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Chapter 1 I want to go back

"Jingle bell!"

The bell rang for class, then the teacher stood up and fell down, and the students stood up and said the same words for ten thousand years, "Hello, teacher!"

The first class is also the first class this semester.


The teacher and the students looked at it at the same time, and saw a handsome boy standing in the classroom outside the door panting and whispering, "Look, then our class will learn from Yi Xuan. Unexpectedly, we will be late on the first day of school!"

A new student was curious, "Xue Ba? What's the point? Is it necessary to make a fuss?"

The old man next to me glanced at the man who had just left the door and sneered.

"I don't know!"

The new students are even more muddled. They are learning to be bullies! Which of the students who can study in this high school is simple?

XX Middle School is the most famous middle school in SS Province. It is not only famous in the province, but also among the top ten middle schools in the whole country.

It is conceivable that the achievement required to enter this middle school is absolutely extraordinary.

Sometimes fame does not necessarily mean everything, but more often it can reflect its extraordinary.

Teacher Nian, who was on the podium before last year, stroked her forehead, and she didn't know what to say to this person.

"How many times have you been late?"

The teacher did not blame Yi Xuan, but said a strange question.

Yi Xuan's delicate face flashed a trace of crimson, embarrassed and said, "Two hundred and seven times!"

The students who were present at that moment were all staring at me. Oh, my god. I don't know why this person has such a good memory. Well, I'm really impressed.

Yi Xuan bowed his head in embarrassment, "May I come in, teacher?"

Yi Xuan felt embarrassed about the teacher who had taught him for three semesters, although he thought she was very easy-going.

"Hmm!" The teacher nodded.

Then a voice sounded, "Hi! Yi Xuan is here!"

That's a girl, whose appearance should be at the class flower level.

Yi Xuan shrinks his neck and looks around. At a glance, his mouth twitches.

Can only reluctantly walk to the beautiful girl's side, "that, long time no see......"

The girl smiled, "Why? Where to travel in summer vacation?"

Yi Xuan did not speak. At the moment, the teacher's voice sounded, "Students..."

Yi Xuan opened her book and ignored the chattering girls.

"Yi Xuan, your performance is so good, why don't you relax yourself?"

The beautiful girl said, blinking her eyes.

"There is a golden house in books, and there is a beauty in books. Do you understand?"

Looking at her sideways, Yi Xuanru said.

"Cut!" The girl really believed in him. She glanced at the student with glasses in front of her. She thought that this student was holding a broken book all day, but her grades were still spinning around.

Looking at this, the beautiful girl felt helpless.

Although he seems very energetic now, he studies hard with a book, but


The girl looked away for a while, and then thought about it for a while. When she looked back, she saw a scene that made her speechless.

I saw Yi Xuan, who had been studying hard with a book in high spirits just now, lying on the table with drooping eyelids.

The fingers seem to be still struggling.

God knows that this famous student bully in XX Middle School spends more than 50% of his time sleeping in class, and his grades will not fall.

Well, the first place in the grade is not the key. It seems that since he was a freshman in senior high school, the position of the first place has been determined.

The angry girl has itchy teeth.

"Hey, Yi Xuan..."

The girl wants to wake him up.

"Hmm..." Yi Xuan felt that his head was extremely dull, which was the same feeling. I still remember that I don't know when it began. It seems that this feeling exists when I remember. The head is drowsy and seems to fall asleep.

Especially recently, when I was in this state, there seemed to be a voice echoing in my mind. And the frequency of this sound becomes more and more frequent as time goes by. It used to be once a few weeks, but now it is once a few days.

The girl shook Yi Xuan's shoulder, "Hey, Yi Xuan..."

"This guy!" The girl's eyes flashed a trace of unhappiness. Somehow she was also a beauty, and this guy even ignored herself.

Then he glanced over, "You can't sleep! Hum..."

The girl felt that she should not worry about this guy. Anyway, his performance never dropped.

"Jingle bell!"

class is over!

The girl got up and looked at Yi Xuan. "Yi Xuan, get up, you are blocking my way!"

When I raised my eyebrows, I saw nothing strange about it.

Just envy, cabbage was arched by a pig. Hmm, a very powerful pig.

The girl reached out and pushed Yi Xuan's body, but nothing in her imagination happened. With a sound of falling to the ground, the girl covered her mouth, a little flustered.

"I didn't mean to!" The girl wanted to lift Yi Xuan, but she felt his body was a little stiff.

And this guy is still sleeping.

Holding Yi Xuan's hand, I unexpectedly found that there was no pulse!


The teacher had not left yet and found this abnormality. He came over and looked at the people on the ground and the flustered girl.

"What's the matter?"

"Woo! Teacher, Yi Xuan... He has no pulse..."



"Here is?"

Chaos, a sudden appearance of an idea, broke the eternal peace.

He seemed confused and the fluctuation became more intense.

He felt very empty, because he was the only one here. Well, I don't know whether he was still a person.

He felt very narrow because a force was pressing him.

He doesn't remember anything except one name, his name is Yi Xuan!


As an epoch-making event, a thunderous sound rippled out. Then all the chaos began to dissipate.

And the memory of Yi Xuan, who was also in chaos, suddenly returned.

Each scene is like a movie. Time is divided into two parts. One is virtual time. Yi Xuan's life is played back, which is a kind of virtual time.

However, time still passes slowly.

"Where is this?" He looked around blankly. Yi Xuan didn't think that someone would answer for him.

"System space!"

Yi Xuan was shocked, and his hair stood on end. Is there anything more terrible than this? Without being on guard, an event or a voice suddenly intrudes into the world where you think there is no other existence. People with unstable minds may be scared out of heart disease.

"Who are you?"

"I entered the system for unlimited identity!"

A question and answer is perfect.

"Where am I?"

"System space!"

Yi Xuan was stunned, then calmed down and felt that he had met a ghost.

"What is system space?"

The ethereal voice echoed again, "Infinite identity is substituted into the auxiliary space of the system!"

Yi Xuan nodded, and then found something was wrong. He wanted to extend his hand, but he felt a move, and then there was no sound.

"Is this?"

"The host soul is out of body, and now it is in the state of soul!"

"Soul?" Yi Xuan was dumbfounded, a little disbelieving, but the reality forced him to believe this absurd fact.

It took Yi Xuan a long time to say, "It's said that the soul will enter reincarnation after death. Am I on the way to reincarnation?"

At the moment, Yi Xuan is acting normally. Although he feels strange about all this, his existence is reasonable. Previously, it was just that my vision was too low, and the so-called soul really existed.

"No! Because the host does not need to enter the reincarnation!"

"What do you mean?"

"Because the host is the host that enters the system through an infinite identity, it is protected by the system when the system recognizes the owner, so it cannot enter the cycle."

Yi Xuan thought a lot, and this sentence revealed too much information. The most obvious thing is that the reincarnation he just suspected really exists.

Second, this so-called system has the power to compete with reincarnation.

It is enough to show the horror of the so-called system.

In addition, they are entrusted by the so-called system, which is called the host.


It is beyond the belief of ordinary people, but it is not unacceptable. On the whole, it's good for you, at least for now.

Yi Xuan didn't speak for a long time, so did the system, as if it only existed to answer his questions.

"System, I want to go back!"

In the state of soul, he is invisible, but like a stone thrown into a lake, rippling layers of ripples.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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