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Chapter 1 Conspiracy

Chen Family Emergency Meeting

"Why are you in such a hurry to call us back?" Chen Minghao, the boss, asked Chen Mingkang, his younger brother, who was smiling but not smiling. The boy always looks like a dead man. They are clearly two brothers, but their personalities are completely different. As for the younger sister, I will see her later.

"I'm a new comer, so I don't know what those two old guys are selling here?" Mingkang waved his hand, sat on the sofa, crossed his legs and waited for the Chen family to come.

"Don't be so arrogant, or your father will hear you." Chen Minghao kindly reminded his younger brother that his father was once the leader of the underworld. Although he has abandoned the dark and turned to the light, his heroism is still the same.

"Dead boys, are you talking bad about your father again? You don't want to get mixed up, do you? You know, I'm not the boss...." Chen Jiahao's unhappy voice immediately increased eight degrees. The two sons are totally unlike him. The eldest son is gentle and elegant, and looks weak. You can fall when the wind blows. The second son is a typical playboy, and he is unrestrained, Only that precious daughter is the most like him. She has excellent kung fu and is a beautiful and beautiful woman. The so-called "everyone loves everyone, everyone is afraid of the devil" is wrong. It should be "everyone loves everyone" and "flowers bloom when they see flowers". Hehe, God is not unkind to him, and has given him such a lovely daughter.

"Husband?" Jiang Qiyan, the hostess of the Chen family, immediately interrupted. "How many times have you said that? Change your speaking habits. Remember that you haven't been a big brother for many years."

"Oh? I just want to review the past." I can't help but feel frustrated. How powerful he was in those days, and now? Alas, I have to give up his great Jianghu in order to make her smile.

"I regret it, don't I?" Look at his regret. Jiang Qiyan's stomach is full of fire.

"Nothing, just shy about it, shy about it." The two brothers coincidentally exchanged their eyes. Dad would only be short in front of Mom, without any heroism. Is this Brother Hao, who was once a popular figure in the city? The two brothers could not help sighing, but their father was shocked.

"By the way, why hasn't Han Xi arrived yet?" Jiang Qiyan glanced at her and still couldn't see her figure

"I'll be there soon", Chen Hanxi rushed to the house when he couldn't hide his ears, and sat down beside the two brothers with a beautiful backward somersault, which made the two brothers repeatedly shout no.

"Han Xi, you really make us ashamed" Mingkang admires the youngest sister of the Chen family who has been praised by his family

"My second brother flatters me, ha ha..." I haven't laughed enough, but my mother interrupts me mercilessly

"Chen Hanxi, I've told you several times that girls should look like girls." Chen's mother is helpless. Her father is used to "running and jumping like what you look like"

"No, Miss, yesterday that strong boy made trouble again." Xiao Wu hurriedly ran to report. When he saw the situation at home, he called it bad. Miss had to be scolded again, so he ran away quickly.

"Chen Hanxi, why did you bring me back?" Be patient

"Just help when the road is rough" Try not to touch the time bomb

"Chen Hanxi" called her name word by word. Who knew it was the eve of the storm, let the storm come more violent.

"Wife, calm down your anger." Hurry to hold the angry wife and remind "Don't forget the purpose of looking for them today"? The three brothers and sisters feel that a conspiracy is gradually approaching them. Unconsciously, they all stepped back and wanted to get up and leave. Dad's dignified eyes suddenly came to them, and they all sat up and listened to their mother's rebuke. I know that Mo Ruofu wants to play tricks under my eyes. You are too young, so you can't help laughing.

Copyright: Tea Flavor

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