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Chapter 1 Initial Initial


"Boom!" Another thunder fell, and the rain became more and more heavy. The rain drops fell so quickly that each one seemed to strike in the breast wall and chest lung.

A flash of lightning passed by, and the dark white lightning lit up a woman's face.

Long hair like waterfall, slim figure, oval face and willow eyebrows, what a beautiful face!

But this face is full of despair.

With a loud thunder, the woman instantly pulled out the jade hairpin from her bun, stabbed the tip of the hairpin into her right face and scratched it off!

A blood red trace appeared in the middle of the right face, and the blood spilled from the trace. In a moment, it infected the whole right face, which was lined on the white jade like skin, like a blood centipede, so shocking.

The face of a great nation and a great city was destroyed in this way. From now on, there will be no such face in the world.

"Ha ha, ha ha!" The woman dropped her hairpin and laughed loudly, as if she had just scratched her face. Laughter and dripping blood make this beautiful woman look particularly terrible.

"Boom!" There seemed to be another thunder. Murongge woke up from his dream and sat up suddenly, breathing heavily, with sweat on his face.

A gust of wind blew in through the unclosed window. It was already spring. Murongge still shivered unconsciously.

Alas, I had a nightmare again.

Murongge looked out of the window, and the sky was beginning to light, so he got up to wash.

Soon, though the sun did not rise, it was already bright. Murongge opened the door of his guest room and went downstairs to the inn. On the first floor, Murongge found a seat near the corner. Murongge summoned the waiter, ordered breakfast and sat at the table waiting.

One year's plan lies in spring, and one day's plan lies in morning. It was still early, and the shops on the street had already opened for business. The peddlers also pushed their cars out to set up stalls. Customers and pedestrians gradually appeared on the streets, and the sound of buying and selling began to ring. The sweet smell of the country's unique food also floated in the air.

Bianzhou City deserves to be the capital of Xiliang State. It is not only prosperous, but also vibrant.

After the meal was served, the first floor of the inn was filled with people. In detail, most of them are young people like Murongge, but they are all men. The conversation made the first floor noisy.

"Today's spring exam was released. I don't know whether I can go to high school. This is the third time I have taken the exam."

"But the questions in this year's spring exam are much harder than before. After ten years of hard work, it's still useless to take the exam. Alas!"

"I don't know who can take the lead on such a difficult topic?"


All the discussions are about the spring exam. It seems that they are all participants in this spring exam.

Murong Ge smoothed down the hair band and picked up the chopsticks.

"Brother Murong, it's so early!"

Murongge looked up and saw that the speaker was Chu Yi, a companion he met on the road last month.

Murong Ge and Chu Yi met in a pub in a small town last month. At that time, Murong Ge drank alone, and the tavern closed late at night. When Murong Ge left, he found that there was only one person in the tavern besides himself. The man is gentle and handsome, which really reminds people of the sentence "A modest gentleman is as gentle as jade". When they look at each other and smile, they know each other.

The next day, Murongge ran into Chu Yi again, and Chu Yi had an entourage beside him. When they talked, they both went to the capital, so they went together.

Murong Ge came all the way alone and never thought of keeping company with others. When Chu Yi put forward this proposal, Murongge couldn't think of any reason to refuse, so he agreed. However, Murong Ge came for the exam, and Chu Yi said that he had family affairs.

Murongge replied, "Today's spring exam was released, so I got up earlier. Brother Chu doesn't have to worry about it. Why did he get up so early?"

At this time, Chu Yi had already sat down at the table where Murong Ge was sitting and said: "Family affairs, we have to visit an elder in the family. Hehe, they all said that the questions of this spring exam are harder than before. How does Murong feel?"

Murong Ge said: "The topic is partial to current politics, focusing on personal views on the current situation of the world and understanding of the current situation of Xiliang State. Naturally, it is not good to read only the books of sages and not listen to things outside the window." Chu Yi praised: "You are worthy of being Murong brother, and you hit the nail on the head. I think you will be on the list based on your knowledge."

Muronge: "Brother Chu praised the country of Xiliang for its great size. He is full of talents. I just can't live up to my teacher's teachings for many years. If I win, I will only learn civil and military skills and sell them to the imperial family."

The two talked for a moment, finished their breakfast, and said goodbye in front of the inn.

After Chu Yi said, "Farewell now, see you later", Murongge really realized that he and Chu Yi had ended their companionship for nearly a month. Although it is not sad, it is a little disconsolate. Chu Yi is a good companion, drinker and Taoist friend.

Farewell with hands folded, Murongge walked to the Imperial City Gate. That is where the results of the Huangbang Spring Examination are posted.

Chu Yi looked at Murong Ge's back and thought carefully: He entered Beijing alone to take the exam. He didn't even have a schoolboy, but he was obviously not the son of a poor family. His facial features are ordinary, but his face is handsome. He is young, quiet and reserved, and speaks well. Even if he is low-key, his temperament can not be hidden. If it can be used by me, it must be a great help.

Chu Yi thought carefully that he probably began to appreciate Murong Song at first sight. On such an ordinary night, I met him alone with a pot of wine, which made me feel sorry for myself when I was drinking. This is the first time for a stranger. And his sense is always accurate.

As soon as he shook his robe sleeve, Chu Yi also turned and left.

Zhuque Street is one of the four main roads in Bianzhou, and the road is more than twice as wide as the other streets. The largest residence on this street is the residence of Prince Yan, the emperor's younger brother.

At this time, two people came in front of the Zhuhong gate of the palace, the first one was very handsome. It was just then that the man in front and Murongge went to see Chu Yi, the elder of the clan.

When the guard at the door saw this man, he opened the door and bowed his head respectfully.

In Bianzhou, the capital city of Xiliang, streets divide the city into neat chessboards, shops and mansions are lined up, and businessmen and tourists come and go. At the moment, the busiest place in Bianzhou City is the imperial list posted in front of the imperial city gate, so the imperial list posted here is the list of candidates for the Spring Examination.

In front of the gate of the Son of Heaven for ten years. Although we have heard about the order of Taoism, talent and learning are high and low after all. The number of names on the imperial list is far less than the number of onlookers. The spring examination is held every three years, and how many scholars are there? A small imperial list carries many expectations. The single wooden bridge with thousands of people and horses is doomed to be more joyful and more worried.

Before the imperial list, it is natural that the name of the top three person, the No. 1 Scholar, attracted the most attention.

The three character name written at the top of the imperial list is Murongge.

Not far away, a handsome young man stood up with a negative hand, and a smile slowly appeared on his always light face.

Copyright: Tea Flavor

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