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Chapter 1 [Volume I: Memories of the Past]: Shaohua (I)

The night is near dawn, and the wind is cool.

The vast clouds in the sky are reflected in the eyes by the wind. Occasionally, a few cold stars can be seen through the gaps in the clouds, which are as clear as wash.

I climbed up the steep mountain wall, regardless of everything. I didn't know what magic power was at the top of the mountain that attracted me so much that I could not stay even though I was exhausted.

Finally, I climbed to the top of the towering mountain, and everything was quiet. Looking around, I was struck by the sight around me. The mountains were full of ups and downs, grotesque rocks, and withered vine branches danced ghostly figures in the wind. Where am I now? Why am I here

I was alone in the eyeful of desolation and had no idea how to move my feet. I was in a trance when I hesitated. I vaguely saw a stream flowing down, and it was crystal clear by the moonlight. It turned out to be the woman's long hair hanging down on the ground, but this continuous spreading silver, even in this moonless dawn can also shed light. Woman... I was surprised to see the phantom standing on the cliff. The white gauze was lingering like the wandering mist in the mountains, and the wind blew the clouds and the gauze was hovering.

Who is that?

The woman slowly turned her face, and the broken long hair on the side of her face was blown by the wind, which made her look stunning.

That face made me numb in an instant

She looked at me with an uncertain look in her eyes. She even raised a hand that was reaching out to me, as if to hold me and take me to an unknown place. Her approach frightened me, so frightened that I forgot the danger behind me and instinctively stepped back. Two or three steps suddenly missed, accompanied by a shrill scream, the bottom of my foot slipped off the rock wall and fell off the cliff... The cry echoed in the valley, and I quickly fell down, under my body was a dark bottomless abyss, like an open mouth of a devil waiting to devour me

"Ah --"

When I woke up, I jumped up from the couch and sat up stiffly. My eyes were dull and lax, and my heart was moving violently for a long time. The scene of falling off the cliff is still clear in my eyes, which makes me curl up my knees and hold my arms tightly, and I can't stop shivering. The cold sweat is already on my convulsed back.

"Daughter, what's wrong with you?" I must have heard my cry. My mother pushed the door and came in. She sat down beside the bed nervously, wiping the sweat off my forehead with her handkerchief. "Is it a nightmare?"

I finally came back to my senses, tried to calm her heart and smiled to reassure her: "Mom, I'm fine..."

"Mother will bring you a cup of shock tea." She patted my hand kindly and asked me thoughtfully, "It will be safer to sleep after drinking."

"Hmm." I nodded meekly and brushed the messy hair off both sides of my forehead. I have always been a clever and quiet character.

Until my mother went out, there were still ripples in my heart, even though I was exhausted by the nightmare.

Strange dreams, strange cliffs, strange silver haired women, I have a vague impression of her face after waking up, but for many years, I have always rushed into my dreams late at night, lingering and lingering



"The Tao can be used quickly or not. The abyss is like the ancestor of all things. It can defeat its sharpness, resolve its differences, and be as bright as its light and as dusty as its dust

The mysterious Taoism recited by Green Xiuzi in cadence was in my ear, but I was in a trance and couldn't hear it. I looked out of the window with one hand holding my cheek.

"All people have Tao, and Tao exists..." It's too late to think why he suddenly stopped reading, but a gentle smile suddenly appeared in front of him, and a palm gently stroked the back of my head, "Daji, where is Tao?"

I suddenly remembered that Green Xiuzi was bending over and staring at me, which made me stunned and even more embarrassed, only because I was distracted and didn't know what he said: "The Tao is

"The Tao is among all things. To understand its Tao, you must first overcome its problems." He has a kind face and eyes, and even if he preaches, he is also pleasant. "Daji, you are absent-minded?"

I was even more ashamed when he asked me directly, clutching my clothes and hesitating: "Teacher... I..."

"Tell me." He squatted down with a smile and looked at me face to face. His eyes had a calming power. "What were you thinking when you were distracted?"

"I..." I struggled repeatedly, finally lost my head and told the truth, "I had that dream again last night..."

His eyes flashed with understanding, because this was not the first time I mentioned my strange nightmare to him.

"Teacher, why do you think I always dream like that?" The question is always puzzling but fruitless. I always hope that someone can help me solve the doubt, "What does that mean?"

"Daji, everything has a cause and effect, and you must have a reason for being haunted by nightmares. One day you will understand." He still smiled and stroked my head, guiding more than comforting. "It is said that to understand the Tao, you must first experience the fate it arranged for you. Daji, understand?"

"Teacher, Daji is stupid and doesn't understand..." He explained so abstractly and paradoxically that I could only bow my head and show embarrassment.

"Oh, don't worry." He stroked a green beard on his chin and smiled amiably

His relief made me relax a lot, and I smiled with understanding.

"What a pity..." He suddenly shook his head and sighed, "I have no chance to guide you to meditate and understand again, and I will see your success with my own eyes..."

"Is the teacher not going to teach Daji anymore?" I was extremely frightened by what he said, and pulled his sleeve to ask, "Is it because Daji is stupid and can't be carved, the teacher will..."

"Daji, you are the smartest child I have ever seen, so don't belittle yourself." He calmly patted the back of my hand, his eyes were gentle and regretful, "I want to go, and I can't be your teacher again."

"Where is the teacher going?" I felt reluctant to give up. After all, the love between master and apprentice for two years has been deeply rooted in my heart. I don't mean that it can be dispersed without trace.

He smiled without saying a word, said goodbye and then walked away.

At that time, when I was young, I didn't understand what Young Xiuzi meant when he said, "To understand the Tao, one must first cross the path", just as I didn't know the path of youth to travel far away, and what kind of people and stories would I meet in my life?

I just know that he once told me——

Daji, your life is doomed to be extraordinary.

Copyright: Tea Flavor

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