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Chapter 1

The door opened, and Yu Qingya stood at the door with a sulky face.

"Xinming, don't you get up so early?" she asked, and her eyes, smeared with delicate eye shadow, swept the room sharply. He Tiantian immediately blushed. He was so crazy last night that his clothes and pants were thrown all over the floor. She quickly squatted down to pick it up. Her face was as red as a boiled shrimp, and she really wished there was a hole in the ground.

"It's not like words!" Yu Qingya said coldly.

Zhao Xinming's face turned red.

"Also, what's the music in the early morning? I know that you are newly married, but you should also pay attention to the occasion if you want to be happy. There are old people in the family. What's the propriety of such a giggle? I'm ashamed of you! Also, don't look at the time now?" Yu Qingya looks hard to speak, and her eyes are full of contempt.

"Mom, Tian Tian was exhausted yesterday. I didn't want to call her." Zhao Xinming hurriedly explained.

"How did your mother raise you? She didn't go to cook for us and treated herself as a big lady. How can I trust you with Xinming?" Yu Qingya looked at He Tiantian with gnashing teeth.

"OK, I'll do it right away." Tian Tian said quickly, and then glared at Xinming.

Xinming follows Tian Tian into the kitchen, and Yu Qingya turns green with old anger.

Tian Tian knew that her mother-in-law had always disliked her. She had been treated like this on the first day of her marriage. She felt sad. She had to bear it in the twinkling of an eye and passed away. Fortunately, she could go back in the afternoon.

After breakfast, Tian quickly cleared the table and washed the dishes. He wanted to clean up immediately and return to his new home quickly.

But her mother-in-law called her into her study and came to her mother-in-law's study. Yu Qingya was lying in her gorgeous recliner, drinking a cup of tea with elegant posture, looking at her hands, her long fingers, and her nails were painted with silver nail polish, which was studded with rhinestones.

These hands really look more beautiful than those of young people.

"Sit down". The voice is cold.

Tian Tian shivered and found a chair to sit down. Tian Tian never understood that her husband's family can only be regarded as a small and healthy family with a thicker family. Why is her mother-in-law always like an English queen? Since she first came to her home, Yu Qingya treated her like a slum refugee.

Although I never agree that Xinming will stay with you, now you are Xinming's daughter-in-law, so please be our Zhao family's daughter-in-law and serve Xinming well.

"Mom, I will." Tian Tian said quickly.

"Do you know how many rich ladies like Xinming? I don't know how Xinming is attracted to you. If you want nothing, you don't say anything, you don't know anything, and you are a whole uncooked sweet potato."

Yu Qingya looks at Tian Tian and says nothing. She is even more angry.

You should not be so lazy in the future. You should get up early to make breakfast and dinner every day. The clothes should be washed and ironed, and the husband should learn to caress him, not to make him confused... Looking at the mother in law's mouth, she kept saying that she felt like a abused little daughter-in-law back in the Republic of China.

"Mom, we must hurry back to clean up our new house." Zhao Xinming pulled up Tian Tian.

Knowing that his mother was embarrassing his wife, he rushed in before his mother finished training.

Tian Tian glanced at her mother-in-law in fear, just opposite Yu Qingya's cold eyes, and clearly wrote, "You taught my son."

Tian Tian hurriedly lowered his head.

"The young couple, who just got married, must like the world of two people. Let them go back." His father-in-law Zhao Enguang also persuaded Yu Qingya.

The two finally packed up in Qingya's angry eyes and fled quickly.

He Tiantian thought it best never to return to his mother-in-law's house again. But anyway, the husband loves her, and he can't make her embarrassed.

The seven day wedding holiday soon passed. Zhao Xinming quickly returned to work. He was walking in the corridor of the hospital. He was the chief surgeon of the cardiology department.

Walking through the office of Hushi Station, four heads together were whispering and laughing loudly. When they saw Zhao Xinming, they said, "Good morning, Doctor Zhao."

"Good morning," Zhao Xinming said to them with a smile.

"Wow, can you see that the blue shirt that Dr. Zhao is wearing today has a different taste from the twill one yesterday!" Nurse A sighed with a dreamy look.

Nurse B was sorting out the daily necessities of doctors, such as scalpels and gloves. "Yes, there are really not many stylish, wealthy and elegant men like Dr. Zhao now."

Nurse C agreed and said, "Alas, in a word, men nowadays are terrible! I'm lucky to have either a wife or a girlfriend. I want to fight to death in the tight encirclement, but I'm afraid I will die ugly..."

"I heard that the Zhao family didn't like her wife..." Nurse A said.

"Why?" Nurse B asked.

"It must be the wrong door, don't you know? Dr. Zhao's father was our dean before he retired, and his grandfather was a government official." Nurse C said mysteriously with a face.

"There really is such a lucky woman in the world!" The second nurse looked at her, pursed her lips and whispered, "I heard that he took his wife as his darling!"

Nurse Ding has been quietly "crackling" and pressing the keyboard to find the list of patients hospitalized yesterday. Of course, her ears are very attentive to what they are talking about. When the time is ripe, she slowly snorts: "His wife? It may not be a good life!"

The three heads immediately gathered around her and asked in unison, "What do you mean?"

Nurse Ding "snorted" with a smile, "Look at you, you look like you want someone else to get married and then take advantage of the situation!"

Nurse Ding looked excited and said, "In that case, they will quarrel every day and end up with divorce. My cousin is like this..."

Zhao Xinming took off his suit and hung it on the hanger, put on his white medical gown, buttoned it up, picked up the phone and dialed a number! He just wanted to listen to Tian Tian's voice and know what she was doing at home and what snacks she ate. Although he had been in love for two years, he really felt wonderful and enjoyed the love of the newlyweds.

"Hello," Tian Tian's cheerful voice came from the phone. "My husband, I'm busy. I'm cleaning the window."

Copyright: Xiaoxiang Academy

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