sound source.

When she came to the bedroom, the door was half closed. She looked through the crack of the door and saw a dark figure rummaging about in the room. She slowly put her hand on the door handle, quietly closed the door, locked it, and pulled out the key.

She put her ear to the door quietly, patiently and calmly. The air was very quiet, and you could clearly hear the footsteps coming closer and closer. Until she felt the voice stop, the man was only one door away from her.

Even if Gu is nervous, he can hear his heartbeat.

"Dong --" There was a knock on the door, which surprised Gu.

"Dong Dong --" twice.

"Dong dong dong dong dong dong dong." The voice became more and more urgent.

Gu felt as if his heart would jump out of his body through flesh and blood. But she still pretended to be calm, anxiously waiting for the arrival of the police.

Finally, the voice quieted down.

The original peace was restored inside, as if nothing had happened.

"Dong Dong Dong --" The knock on the door suddenly rang again, and Gu Shan jumped.

When I calmed down, I found that it was the sound from the living room.

"Is that Ms. Gu? Open the door, please. We are the police."

Gu Shan stumbles to the door and opens it. Several policemen rushed in fully armed.

A captain like man asked, "Where are you?"

Gu Shan points to the bedroom trembling.

The police immediately arranged a formation, rushed to the bedroom, and acted neatly.

The leading man kicked the door open.

Gu listed looked miserable. He was still hanging in the air with the key in his hand. Before he could say anything, the door had already opened.

"My door..."

A moment later, the captain came out and said helplessly to Gu Shan: "Girl, you can see clearly that there is someone inside?"

Gu Shan was a little confused when asked, and nodded firmly: "Yes! I locked him in. He just knocked inside!"

The captain made a gesture to show her to the room.

Just as he entered the bedroom, he saw the man in black sitting quietly on the balcony smiling at himself, and several policemen standing listlessly in the middle of the room.

The first second when Gu Shan entered the room, it seemed that all his attention had been attracted by him. His skin was white and gentle. The sun came from behind him and outlined his outline. The scene was a bit beautiful, which made Gu Shan's heart throb.

But the next second, she suddenly thought of what the captain said and saw the scene again.

The captain said, "Girl, we are very busy. We have no time to accompany you."

Gu Qingshan looks at the man in black in horror, then at the captain, pointing to the door and saying, "Can't you really see him? He's right there. Go and catch him!"

Several policemen looked at each other. One policeman smiled helplessly and said, "Girl, don't talk nonsense in the daytime. There is no shadow on the balcony."

Looking at the list carefully, the man really didn't show up.

She grabbed the captain's arm in horror and said, "Police uncle, there is really someone there. You believe me."

The captain was also helpless. She was about to burst into tears. He really wanted to believe her, but... "But there is nothing here. Don't be surprised. Look, I'm getting goose bumps."

Gu Listings still kept explaining, but the police totally ignored her and only regarded it as a farce.

The captain only said one sentence: "I have time to come to the bureau this week to make a record. Next time, I should pay attention. Do you know how much manpower and material resources we have to spend on this trouble?" Then I turned to leave the bedroom and walked to the door.

Gu Qingdan also ran out in fear, holding the captain's arm and saying, "Don't don't don't don't don't, you don't go, you can also go, take me away, take me away --" He turned around and sighed at the door, "Girl, do you think the police station is a fast food restaurant? Go in if you want to go in? OK! I will not let you go and accuse you of attacking the police!"

Gu Lister was so frightened that he quickly let go.

Get down - the door is closed, and several people leave, leaving Gu Shan standing in front of the door.

She slowly turned her head and looked into the bedroom. The next second the conditional reflex opens the door to run.

But the body seemed not to listen to its own general, unexpectedly quickly walked back to the bedroom, sat on the bed.

She closed her eyes tightly, afraid of seeing something scary.

The man in black still sat calmly and calmly, looked at Gu Shan who was sitting opposite, and said softly, "Open your eyes -"

Gu Shan tightly closed his eyes and shouted, "No, no, no, I don't!" Gu Shan thought, how could he hit a ghost in the daytime! It must be that the dream of last night has not woken up. Wake up quickly! Wake up quickly!

The man in black got up, went to Gu Qing's side, squatted down, and said in a commanding tone: "Open your eyes!"

She listened to his command as if out of control.

Gu Qingdan opens his eyes and sees that the man is only a finger away from her.

She saw his real face clearly. His beautiful facial features were very comfortable, very white, without any blood white, and his black eyes were like the night, as if he wanted to suck people into his body, flesh and mind. At the moment, Gu Qingshan can't tell whether it is because of terror or nervousness or the damned girl's heart. Her heart is beating wildly with nervousness at the moment.

The man looked into her eyes and asked, "What's going on? It's very loud."

Gu Shan thought to himself, "The voice is so beautiful! Die! This guy is not human, and he is still thinking about this at this time!"

The man stretched out his index finger and looked at the heart of the list: "Too noisy! Stop!"

Gu Shan hurriedly reached out his hand: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

The man smiled and said, "Well, it's not stopping."

Gu Shan is still nervous. He sits there and doesn't dare to move. He just looks at him quietly.

The man leaned forward and got closer to her: "You took something. Can you give it back to me?"

Gu Qingdan is very confused. His mind quickly recalls everything that has happened in recent days. He shakes his head like a rattle: "No, no, I have listened to my mother since I was young and never took anything from others. From -- come -- no!"

The man looked down at her chest, pointed to her heart and said, "I see it. It's here."

Gu Lister's face turned red instantly, thinking, is this the latest way to flirt? Unexpectedly, I was caught by something that was not human!

The man then reached out and unfastened the first button of her blouse, followed by the second one

Gu Shan's heart was pounding wildly, and he could not touch his routine. Unexpectedly, he made such rapid progress!

Gu Shan woke up, bit his teeth and said, "No!" He thought: Although you are so handsome! But, "No! It's too fast, we have to take it slow, take it slow --"

The man did not know whether he could understand or ignored what she said. He had unfastened the fourth button of her blouse, and the white lace lace inside the underwear had leaked out.

The man said, "What is this?"

Gu Qingdan blushes like grapes, and reaches out his hand on the conditioned reflex board——


A slap fell on the man's face.

After hearing the noise, Gu realized what a serious thing he had done! It seems that 100000 grass mud horses are roaring in their ears: Are you crazy? Are you going to die? He will eat you! He is not a man! He——

But the man looked up at her as if nothing had happened.

Gu Shan stammered nervously and explained: "I didn't mean it. Who let you... molest me... so blatantly... too much! It's just a lecher!"

The man's face darkened: "Luster? How can such a dirty word be used on me!"

Gu Xiangli thought: Don't you know everything! It's the same as Xiaobai. It's so innocent because it's cheap.

Copyright: Start Girls Network

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