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Chapter 1 Site of Small Coal Kiln Collapse??

Drop.... Drop.... Drop.... Drop.... Drop.... Drop.... Drop....

This is.... What's that noise?

After a while of confusion, Li Weimin gradually regained consciousness.... mouse??

What the hell?

Watching the rat sniffing on his face, the hair on the mouse's buttocks rubbed on his nose and itched badly. Li Weimin was subconsciously about to get up and drive away the annoying mouse, but as soon as he raised his head, he fell down uncontrollably. A foot above his head was the roof? No, these bricks are all walls!

"What's the situation?" The clear childlike voice floated into my ears.

"Who is talking?" In the middle of the question, Li Weimin suddenly realized something.

"Er... it's my voice? But my voice... how could it be... I'm obviously a tough guy!" Li Weimin was shocked to find that his voice had returned to youth!

Looking at his palm, Li Weimin lost his mind. You can't hold the billiard ball with this small palm! How could it be your own hand!?

I remember it seems that there was a bus accident? But how did it get smaller? I'm not Conan! It can't be through attachment or something? Also, what's the situation now? Did the bus crash into the wall and the wall hit me? Li Weimin thought in a panic.

After a long time, Li Weimin forced himself to calm down. Reluctantly turning around, I found myself trapped in the ruins of houses collapsed in the earthquake....

Seen through the cracks of collapsed bricks and stones, it seems that there is a row of broken bungalows outside. There is no bus, no road or even half a person!

"By the way, I had an accident on the bus... is this... is it attached to the body of the child who died in the earthquake... In short, it's good to be alive, first think of a way to get out..." Li Weimin murmured and finally accepted the reality.

Li Weimin struggled to hold up his body, but sadly found that his feet were stuck by the collapsed stones!

It seems that you should call for help at this time?


"Is there anyone~~~Police Uncle~~~"

"Somebody dig me out

"Why are the police coming so slowly?~~Ah... I'm too weak to shout. Forget it, wait until the police come..."

Li Weimin had no choice but to give up crying for help. He stared at the rising sun outside the collapsed house blankly until it rose and fell, and finally realized that something was wrong.

Here.... It can't be the site of the small coal mine collapse of the black hearted boss.... Why didn't the police search and rescue? Li Weimin couldn't help thinking of the worst and most likely answer, and groaned in despair.

"Not good..."


Li Weimin, who gradually collapsed, counted the rising and setting of the sun for three times, but the expected rescue had not been seen yet.

"I'm so hungry... fast... dying..." Li Weimin, a dying man, had a hard time opening his mouth, and his psychological activities were still rich.

This small figure must have been a child worker abused by a black hearted coal mine boss before he died. It's all skin and bone. Now he will starve to death.... Fortunately, it rained yesterday, otherwise I would have died of thirst yesterday....

When Li Weimin fainted, a strange touch came from his shin, which was pressed by the stones. His eyes slowly turned and suddenly stood out! In the suddenly opened eyes, I saw two fat mice eating the flesh on his legs! There is no pain on the numb leg, but this gentle touch is like a fuse of explosives. It is a bomb bag full of fear, despair and uncertainty.

"I... This is... dying?... eaten alive by a mouse? Mom's eggs..." The trembling murmur struggled to squeeze out the constantly hitting upper and lower gums.

In despair, a violent mood rushed into Li Weimin's heart, like a beggar who killed lice! He grasped a piece of gravel, and the wound cut by the stone's edges and corners covered the whole arm with wind! Wave your arms, and the stones in your hands shoot at the two fat gray mice!

”Squeak! "One big mouse fell down at the sound, and the other quickly got into the crack of the stone, only showing a pair of red eyes staring at Li Weimin. It seems to say: I am not afraid of you! Because, you will starve to death soon! I will eat you!

After staring at the mouse for a long time, Li Weimin still collapsed. The courage brought by the return of light does not seem to last.

"I don't want to be eaten alive by mice! Don't die! Don't starve! Ah~~~"

After the shouting in hysterics, Li Weimin's chest heaved like a leaky bellows, and he could not breathe more energy with any effort. The gasping sound was like a balloon leaking everywhere.

It seemed that Li Weimin was taking revenge before he died. He slowly and firmly grabbed the mouse's body with his trembling hands.

Looking at the rat corpse that was still twitching and not completely dead. Li Weimin slowly opened his mouth, leaked his teeth full of mud and blood, and bit them hard! With the sweet and fishy blood, a sense of satisfaction filled Li Weimin's brain and brought mellow "good wine" to his dry body.

"It seems that... it's not bad? Or... it's delicious... hey hey hey..."

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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