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Chapter 1 Hour Meter Tower

It is not the first time for Luo Wei to enter this classroom, but because of today's special day, he was nervous when he first entered the door, and did not notice that the steps at the door were tripped to the ground.

Half of the semi-circular classroom is divided into seven classes. Each class has four tables. At this time, people are sitting at each table. The only place left is the farthest place from the door.

The students in the classroom cast curious eyes, and more than half of them were whispering with their deskmates. Looking at the smiles on their faces, they probably laughed at the person who could not walk well.

"Take your seat, Rowe."

In the direction corresponding to the seat, there is nothing but a huge blackboard and a two meter long table in front of it. That was the other half of the classroom, where Elmero II, the aristocratic lecturer of the chronometer tower, was sitting. As a famous lecturer in the chronometer tower, he has long black hair, draped over his shoulders, and dressed formally in a black suit. He usually wears glasses when lecturing. At that time, he gave the impression that he was full of knowledge, which is also true.

"Sorry, lecturer Elmero." Rowe got up from the ground, bowed deeply and didn't even come to pat the soil, so he hurried to his seat. During the process, he almost tripped on the ground due to tension, which made the classroom emit obvious laughter.

"Quiet." As soon as lecturer Elmero spoke, the whole classroom became quiet. Everyone knew that lecturer Elmero liked the smart and understanding students and the quiet classroom best.

When Rowe sat down, lecturer Elmero scanned the students with sharp eyes and began today's topic.

"As I said yesterday, today is your graduation ceremony. I selected seven people who have reached a certain level of magic knowledge from you. These seven people will be awarded the seventh rank by the Chronometer Tower, that is, the title of Frame, which means that you graduated from a student and became a magician formally." He paused here, Then he asked, "Are you ready?"

Quiet classroom and quiet air, everyone is looking forward to the lecturer will read his name. Everyone is confident that their learning is enough, and they have a full understanding of magic and the history of the whole world. This is the ability of those students who were born in noble families and had good education since childhood.

Except for one person, Rowe Sidley.

Compared with other people, although Loewe was born into an aristocrat, he is also a poor aristocratic family. Needless to say, only Loewe and his uncle who are far away in the United States, and more importantly, the most powerful magician in their family, have only won the fifth rank, that is, the title of "Cause". Compared with other people in this classroom, It is no different from ordinary families.

Rowe clenched his hands, and his strained hands were dripping on the desk with sweat. This year is the fourth year of his study in the Chronometer Tower. The first three years were barely spent by himself relying on the supply of the Chronometer Tower. But if he has not won the official title of magician this year, the assistance of the Chronometer Tower to a family - in fact, his personal assistance will stop. Let alone the career of a magician, even survival will be a problem.

Lecturer Elmero took out several pieces of paper from his bag, which were filled with dense words, probably the list and reasons for being selected. The lecturer sorted out these materials a little, then took out glasses from the inside pocket of the suit and put them on.

The quiet classroom made some slight screams, or exclamations when excited. Most of the girls began to discuss the appearance of the lecturer in Elmero. Some say they are handsome, some say they are wise, but in any case, it can only reflect the male charm of Ermero lecturer for women, which is extremely powerful.

There are many identities of Elmero lecturer. The famous lecturer of TimeMeter Tower, inheriting the great magician of the Elmero School, is privately recognized as the first man who most wants ooxx by TimeMeter Tower girls. But these are not the most important, because Ermero lecturer is a man who has participated in the "Fourth Holy Grail War in the Far East" and survived.

The so-called Holy Grail War originally originated in a place called Dongmu City in the Far East, where the veins will continuously accumulate spiritual power. About every 60 years, the accumulated powerful spiritual power will form a thing called Holy Grail. Its powerful power is said to be enough to achieve any wish, and for this reason, it is collectively called the Master Our magicians will summon their followers to fight against others and fight for the Holy Grail to realize their wishes, which is now called the Holy Grail War.

In the era when this information had not yet spread, there were three families competing for the Holy Grail: Ainzbelen, Yozaka and Machiri. However, in the later time, the news of the Holy Grail was spread, and at the same time, the strength of the three Holy Grail wars was extremely weak. The system known as the Great Holy Grail collapsed and spread to the whole world by the hands of unknown magicians.

The Grail War began to become commonplace, but in any case, every Grail War was full of blood and struggle. All the people who could survive the crazy battle were elites.

But for Rowe, that kind of thing has nothing to do with him. What he wants now is how to get the title of magician.

"Atlas Animsfia."

Ermero lecturer began to read the first name. Not many people were surprised, because the man who stood up and wore the uniform of the chronometer tower was one of the best students among them.

The silver haired boy of the Animsfia family confidently marched to the other half of the classroom. In front of the lecturer Elmero, across a table, he took the paper from the lecturer's hand, which clearly stated the reason why he was awarded the title.

"Thank the lecturer." After bowing, the white haired boy withdrew and stood aside. He could not return to his seat, because he had to wait for others to come up and stand in a row to accept the blessings of other students, which was a tradition.

"Etnia Animsfia."

Another girl from Animsfia's family, the girl with silver hair and the same logo as her brother, stood up from her seat and walked quickly to the lecturer. The excitement on her face was clearly visible. Maybe she was happy to be a magician? Or that's because the person who handed her the certificate was that Elmero II.

