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Chapter 1

Black clouds are pressing down on the town. It is raining heavily and lightning is roaring. In the small Laifu Inn, the only inn in Wolong Town, there is a lot of birds flying and dogs jumping. The noise of people coming and going, the dragging of luggage, the hissing of horses and the barking of the shopkeeper are mixed into a group of harsh noises that people want to cover their ears to avoid.

"Damn it, didn't you see the guest coming in and still stay there? Let's go!" The innkeeper and boss of Laifu Inn saw the waiter staring at the door like a ghost. He couldn't help but be furious, dropped his writing brush, rushed to the door with a big stomach, and pushed the waiter out of the way. This rainy day is a good time for the hotel to be popular. This bastard is very smart. What's the matter today? The suspicious shopkeeper was very angry.

With his shrill voice, the waiter was still blocked at the door, like a wooden pier, his eyes staring at the door.

The shopkeeper only felt that his authority was questioned by the waiter. He was so angry that the inverted triangle eye turned round and pushed the waiter hard. The waiter took several steps back without any precaution, but his eyes were still staring round at the door.

The shopkeeper thinks it's hairy. What's wrong with the little boy? Did you run into evil spirits? Or... what's outside?

Jilingling had a cold war. It's OK. It's OK. We have a Taigong here. How can there be 'dirty' things! He secretly cheered for himself, and the shopkeeper forced him to turn his head at the same time.

It doesn't matter if you turn around. The shopkeeper himself is also stunned.

The heavy rain hit the green slate without any cover. With the ponding, some moss even stretched out long threads to wave in the wind. On the huge grape trellis, clusters of grapes were blown to the ground by the wind, and the shopkeeper felt distressed.

This is nothing. I have been running an inn for so many years, and I know my local shopkeeper very well. What really shocked him was that it was almost a luxurious carriage outside the courtyard!

Even if the shopkeeper is an idiot, he will not mistake the two leading horses! That's a superior Dawan horse! Which day I got so rich and powerful that I used Dawan Malay as coolie?! Not to mention the carriage as big as a house.

Just when the shopkeeper was shocked and pained, the leading carriage made a movement. Two beautiful women in green lotus gauze skirts stepped out of the carriage on the embroidered pier with red embroidery. Outside the carriage, two men in blue with swords and cold faces stood quietly outside the gate of the courtyard in spite of the crazy heavy rain, as if there were statues from ancient times.

One of the women held up an umbrella, as if to say something to the people in the carriage, while the other moved slowly towards the shopkeeper.

"Shopkeeper, please give us a courtyard." The woman has a fair complexion and beautiful eyebrows, which is a great demeanor. Although she was wet by the rain, she didn't care. However, it is clearly a beautiful face like hibiscus, but at the moment, it is full of repressive worries. It adds a sense of sadness to women.

The shopkeeper stared at the woman slowly coming to him. Somehow, he felt ashamed when standing in front of the woman. After swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva with difficulty, the shopkeeper said in a trembling voice, "This girl, the yard is gone

"Can we spare a courtyard?" The woman's eyebrows were still tight. "We can pay extra for the room."

The shopkeeper felt a flower in front of her eyes. A golden ingot of gold ingot appeared in the woman Qianqian Su's hand. Jin Yuanbao, who is close at hand, strongly tempts the shopkeeper's tangled heart. There should be ten liang of them, ah, this is Jin Yuanbao!!! The real gold ingot!!! The shopkeeper kept howling in his heart. The shopkeeper kept his hand from rushing to Jin Yuanbao, kept his eyes from looking at him, and said angrily, "When you do business, you should pay attention to one faith! Girl, even if you give... more, more..." He swallowed hard, "I can't break the rules!"

The woman looked at the ugly little man in front of her in surprise. Some did not understand that he seemed to covet the gold ingot in her hand. Why did he force himself not to?

"No rules, no boundaries. Well said, when doing business, we should be faithful!" A dignified male voice came.

The woman bowed to the man and said, "Master."

While they were talking, a tall, handsome man came with a man in his arms. Behind the man, another beautiful woman held an umbrella for him. Behind the woman, four men in blue followed.

The shopkeeper stared at the man who was almost four heads taller than him and wondered why he grew up so tall? About 90 feet? Reckoning at random, busy with smiling faces and bowing.

