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Chapter 1 Encounter and dare not approach you

Spring in the forest area always comes late. It's just time to go for a spring outing in the Qingming Festival on the northern plain, but the forest area cannot wait until the Dragon Boat Festival, when spring will show up shyly.

The two most joyful festivals in Luyu Ou's life are the Dragon Boat Festival and the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is full of joy, and the Dragon Boat Festival is full of spring. Other festivals basically follow the rhythm of walking, without feeling! The left eye suddenly jumped twice, and the feather gull quietly tilted its head: "Hmm? What does it jump in such a good day? My salary?" The heart teased him with a slightly raised mouth. Look out of the window, there are four or five people, fast. Feather gulls skilfully flied in the middle of a circle of traditional Chinese medicine buckets. After a short time of flying up and down, five patients left with satisfaction. Look at the watch. It took 20 minutes to get off work. The speed needs to be improved tomorrow! Pack up the Chinese pharmacy, change your clothes and backpack to get off work. The fragrance of Chinese medicine around you makes Yuou smile with satisfaction! Get ready to go home and take a bath to the feast arranged by your parents!

"Luyu Gull!" The magnetic and soothing voice sounded, and Luyu Gull was stunned for a second, then turned and looked in the direction of the voice: "Shen Hang!" The tall and familiar figure was standing up from the opposite chair at this time. Luyu Gull didn't know whether to believe it or not. For many years, the figure in the midnight dream had been quietly pressed in the bottom of his heart and didn't want to meet again, Now it is in front of me. Lu Yuou takes a deep breath in silence and looks at Shen Hang with a smile on his face.

"It's really you, little girl. Aren't you out of town? Why do you work here?" Shen Hang said with a smile.

"I'm back. It's almost a month! How did you come to Qicheng to do business?"

"No, I'm transferred here, Health Bureau." Shen Hang looked at the feather gull with a bit of confusion: "Why do you work here instead of going to the county hospital?"

Feather Gull looked at Shen Hang innocently, "I can't study well! I can't pass the county hospital exam!"

Shen Hang smiled helplessly: "Come on, you are still not good at learning! If you are not good at learning, can you manage food today?" Feather Gull thought: "Shen Hang, you really transferred our health bureau to work, right?"

"Well, it's really transferred. Why, don't you really care about food?"

Feather Gull gave a strange smile and nodded: "Really, it's easy to do. This meal is not bad for a while! I have something to do today, and I will invite you seriously next time."

"Hey, Lu Yu and Ouneng can't be more stingy. I can't wait for seven or eight patients. I'll starve to death if I don't eat. What can I do?"

Feather Gull smiled brightly: "Shen Hang, my mother is waiting for me to go on a blind date. Tell me, what do you think I should do now?"

Shen Hang's tall man now tilted his head to look at Yu ou and smiled, "Go on your blind date. You haven't let go yet. Let your mother worry about it. Hurry up!"

Feather Gull smiled back angrily: "Shishenhang, you can drive here just in time to take me to Yuanli Xinzhuang."

Shen Hang raised his eyebrows and bent his shoulders to learn from Zhou Xingxing, "No, I'll take you to your blind date!"

Feather Gull has already stepped forward: "What's wrong? I'm not afraid of what you are afraid of. Hurry up, and you will report to me on Qi's ideological trends and all improper purposes."

Feather Gull sat quietly at the table and chatted with the boy across the street. His uncle left on the pretext. The boy is the son of his uncle's old friend. Feather Gull didn't know his uncle's old friend before, but he knew his son before. He and Lu Yuou are primary school students, but they both forgot each other's name. They didn't tell each other when the elder was there. They laughed as soon as the elder left. They were asked to come without saying anything, otherwise they would not have asked their relatives' names before. Liu Wenyu, a boy, also has the same personality as when he was at school. He raised his head and asked Hanou, "Lu Yuou, it's good that we fell in love with each other when we were at school. Now they are struggling!"

"Come on, what aesthetic appreciation would I get? I can't appreciate it!" Liu Wenyu hehehezhile "It's good. Thanks to you today, we can have a good meal and have a chat. I'm going to die at home, can you feel the same experience?"

Yuou said, "I'm OK. This is my second blind date, but the prospect is not optimistic. I have to think about something."

Liu Wenyu grinned and said, "If there is a good way I can use it, please tell me, but Yuou, are you too picky? You can be even with me."

"What do I choose? It's the same person who asked me to choose. But I haven't met anyone who is in tune with me. I'm not in a hurry, just let nature take its course!"

When Yuou remembered getting off the bus, someone suddenly called to her: "Yuou! Better be absent than be excessive." That was the occasionally serious tone of mischievous Shen Hang. Many years ago, Shen Hang used this tone to say to Yuou at the entrance of the examination room: "Yuou, we dare to pass the exam!" Yuou smiled gently and just wanted to say that I knew that, when a joking smile appeared on Shen Hang's face, Yuou automatically brought to "Better be absent than be excessive." On the other side of the street is "Hunger is no choice". Turning to Shen Hang, he raised his face and said, "I'll try my best!" He came in to the dinner sonorous.

In this county, from kindergarten to middle school graduation, students and alumni do not know how many people are the same age and conditions as Yuou. If you continue to work in the dating industry, you may meet many familiar Zhang Er! When Yu Ou arrived home, he talked with his parents deeply. The children were his own. The daughter insisted that the parents had to deal with the situation when they saw that the daughter would not stay!

