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Chapter 1

At the largest airport in the United States, a man wearing a pink dress came out of the airport with a suitcase. A little girl was crying when she walked less than ten meters away. She heard it and walked over.

"Little sister, what's wrong with you? Did you get lost with your family? Why are you alone here? Do you want my sister to help you?" Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but go to comfort you. I didn't know what was going on. I felt uncomfortable.

"Sister, I'm all right, but my brother doesn't want me, wuwuwuwu..." Suddenly, I saw a person nearby, looked up to see whether it was a sister or a beautiful sister, and thought, 'If only she could be my sister-in-law.' She thought about it and did it.

"What? Your brother doesn't want you anymore. What's the matter? Tell your sister. Can she help you? Honey, stop crying. Crying is bad for your eyes."

"Well, here's the thing..."

"So it is. Don't you oppose it, or your brother was threatened, so he didn't refuse." After listening, he thought it might be a conspiracy.

"No, my brother will not be threatened. He is for the powerful brother."

"Well, your brother is very good. Sister, what's your name? Sister doesn't know it yet." Suddenly, she remembered that she hadn't asked her name.

"My name is Nangong Zixuan. What's my sister's name?"

"My sister's name is Lin Ruoxin, remember, but now your brother can't get married without your presence, so go. My sister will send you there."

"Well, the elder sister can also go in with me. If the elder sister doesn't go in, I won't go."

"Well, Sister will accompany you in."

The bodyguard of Nangong Family in the distance saw here and called Nangong Master and followed their young lady.

When I came to the wedding scene, I saw that this place was bigger than my hometown, and I felt that I would never go back, but I was a little familiar with it. I was curious.

"Sister, let's go." Nangong Zixuan came over in her dress.

"Well, Xiao Xuan, when did you change your clothes? Why didn't I see it?"

"Hey hey, just when my sister is in a daze."

All of a sudden, I blushed. It doesn't matter. Go in like this.

I felt changed just after entering. I don't know why. It feels like magic.

"Brother, do you really want to marry her? If you marry her, don't want my sister."

Zixuan's voice came from her ear. She looked up and saw a man in a suit standing looking at me. To be more precise, she looked at me. Zixuan's voice was crying beside her, but apparently he didn't speak. It was the woman next to her who spoke.

"Zixuan, why do you come here now? My sister-in-law won't let your brother scold you. Come here quickly, and don't be cheated by others."

"Qin Yanran, get out of here. You are not my sister-in-law. I don't have a sister-in-law like you. You should not cheat my brother."

It turned out that she was a vain woman with hatred and jealousy in her eyes and pleasant words in her mouth.

But what's the matter now? Why do everyone look at me. Yes, not only Zixuan is looking at me, but also other people are looking at me. I'm nothing. What's the matter.

"Sister, you look so beautiful in this wedding dress, but how can I feel so familiar with it? Oh, yes, this is my brother's wedding dress designed by himself. My brother said that only the destined person will wear this wedding dress. Sister, you are destined to be my sister-in-law. I'm so happy."

what? Why, when did I change my clothes?

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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