"Just go to the room. Going out is not like before." The man said to the woman with his head turned down, then looked down at the man in his arms and strode to the inn. The others quickly followed.

When the woman saw her master nodding, she stopped procrastinating. She raised her arms and said, "Lead the way."

The shopkeeper hurried to lead the way.

Walking past the still dazzled waiter, he kicked him hard, "What are you doing here? Why don't you go to work?"

The waiter looked at the woman blankly for a few times, then nodded in confusion, turned and ran to the kitchen. He accidentally tripped over a basket placed in the lobby by a guest, and fell down on it.

"This guy is all thumbs. He can't see much of the world, and let the girl see a joke..." Rub his rough hands, and the shopkeeper was embarrassed.

The woman smiled quietly, but did not answer.

The shopkeeper touched his nose and led the woman upstairs.

Although Tianfu Inn is a small inn, it is better than sparrows. Although they have everything they should have, Tianfu Inn is even the best house in Wolong Town. You know, there are no rich people here. Everyone is the same.

"If there is anything, I'll call you below, and the little old man will be below..." He casually claimed himself, and the shopkeeper ran downstairs.

Just when the shopkeeper was nervous and talked to the woman, the man and his party had been led to a private room by another waiter.

Go straight to the middle room. Two of the strong men stood in silence at the door, their wet clothes clinging to the strong body, revealing strong muscles. The woman went in for a while, and the warm air rose. The clothes on the strong man had been dried.

The woman who just talked to the shopkeeper came into the room and quickly began to make the bed.

"Sister Wan, we are coming." Two lovely girls stood behind the woman holding two quilts and shouted.

The woman turned back and smiled, "Come and help."

"Hmm." The two little girls answered loudly.

One of the girls with apricot eyes turned her eyes, grabbed the pillow towel, opened her mouth and said, "Sister Wan, can we really find that miracle doctor this time?"

"Of course!" Another little girl gently patted the pillow in her hand, making it fluffy

"Sure, the madam will be fine." The woman who was called Sister Wan lowered her head and revealed a jade lotus like neck. Her gentle but firm voice rose in the room. "If we can't find it, our world will be in chaos." She reached out and spread the soft white snow fox feather blanket, "Muer, pillow."

There was a little girl with a dimple on her cheek. She put the double pillow away, and dark son quickly put on the pillow towel.

Muer and Dark Er grabbed two pieces and shook them gently. "I don't understand why the emperor cares so much about the empress, so why did he issue the imperial edict?" Dark Er pouted and his eyes were red.

"Hush, silly girl, don't talk about the master's mind." Ren Wan wrung his eyebrows as he tidied up the dresser. "Also, here is outside, called master and madam."

Mur winked at Dar, and Dar spat out his tongue. Their faces became solemn, and they bowed their heads and stopped talking.


Zhao Rui casually ate something, then put down his chopsticks. In this small shop in the mountains, he was not in the mood to eat.

Just then, there was a soft knock on the door.

Zhao Rui said, "Come in."

Ren Wan's slim figure came in.

"Master, the room is ready," Ren Wan said with a light blessing to Zhao Rui.

Zhao Rui nodded and walked upstairs with the man in his arms who had never let go.

"Wan Wan, you go to wait on the master, and I'll go to the kitchen to cook some rice porridge." Half kneeling beside Zhao Rui, the beautiful woman in the dish place whispered for him.

Ren Wan nodded, "Well, remember not to put onions and garlic."

The woman smiled, "I know." Then she got up and put away the dishes and chopsticks, which are the best blue and white porcelain bowls and ivory jade chopsticks, ready to be washed by the servants. Even when they go out, they bring their own dishes and chopsticks.

When Zhao Rui went upstairs, the two strong men who had been waiting for him were in harmony with each other.

"Master child."

Zhao Rui nodded his head as a response and went into the room with his bosom friend in his arms.

Carefully place the person in the bosom in the soft snow fox blanket. This is the best snow fox blanket that the snow fox people pay tribute to. This time, I came out to bring it for the person in the bosom, in order to hope that she can sleep comfortably when she is always low and cold.

Just, is she still conscious now?

Zhao Rui paused in his hands, and the sharp and dignified eyes flashed in the eyes of the emperor. It was not all the eyes of the emperor. It was... fragile

Copyright: Tea Flavor

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