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Chapter 1: Suicide by Diving

The night is as cool as water, the bright moonlight is sprinkled on the lake, like a layer of gauze on the lake, and the breeze gently blows across the lake with the breath of summer soil. The surrounding area is quiet except for silence, and the night covers the solemn earth.

On such a beautiful night, however, a young woman approached the lake and stood there for a moment. Her face was sad but she refused. She thought, "Go, go, don't linger on this world. As long as you go, nothing will happen, and no one will be sad, and no one will be affected.".

With a sound of "plop", a petite body sank into the water. At this time, the middle-aged woman behind her turned and ran quickly to the door of the house less than 100 meters from the lake. She patted the door and shouted, "Little Badou, come out quickly, it's killing people, help..."

The middle-aged woman named Wang Shufen was awakened by the sound of knocking and kicking at the door in her sleep late at night. She just wanted to scold who knocked so rudely at the door late at night. A white and petite figure flashed through the window. Isn't this the daughter-in-law who has just passed through the door for several months? Where is she going so late at night?

Recalling that the door of the eldest son's room was locked before he went to bed, he thought about whether there was another conflict. He got up and followed it quietly. He walked along the country road covered with bright moonlight. He saw his daughter-in-law standing on the edge of the lake quietly. He only saw his back and didn't know what he was thinking about. A moment later, his daughter-in-law jumped into the lake and cried out in his heart, Hurry back and call my nephew who has just turned 18 to save people.

The nephew carried his daughter-in-law back, and the water in his abdomen had been pressed out, but he was still awake with a high fever. Most of the night, he woke up his family, and the family was very angry, especially the youngest daughter, the seventh sister, shouted, Mom, would you let me sleep? I have to go to school tomorrow. When they saw the people "asleep" in the bed, they were puzzled, and the family did not know what was going on.

The eldest son didn't say a word, as if he was meditating. It seemed that this matter had nothing to do with him. The man who was in a coma was his wife, who was indifferent. Qu Shengzu, the leader of the family, was extremely angry. In the middle of the night, the woman was doing something, jumping into water for no reason, and committed suicide.

But the anger turned out to be anger. I called the doctor from the village health center. After working for most of the day, I finally sent the doctor away. I sighed and told everyone to go back to sleep. It's two o'clock in the morning, I can't tell everyone not to sleep. Tomorrow, I will call the woman's parents. This is a shame. Although his family is not very rich in this area, it is a big family, At the end of the 1980s, the Qu family looked at a big store and had a rice mill. They were also rich farmers in this area.

Early the next morning, the young woman was awakened by the noise outside. She was dizzy. When she opened her eyes, she saw herself lying in her room. Her parents in law and her husband were sitting in front of her bed, and her sister-in-law was standing beside her. When the leader saw that she woke up, he immediately asked, "Say, why did you go diving to commit suicide for no reason last night? What's wrong with you in our Qu family? How can you not be satisfied when a poor woman marries me into such a rich family? "

She didn't speak. Unexpectedly, when she woke up, the head of the family would question herself like this, not asking what his son had done, and why she didn't die? It's good to die.

"Ask you what? Why don't you talk? Dumb" It was my 16-year-old sister-in-law who dropped out of school after primary school. She helped at home. She usually looked arrogant and arrogant. She didn't like her sister-in-law. She dared to drink to her sister-in-law just after she married a few days ago. She asked her sister-in-law to help her do this and that. Last night, I heard from my parents, It's shameful to be known by others when people talk about it.

The young woman had been wronged. When she woke up, she was treated like this. Looking at her husband, she was looking elsewhere without saying a word. Thinking about yesterday, she gritted her teeth, but still did not speak.

The leader became impatient, motioned to his eldest daughter to shut up and said to the young woman, "You can do without saying anything. Wait a minute, your mother's family will come. If something like this happens, you must call your mother's family, or they will say that my old Qu family mistreated my little daughter-in-law." Then he told everyone to wait outside.

Copyright: Tea Flavor

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