"Thank the lecturer."

After saluting, the girl stood with her brother, and they exchanged their joy in a low voice.

Although the Animsfia family is not as powerful as Elmero and Bathermero, it is also a powerful noble family. Its parents now also have a third rank magician, and even a second rank magician has appeared in history. However, they had been studying in the chronometer tower for only one year, and they had won the title of magician early, which can be said that they were not ashamed of their family name.

"Miria Elmero."

The sparse voice in the classroom disappeared instantly, because the person whose name was read was just a newcomer to Shijita six months ago.

The third daughter of the Elmero family, Miria Elmero.

There was no change in her expression. She was still like ice crystals as usual. The girl got up from her seat, walked forward slowly, and took the proof from the lecturer of Elmero's family.

"Your father must be very happy." Not only her father, but also the lecturer looked very happy, even with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, lecturer."

If other people do not know what kind of terror power this girl, nicknamed monster, has, they will surely wonder whether the Elmero family is secretly doing something.

However, the fact is not that Rowe looked at the girl who walked to the side without emotion fluctuation after getting the certificate, and his heart was full of envy.

Miria Elmero, who came in half a year ago as a shift boy, made the whole class realize the strength of Elmero's family just on the first day. She used the magic she had learned to fight the young people of the Animsfia family without fighting back. Although she was finally punished because the chronometer tower was forbidden to fight privately, it was an opportunity for students to realize how powerful the Elmero family was.

"Maesellie Eide."

This is an unexpected guy. The situation of the Ed family is probably better than that of Rowe. She has also studied in the Timekeeper for three years. Generally speaking, people who have studied for three years can get the title of magician, which is normal.

However, she wept with joy and ran to the desk to thank the lecturer in tears. Her tears even stuck to her long brown hair.

Time passed quickly. Rowe stared at the lecturer Elmero and saw him say seven names in turn, but there was no one there.

"Congratulations to them."

There was warm applause in the classroom, but Rowe's mood sank to the bottom, and he clapped his hands mechanically like a zombie. He didn't understand what he had done in the past four years, and maybe he was simply wasting time.

Gradually the applause subsided, and the students began to leave the classroom, or to share happy moments with those successful people, or to go home and continue to study hard. About a few breaths, the classroom had become empty, leaving only Rowe who slowly walked down the stairs and lecturer Elmero who came to him.

"Rove Sidley, come with me."

Rowe followed lecturer Elmero through the corridor of the chronometer tower. Next to it was the huge glass screen of the British Museum. Outside was the green grass. Some students were playing happily on the grass.

Climbing up the stairs to the third floor, Rowe followed Elmero II to the lecturer's personal room.

After entering the door, Rowe saw the bookshelves of books on both sides and a work table. A bed was placed in the shadow of his left hand. The whole room looked very small. Even Rowe and Elmero II, who looked very thin, stood here and felt the room was crowded.

"Rowe, I think you know what's going on."

Lowe gritted his teeth and tried to keep himself calm.

"Yes, the lecturer."

"Now you have several options. One is to stay here to study, but you need to find your own way to live. The other is to be sent to the place where you are needed. Of course, I have already told you where it will be." Instructor Elmero stared at Luo Wei, waiting for his reply.

This kind of dialogue also happened a year ago, but at that time Jita was also responsible for solving his living expenses, but this year it will not. As for dispatching, it is probably to go to the Middle East or Egypt to work as an ordinary brick mover. After all, a person who has not even won the title of magician will not be assigned to work related to magic.

Luo Wei is confused and doesn't know where to go in the future.

Elmero lecturer also saw this and sighed. He didn't know whether he was sorry for Rowe or whether he thought the student was too stupid.

"You can give me a reply at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. Now I have something to do." With that, lecturer Elmero began his work. Rowe bowed respectfully and left the room.

The only thing left for Rowe now is to go home, walk out of the chronometer tower from the lecturer's room in Elmero, walk out of the British Museum, and go to the streets of London. The flow of people is very urgent. It is the time of a day's work that all kinds of ordinary people pass by. For Rowe, he is very envious.

He took out his wallet from the pocket of his uniform, and there was still about one month's bread money left in it, which was all subsidies from the timemeter tower. However, from today on, he can no longer get a penny from the timemeter tower.

Sometimes Luo Wei also thinks about whether he wants to be an ordinary person, leave the magic world and live quietly. However, Luo Wei can feel that once he enters the magic world, it is almost impossible to leave again.

On the way home, Luo Wei bought a bag of bread. The bread is nothing special but ordinary long stick bread, because it is the cheapest food that can eliminate hunger.

Sidley's family is in the suburb of London, half a city away from the British Museum where the chronometer tower is located, which is quite far away. After four years of learning, Rowe will grow the fastest if he doesn't feel tired.

Loewe's house is also a very shabby place. It is a four storey apartment located in the suburb of London. Although the landlord kindly exempted Loewe from part of the repair costs, this made his life not too bad, at least the house would not leak and power would not be cut off. But in the whole room, except for the beds, tables and chairs, there are only a few bookcases full of old books, which are the few belongings left by Rowe's poor ancestors.

Luo Wei eats bread and thinks about it. He may need to look for it tomorrow. What can support him will not affect his daily work of learning magic.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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