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Chapter 1 Victims

Kunlun Mountain, the holy land of China, and the head of the dragon vein in the hot and yellow land since ancient times, has been spread here with countless myths and legends from ancient times to the present, which gives this place a layer of mystery. Even today, with the development of science and technology, people's understanding of the Kunlun Mountains is still confined to the periphery. The interior of Kunlun has always been a synonym for mystery, attracting countless explorers and scientific research teams.

"Xiao Xuan, hurry up, don't fall behind..." "Here we come!"

A man, about twenty years old, with a big bag on his back, wearing a cap, a red sports suit, black sports pants, a pair of white travel shoes, and a climbing stick. At the same time, he trotted to follow him. When he looked up, his skin was a little dark, probably because he often climbed the mountain. His skin color was healthy wheat, about 1.8m, and his body was symmetrical, giving people the impression of being tall but elegant. However, the most attractive thing was that his eyes were bright and dark, and his eyes were bright and strange. Maybe that's what he said.

Wu Xuan, male, 24, grew up in an orphanage when he was young. Later, he grew up under the support of the orphanage and many kind-hearted people. He was admitted to the university with excellent results. After graduation, he has been working with a local exploration team. This time, he followed everyone to go deep into Kunlun Mountain for geological exploration.

"Oh, Sister Zhang, people say that there are many strange things in Kunlun Mountain. How can we not meet them?" "Xiao Xuan, let's just talk outside, but dare not talk nonsense in the mountain." "Why? Sister Zhang, you can't believe it. We are all atheists." "The inner circle of Kunlun Mountain has always been mysterious. Since it has existed for thousands of years since ancient times, there is a certain reason. Do we have peace of mind even without it?" "Oh, I know." Wu Xuan nodded vaguely.

On the fourth day after entering the inner circle, it suddenly rained heavily in the mountains, and we had no choice but to find a relatively high place to camp. Slowly, it was getting darker and darker, and the sun had completely disappeared before we knew it. We had to sit around the tent, roast the fire, and listen to the rain outside.

"Hey! Xiaoxuan, you said you were 24 this year, and didn't find a girlfriend when you went to college?"

"Sister Zhang, I was an orphan when I went to college. Which girl could take a fancy to me? Besides, when I went to college, I had a poor foundation in learning and had no time to read books. How could I love people?"

"It's OK. I'll introduce one to you later. My niece is about the same age as you this year. Let's see if she can lead you down."

"Then it depends on you, Sister Zhang."

In fact, we all know that this is just a joke to pass the boring time. In the night of Kunlun Mountain, it is still raining heavily outside. It's always wrong not to talk about something to pass the time. They are all members of the same scientific research team. We can chat together, bake a fire, and relieve the fatigue of day work. We can always find some popularity in the isolated Kunlun Mountains to make ourselves feel more comfortable.

Late at night, the rain is still falling, and there is a growing trend. Despite a hard day's work, we still slept very quietly, afraid of any accident. What's more, it was raining heavily in the mountains, so we all slept in unison. Today, there was one more watchman than before.

It was about 4 o'clock late at night. It was Wu Xuan's turn to watch the night with a man surnamed Wang. About twenty minutes after the shift, Wu Xuan suddenly heard a rumbling voice.

"No, Brother Wang, mountain torrent!"

"Get everyone up! Come on! One side, move quickly!"

"Quickly, quickly! Mountain torrents and mountain torrents! We are getting up quickly, and the mountain torrents are coming!"

"Hurry, hurry! Everything is gone! Everyone runs high."

There was a rush, and everyone ran to a higher place in panic.


"What's the matter?"

"I sprained my foot!" was Sister Zhang's voice.

The rumble came closer.

"Sister Zhang, let me help you go. Hurry up, the mountain torrent will come soon! Let's go quickly!" Wu Xuan hurried to help.

After a short walk, they slowly fell behind. Seeing the mountain torrent getting closer and closer, suddenly a big stone jumped out in front of me. I had to pull one by one to get up. According to the visual inspection, it is safe to run on this stone for a while.

The mountain torrent has been visible to the naked eye, and the time is getting tighter. The two must move faster.

"Xiao Xuan, please let me down. I can't walk any more. You are young. Let your brother Wang pull you up and run!"

"What nonsense? I am an orphan and have nothing to worry about. You still have family and children. Don't talk. Come on."

"Come on, one or two."

Hong Xian is almost there.

"At last, Xiao Xuan, give me your hand! Hurry!" the man surnamed Wang shouted anxiously.

It seems that they will be pulled together, but······

"Xiao Xuan!"

The surging flood peak, like a wild tide of animals, took away anything that dared to block his way forward, and also took away Wu Xuannian's life, which was only 24 years old.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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