In the evening, after washing up and going to bed, I opened my mobile phone and clicked on WeChat. Yuou didn't play WeChat before. Today, Liu Wenyu opened it for her. It turns out that WeChat can add groups just like QQ. Because it is opened with QQ account, many QQ friends add her and join several groups.

"The grasshopper is walking" Yu Ou looks at Liang Liang in his bedroom, and indeed the Liang Liang is calling: "Dear, you are still here! We thought you had gone to Tianwaitian Fairy!"

Yuou's name is "Bees in the United States": "I'm going back to Qicheng, miss me? Come on vacation!"

The grasshopper is walking: "I haven't answered any messages for you these years, and the phone is not available. What do you mean?"

Bee in the United States: "I haven't been on QQ, so I didn't notice any messages! Hey, you know that in those years, I couldn't access the Internet because of difficulties."

"You are so good! Now you are out of poverty. You saved money to buy a computer and set up a network. This person has lost it for so many years. Don't lose it when you get it back!"

"No, I saved my money to buy a smart phone. I can't lose my phone without losing it!"

Liang Liang is the most lively and cheerful person in the dormitory. She has always been the chief publicity standing member of the organizing committee among them. There is Liangzai, who greets all the bad friends with congratulatory messages on Lu Yuou's seven year revival. Yuou takes up the motions one by one until midnight and finally gets an amnesty for Duke Zhou to play chess!

After returning to Qi City, Lu Yuou's pace of life is always regular and slow. He gets up early and slowly, opens the curtains, stretches out, gets up, washes and eats breakfast leisurely. Sometimes he rides the tram and sometimes drives to the office to make tea, depending on his mood. After the morning meeting, he enters the work rhythm, from nine to five. Because it is the community hospital's Chinese medicine bureau and weekends, he is not on night shift. In the county town where I grew up, there are not many old friends, relatives and friends. It is suitable for both noisy and quiet! Yuou sometimes thinks that it's no wonder his parents are worried. In such days, he will get fat sooner or later, and then it will be more difficult. Alas, there is no way!

Fearful of being fat, someone invited Yu Ou to dinner. Yu Ou wondered if she didn't owe Shen Hang a meal. Why now it is Shen Hang's grand and enthusiastic invitation for her. It must be something to do without paying attention. How can we say that Yu Ou is also a serious working people now. Working all morning, chatting on WeChat and sleeping late last night, it is normal to hurry up to replenish energy, yawning and gobbling.

Shen Hang really wanted to pretend that he didn't know her: "Slow down, you're not robbing food!"

Yu Ou raised his head and thrust into a mouthful of white water: "You treat Shen Ju. I eat more warmly. Isn't that a favor?"

Shen Hang was helpless: "Poor you!"

Yuou giggled, "I'm sleepy. Let's leave early. I'll go to the duty room to catch up on my afternoon nap!"

Shen Hang looked at her blankly and said, "It's time! You guys talked on WeChat very late yesterday. You didn't know you were at work today, did you?"

Having enough to eat and feeling sleepy, Yu Ou can't hide his tiredness: "We don't know things as well as your director. In the long run, if I make a mistake, I will make up my sleep now!"

Shen Hang could not: "Let's go, I'll drive you."

When Shen Hang was driving, Yu Ou sat on the co pilot drowsily. Shen Hang slapped her on the shoulder and said, "Don't get confused and talk to you." Yu Ou was shocked and said, "Say!"

"I want to transfer you to the Health Bureau on secondment. There is a shortage of people in our business. You are just right!"

Yuou thinks that Shen Hang is trying to pull himself up: "No need Shen Hang. My current job is my own request. My colleagues are all very good. I'll stay here and don't want to move any more."

Shen Hang stopped his car to look at her: "The bureau is really short of people. I haven't found a suitable one. Besides, don't stay here all the time!" Yu Ou woke up and was completely sleepy. He firmly told Shen Hang: "No, the mechanism is not suitable for me. If you don't want to work with me, you can study and do business, but I won't go to the mechanism."

"What about the mechanism? What shadow do you still have? You have to go if you don't want to. I just want to inform you that you have an idea and I will tell your director then!"

Yuou thinks you are not my shadow, and I will not go if you are here.

Yuou only told Shen Hang that he was sure not to go, so he was not arguing with him. Shen Hang did not know that Yuou's relationship was in the county hospital or the community, so it was not appropriate to find the community director. Zhang Lingtong, the county hospital, was confident that Yuou would definitely help himself.: "Dean Zhang, I have trouble to help me block the disaster!"

Ling Tong knew it was a private matter when she called him Dean Zhang: "Xiao Ou, what's wrong with you again? Tell me that you are not the first one to protect you!" When there is no one else, Ling Tong and Yu Oute look like two ruffians.

"Director Shen wants me to be seconded to the Health Bureau. He wants you to keep me, and I will not go anywhere!"

Tong was stunned for a moment: "Is this a good thing, Xiao Ou? Why don't you go? By the way, you know Shen Ju?"

"Well, my medical school classmate."

"A lot of people want to exercise in the office. Besides, you can do it. Let me see what happens."

Everyone said that Tong was sunny and handsome, and that was true. But they are different in this group. Ling Tong is the model of the triad leader, Yu Ou is the model of the second brother. The second brother only takes care of the second brother. The elder brother takes care of everything and determines the direction regardless of size. The organizational structure will not be easy to change for a while, Yu Ou immediately paid attention to the attitude of the black boss: "I tell you, I really don't want to go. I can't help but go to Sister Lele to expose your black history!"

Copyright: Xiaoxiang Academy

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