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Chapter 1 Prison Break (1)

On the first day of October of the year in Chunhua, Kaifeng Mansion was in No. 1 cell.

Several prisoners with withered and yellow hair gathered around and looked at the young prisoners who had lost their breath in the haystack. Their faces were all pale.

"Zhao Gu, a poor young man, died suddenly at the age of 20," sighed an old gray haired prisoner.

"Who said no, but I heard that he didn't die suddenly, but..." said another middle-aged prisoner in his forties.

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man did not dare to go on, as if he was afraid of something, while others stared at him.

"Don't worry. Do you want to die too?"

"This is the end of no power and no money!"

"The Yamen runners will carry him away early tomorrow morning. We may not live to get out of prison, so why should we sympathize with him? Let's go to bed."

All the prisoners were silent and looked numb.

The prisoners fell down with their eyes closed, but none of them fell asleep. They did not know whether they were afraid of the dead in the room or were mourning their own life.

Late at night, a depressed cry of pain suddenly sounded in the prison.

"Where is this? Didn't I get drunk and sleep at home?"

The speaker was the young man who had lost his breath!

He sat up a little bemused. Zhao Gu felt a pain in the back of his head and reached out to touch it. His hands were stained with a few traces of residual blood.

"What's wrong with me? When did I get hurt?"

Zhao Gu looked around and found that it was a scene of an ancient prison on TV. He saw the flickering torches, thick wooden fences, smelly straw, and dozens of prisoners sleeping soundly.

Make a movie?

After rubbing his dizzy head, Zhao Guqiang supported himself to one of the prisoners and pushed him.

"Dude, where is this?"

The prisoner who was awakened by him muttered impatiently and slowly opened his eyes.

Then, his eyes suddenly widened, he looked like he had seen a ghost, he held the ground with his hands and quickly stepped back.

"What a ghost!"

This cry startled other prisoners, and all of them looked at Zhao Gu in horror.

Zhao Gu looked puzzled and was about to ask the man why he was so afraid of himself. A confused memory suddenly rushed into his mind.

He felt his head swell, then fainted and fell on the dark straw.

After a while, Zhao Gu Youyou opened his eyes and saw a dozen prisoners in the cell around him, looking at himself with complex expressions.

"Uncle Li, Ergouzi, why are you looking at me?" Zhao Gu asked subconsciously.

Wait, I didn't know these people before?

Zhao Gu shook his head and suddenly found that he had some more memories in his mind, some from another Zhao Gu's memory.

One picture after another flashed through his mind.

In Zhuozhou, Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures, under the guidance of his father, a Han teenager named Zhao Gu and his brother learned to train horses and hunt hard.

As the two teenagers grew up, their father told them that the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun where they were located were the territory of Han people. Although they were occupied by Liao, they would be taken back one day.

Also on that day, the father of the two teenagers set a goal for them to return to the Han Empire!

There are many Han people in this era, but there is only one country established by Han people, that is, the Song Dynasty!

After that, father and son have been struggling to return to the Song Dynasty.

Finally one day, they found an opportunity to escape and entered the mountains on the Song Liao border.

After entering the mountain, father and son can only eat all kinds of wild food and drink mountain springs and streams every day, and they are exhausted.

However, they still refused to give up, but God had no eyes. When the three were passing by an unknown hillside, the eldest son was exploring in front of them, but he accidentally stepped on the ground and fell into a stone cave tens of meters high, bleeding all over the place.

After that, the only two left finally left the Liao State and came to Kaifeng in the Song Dynasty, where numerous Han people lived. However, they were regarded as spies because they had no household registration and were thrown into the dark prison, losing the freedom they yearned for again.

It never rains but it pours. The day after Zhao Gu was captured by the captor and put into prison, he was knocked unconscious from behind on the way back to his cell. He was unconscious for many days.

After that, Zhao Gu woke up.

Zhao Gu struggled to receive these memories, his brain swelled, and his back broke into a cold sweat.

After a long time, he finally loosened his clenched fist.

"So I have passed through......"

When he opened his eyes again, the confusion in Zhao Gu's eyes was no longer there, but his face was full of determination.

At this moment, he has fully accepted the fact that he passed through, and accepted his new identity.

"Zhao Gu, Zhao Gu, let me return to Song Dynasty for you in the future," he murmured.

Zhao Gu turned to look at the dozen people in the same cell and smiled, "Ladies and gentlemen, do you have any way out? I don't want to stay here anymore."

Everyone was surprised. They found that they suddenly didn't know Zhao Gu. Is this still the timid and weak young man in everyone's impression?

They don't want to stay here, they want to be free, but how can they get out? What to do after going out? These are all problems.

The middle-aged man who was called Uncle Li by Zhao Gu looked around and whispered, "Zhao Gu, you survived this time, but if you want to go out, it will be extremely difficult. Who knows if you can be so lucky next time!"

"What do you mean?" asked Zhao Gu.

"Don't you remember?"

Zhao Gu thought for a moment. It seems that his memory is only before he fainted, but he doesn't remember anything after that.

Uncle Li saw his puzzled face and whispered in his ear again, "If you know that you are still alive, how can we deal with you?"

Lord Li?

Zhao Gu naturally knew who the Lord Li was referring to. The Kaifeng Mansion knew Li Hao, and the imperial court was a high-ranking official.

But his coma has something to do with him?

In Zhao Gu's memory, there is indeed a man named Li Hao.

Before he became unconscious, after Zhao Gu was captured by the captor of Kaifeng Mansion as a spy, Li Hao asked him about the situation. Zhao Gu was a man who had something to say, so he told Li Hao everything about his running from Liao to Song.

Who would have thought that he was knocked unconscious on the way back to his cell just after he came out from Li Hao.

Is it Li Hao who made him faint?

"Who did you listen to?" Zhao Gu asked.

Uncle Li said: "Listen to the two Yamen runners who carried you back. They were whispering. Er Gouzi heard them. He said that you had offended Li Hao, so he sent someone on your head. That's why you were in a coma for seven days before you died... dying."

Did Zhao Gu ever offend Li Hao?

In fact, he doubted Li Hao at the beginning, but through Zhao Gu's memory, he denied this conjecture again. Because of their previous memory, Zhao Gu, an honest man, did not offend Li Hao, so he overturned this speculation.

When Uncle Li mentioned Li Hao again, Zhao Gu knew that there must be something inside.

This also strengthened his idea of leaving the prison, otherwise who knows that he will 'die again' someday.

According to Uncle Li, he only knew that Zhao Gu had offended Li Hao before he was killed by Li Hao, but he didn't know the real reason.

Zhao Gu did not bother about this matter any more. Instead, he asked, "Is there anything unusual in the prison these days?"

"Something unusual?"

The prisoners looked at each other and shook their heads, wondering why Zhao Gu asked.

Zhao Gu gave a wry smile. According to his situation, if there was no lucky goddess, it was only a matter of time before he died.

Just as he was about to let the prisoners go to rest, Er Gouzi suddenly seemed to think of something. Zhao Gu hurriedly asked, "Do you know?"

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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