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Chapter 1 The Beginning of Destiny

The Jinghua Hotel in Taipei is ablaze with lights,

A row of fragrant and luxurious flower baskets are placed at the entrance of the central hall. All the banners are striking and consistent: love for a long time, love forever,

Obviously, this is a wedding ceremony. More obviously, this is not an ordinary wedding ceremony,

The wedding hall is full of rich people and celebrities,

Outside the hotel, there are press films, cameras, and cameras flashing,

However, in the VIP lounge where the bride is, the main character of the wedding banquet, strange voices came from time to time:

"Go away, don't touch me."

"Go away, you can't understand Mandarin."

"Hey, get out of here. No, I don't want to wear that. Get out of here if you hear me."

Listening to the voice from the VIP room, all the hotel attendants passing outside frowned and looked interrogative,

Why, isn't this the bride's lounge? How can there be such a sound?

In the bride's lounge, the father of the bride is also confronting the bride:

"Qinglan, why haven't you dressed up yet?"

"Let these people get out of my way. I tell you that if I don't marry, don't think you threaten me with your mother's relics, and I will give in."

"It's not a threat. I just want you to have a good home."

"A good home? Do you treat your mother like you do and then bring her home? Hum! Is it not marriage? I'll show you. Remember to open your eyes and see if the home you gave me is good."

Although it seems forced, the bride has at least temporarily "compromised",

At this time, in the hall where the wedding banquet was held, all the staff were in place, all the rich level guests were seated, and all the musicians around were standing in the designated positions. As the protagonist of the wedding banquet, the parents of the couple had also sat in the front row,

Due to the bride's insistence, the bride's father, Juhao Ouzhong, could only sit in the position of the woman's parent, instead of holding her daughter's hand and coming out. But for him, he was very satisfied to be able to sit in this position, so at this time, no matter how others secretly looked, his face was always full of smiles.

Turning his eyes, he looked at the groom himself, Wu Keming, who was a rich second generation young man with rich family background. Although Wu Keming could not be said to be handsome, he was after all a well educated son of a rich family with elegant temperament. Ou Zhong was really satisfied with his vision, and his smile could not help deepening.

Finally, after waiting for a long second, the originally closed door was slowly pushed open, and then, in the eyes of all people, it was a dreamlike white figure.

Slowly walked to the main stage where the ceremony was held, and Ou Qinglan slowly handed her hand to the groom she had never even seen before. Then she saw a touch of surprise in his eyes, and even felt the tremor of his palm. Ou Qinglan just laughed in her heart,

And, just like me, I was caught by my parents. It's really useless. It's so easy to be confused by the appearance of a completely strange woman. What a lecher! If I really marry such a person, I will be happy in the future,

So, holding hands, the wedding began,

Outside the hotel, several black motorhomes were parked side by side. A man in black ran to the front of the motorhome and tapped on the window. After the window rolled down, he respectfully reported:

"Boss, we have found out everything."

Then he got a nod from a man wearing dark sunglasses in the car, respectfully opened the door, and got out of the car. The man called the boss raised his head slightly, looked at the wedding floor, seemed to be thinking, but his mouth curved playfully,

At the wedding banquet, the wedding ceremony has entered * * * *, and only the host said:

"Mr. Wu Keming, would you like to take Miss Ou Qinglan as your wife, and swear to love her and take care of her all your life, regardless of illness or hardship?"

"I will."

"Miss Ou Qinglan, would you like to marry Mr. Wu Keming as your husband and swear to love him and take care of him all your life, regardless of illness or hardship?"

Well, good question. Miss I was waiting for this moment,

Thinking like this, Qinglan's lips flicked. Just wanted to say that I didn't want to, but suddenly heard a man's cry in her ear:

"She didn't want to."

Copyright: Tea Flavor

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