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Chapter 1 Do you want to die (1)

At midnight, from the woods of the villas in S city, there came the sound of flustered footsteps and rapid breathing. The rain pattered on the thin girl. Suddenly, she stopped, and the scene ten minutes ago came to her mind. Mother was pressed by a man like a devil, madly tortured her, and... there was also a father lying in a pool of blood!

no She can't leave like this! She wants to go back!

Her beautiful face showed her fortitude, which was not in line with that of an eight or nine year old child. She immediately ran to the brightly lit villa behind her

"Do you want to die?"

The cold scolding shocked the girl to turn back hurriedly, and her eyes fell on the origin of the voice - an old tree behind her, a young man in black jumped down in her eyes easily, and her beautiful and soft face drew a sneering smile.

He is laughing, laughing at her arrogance!

The young man approached slowly. Although his black clothes had been wet by the rain and stuck tightly to his body, they instead outlined his tall and straight figure. The brown eyes were shining with glass light. He bent down and looked at her face to face. He said coolly, "If you want to die, please continue to walk back, when I just said nothing." He waved his hand and turned to leave.

Suddenly, the girl grabbed his clothes and asked for help trembling: "Can you help me?"

The young man raised his eyebrows slightly. He was never a kind-hearted man. On the contrary, his brothers said that he was the most thoughtful and the deepest one in the city. Therefore, unless it was a last resort, there were very few people asking for help from him. Every hand could be counted. The girl was one.

But... the boy turned around and shrugged his shoulders: "Sorry, I can't help you." Why should he intervene in his father's affair? He was just flustered and busy.

The girl lowered her eyes, took a deep breath, looked up at the boy, then turned and ran away.

"Alas... Alas, he really ran back..." Hmm... He was fine anyway, so he went to have a look. What would happen to that girl?

He wanted to see how cruel his father would be?

The rickety tables and chairs, broken flower pots and vases, and wanton blood flow in the house... This is the first sight of the girl after she slipped into the villa, so terrible!

The girl boldly rushed to the ground with a tearful cry. She immediately took the courage to run to the second floor.

"You let go of me... Gu Zongheng, you let go... Hmm... Gu......" The naked woman kept beating the man on her, crying loudly.

"Oh! Let go? Shit, Bai Qiushan almost killed me for you, but you stabbed me for another man, ah..." The man shouted angrily, grabbed the woman's hair and forced her to face his red eyes.

"You let go of me... you... bastard..."

"Bastard? I will show you what is called an asshole today!" When the strong love turns into strong hatred, he is not a man who loves her, but a devil full of revenge!


The sound of the stick rolling down, Gu Zongheng covering the back of his head, staring at the trembling girl with indignant eyes, she... she was born to Bai Qiushan and other men... bastard!

"Jin'er, why did you come back again? Didn't your mother tell you not to look back?" Ignoring her lack of clothes, Bai Qiushan hurried to hold the girl tightly and stared at Gu Zongheng on the edge of rage.

I couldn't help worrying about what the crazy Gu Zongheng would do.

God, what will he do to Jin'er?

"Hehe... is your daughter? She is very beautiful and looks like you." Gu Zongheng smiles grimly and approaches slowly. He wants Bai Qiushan to feel the pain in her heart... She lives in pain and struggle like him and can never get away!

"What are you doing?"

Gu Zongheng smiled, which was cruel and terrible, and whispered: "Shanshan, do you still remember where the 12th floor of 'Blue Maple' is?"

Bai Qiushan was shocked. Of course she knew that it was

Picking up the pistol on the ground, Gu Zongheng fired a shot at the window. The people waiting at the gate immediately broke into the door and said in unison, "Young master, what can I do for you?"

"Take this girl to 'Blue Maple' and give it to VCHER." The best way to torture a person is to feel powerless when you know that your closest person is being insulted but can't help. That powerlessness is enough to kill a person's heart!


"Wait a minute!"

Almost at the same time, the boy in black jumped in from the window, his chin lifted proudly, pointed to the girl in the corner, and said in a defiant voice, "This girl, I want it!"

The girl's face clearly revealed that she was fragile, but she ran back strongly. She even had a good mind to avoid those idiots who were guarding the door. She had the courage to knock Gu Zongheng. He thought that she would be a cute little thing!

Gu Yunchen thought of this in his heart and looked up at Gu Zongheng.

"This is my business, and you are not qualified to interfere." Gu Zongheng said quietly. He knew that although Gu Yunchen was only seventeen years old, he was far more calm and reserved than he was in those days. If he offended him, there would be no good fruit to eat, even if he was his father!

"That's my man, and you're not qualified to move!" Gu Yunchen stepped forward, his brown eyes staring at Gu Zongheng, who was not afraid of him!

Gu Zongheng's eyes darkened and said, "You can take that girl away." It means that Bai Qiushan will stay.

Gu Yunchen chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm not in such a good mood to deal with your muddle headed account." All his things and his temperament are thanks to the man in front of him. He has no feelings for him.

"Come with me."

"No... I want to stay..." Who knows what the devil will do to his mother!

"Jin'er, you are good. If you leave with your brother, your mother will be all right, eh?" Gu Zongheng will not kill her if he is crazy again.

"I don't want to leave my mother!"

Oh, quite stubborn!

Copyright: Xiaoxiang Academy

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