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Chapter 1 Draw Divine Talents at the Beginning

In the boundless void, an ethereal figure sat cross kneeling. Except for some transparency, it seemed not different from ordinary people.

This is a soul from the blue star. His name is Jiang Luo.

At that time, I was playing a mobile game with the theme of western travel. I fell asleep unconsciously and woke up again.

"Name: Jiang Luo

Cultivation: None

Qualification: Congenital Level 4 Soul Power [Refresh]

The first martial spirit: tiger head monster (blue) (to be awakened) [refresh]

Second Wulin: None [Refresh]

[Refresh all talents]

[Confirm all talents]

Talent score: 75.3. "

"Alas, I'm also a passer anyway. How could my luck be so bad! It's been more than nine months, and I've even drawn a talent of more than 85 points!"

Jiang Luo looked at the virtual light curtain three feet square in front of him, feeling depressed.

At the lower right corner of the light curtain, there is a line of red small characters——

"Fourteen days before your birth, please determine your talent in advance, or you will be born with completely random talent!"

At the beginning, the system told him that he had crossed to Douluo and reincarnated. He was also very excited.

He was an orphan in his previous life and an ordinary social animal. Now he can reopen with an external plug, which is very desirable.

However, after several months of talent extraction in the womb, except for the 80 points guaranteed every seven days, none of them can be seen!

Only three talents can be refreshed every day. In the past eight months, he has randomly arrived at the best one, and the score is only 84!

"I knew it was time to make sure that time. It was really greedy words that ruined my life..."

Jiang Luo could not help regretting that there was not much time left for him to draw talents.

"Well, the minimum guarantee is once every seven days, and there are still two weeks to spend. If it is not enough, 80 points is not bad."

This is the fundamental reason why he dared to be so presumptuous. Every seven days, he had a chance to guarantee 80 points. Even if he could not win more than 90 points, he could just seize the last guarantee.

Yuan Luo started his talent refresh today by talking about the name of the God Buddha in the sky.

Press the option of "Refresh all talents", and the information on the light screen changes immediately——

"Name: Jiang Luo

Cultivation: None

Qualification: Congenital Level 4 Soul Power [Refresh]

First Wulin: Buffalo (green) (to be awakened) [Refresh]

Second Wulin: None [Refresh]

[Refresh all talents]

[Confirm all talents]

Talent score: 69.8. "

This talent is worse than before. Jiang Luo did not hesitate to click Refresh All again.

At the moment when the point was finished, the whole panel suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light, which made him unable to open his eyes. This was an unprecedented situation!

"Has the money been paid?"

Immersed in many games, he naturally knew the meaning of golden light, and his bored face could not help showing a trace of excitement.

"Name: Jiang Luo

Cultivation: None

Qualification: Congenital Level 10 Soul Power [Refresh]

The first martial spirit: Holy Stone Monkey (golden) (to be awakened) [Refresh]

The second martial spirit: Ruyi Golden Stirrup Stick (gold) (to be awakened) [Refresh]

[Refresh all talents]

[Confirm all talents]

Talent rating: 97.6. "

"I have a big grass! Feike has turned over!"

After seeing the writing on the light curtain, Jiang Luo couldn't help roaring excitedly.

"Congenital ten level soul power! Twin Wulin!"

"Holy stone monkey! Ruyi gold hoop stick!"

The congenital ten level soul power is the conventional congenital full soul power.

The first Wulin Lingming Stone Monkey is one of the four monkeys in the world in the mouth of the Buddha. It is said that the Monkey King, the Great Sage of Qi, is this monkey.

(Note: There is a dispute about whether the Monkey King is a Lingmingshi Monkey, and the author just adopts one of them.

In addition, the two Wulins of the main character are very powerful, but there is no divine position in Douluo's heaven, so they only have the congenital ten level soul power.)

The second martial spirit Ruyi Gold Stirrup Stick is a treasure refined from the Eight Diagrams Furnace of the Supreme Lord, and the beloved magic weapon of Monkey King, the Great Sage of Heaven!

With such talent, even if it is Tang San or Qian Ren Xue, how about it?

Jiang Luo's heart was filled with joy.

He never thought that when he was almost hopeless, the system gave him such a big surprise!

Surprised, he quickly clicked the option of "Determine all talents" on the light screen.

How could I miss such a divine talent after nine months?

Moreover, with only fourteen days left, he could not continue to gamble.

"Your talent has been determined, please wait patiently for your birth! There are still 14 days before your birth..."

"I don't know what identity I will be born in?"

Jiang Luo could not help but began to look forward to his own road to the strong.

Time flies like a fleeting horse, six years later.

In a manor in the suburb of Tiandou Empire, more than ten miles away.

"Xiao Luo, you are about to awaken the spirit of Wu. Are you nervous?"

The gentle and loving voice sounded, and this was a charming and beautiful young woman.

Her dress is luxurious, and her temperament is even more extraordinary. It is obvious that she is extraordinary at a glance.

The young woman was holding a delicate and lovely boy like a porcelain doll, Jiang Luo, who was already six years old.

After six years, Jiang Luo has been used to life in the new world.

The young beauty in front of him is his mother in this life. She was born in the royal family of Tiandou Empire and the eldest daughter of Prince Xuexing - Shiran.

It is the Snow Star Prince who left Tiandou Royal College before Shrek College joined the original book.

Jiang Luo did not expect that he had become his grandson.

"What are you nervous about? Our son, his talent will never be poor!"

At this time, a tall, extremely strong young man with a very heroic appearance came from a distance.

This is Jiang Luo's father, the son of Jiang Hong, the brave duke of Tiandou Empire, and Jiang Tianqi, who is also a marquis himself.

No wonder he would say so. After all, young couples have good talents.

Jiang Tianqi is born with seven levels of soul power. Wu Soul is a great ape handed down by family. He is 33 years old. The 56 level strong attack is the King of War Soul, and is not far from the Emperor of Soul.

Xuelan is born with six levels of soul power. The spirit of martial arts is not the swan handed down by Tiandou royal family, but the spirit of martial arts handed down from the mother family - the jade staff.

Thirty years old, level 49 auxiliary instrument soul sect.

Such talent, although not as good as the top talents of the same age in all colleges, is not bad.

Normally speaking, if parents have such talent, nine out of ten children will not be too bad.

Therefore, although today is the big day to reveal their only son's talent, the young couple seems calm.

"My good grandson of Jiang Hong must have extraordinary talent! Moreover, even if his talent is ordinary, we can protect him for life!"

A powerful and heroic voice came from afar, and Yuan Luo immediately knew that it was his seventy third level spirit grandfather.

Before he could come forward to salute, another slightly arrogant voice came——

"The old man talks nonsense. My grandson has royal blood in his body. Even if he is not a soulmate, he is born noble!"

Needless to say, this is his grandfather, Prince Snow Star.

For the ceremony of Jiang Luo's awakening, the family has gathered together.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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