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Chapter 1 The gathering of mother-in-law, sister-in-law and rival lovers

Spring is good. The sun is bright, the flowers are red and the willows are green, the birds sing and the swallows dance, neither hot nor cold, neither dry nor dry. The only annoying thing is spring sleepy.

Liu Yan yawns while driving. She works in the family planning office of Longchuan Town. These days, she is catching up with the spring pregnancy test.

At seven o'clock in the morning, she set out from home and followed her colleagues to various rural work sites. It was already six o'clock in the afternoon after the end of the day's work. She has been spinning like a top all the time. Now she still feels backache when driving.

Of course, another reason for her aching back is that she didn't sleep well last night. Thinking of last night and her husband Lin Haotian's fiery passion last night, her beautiful face was covered with a red glow, comparable to the afterglow of the spring sunset.

"Shit, Lin Haotian is the brain of the sperm." Liu Yan can't help swearing. Now she only dares to swear in the place where he can't see, otherwise Lin Haotian knows she can't be forgiven. He hates her and forbids her to say rude words.

Yes, he hates her and looks down on her. She smiles bitterly. But on the bed, she still looks greedy and unsatisfied. No wonder people say that men clearly distinguish sex and love. Thinking of this, she sighs with a long sigh and casts a shadow on her curved eyelashes. Originally tired face has a layer of gray.

"The fireworks of the music festival lit up the loneliness and deafening universe, and could not hold a word of tenderness..." At this time, the mobile phone rang the euphemistic and beautiful musical bell "Thinking of her when accompanying me", which was specially designed for Lin Hao.

"It's evil." Liu Yan could not help frowning with her mobile phone. Just thinking of him, the phone came. She was really in touch with him, she thought sarcastically. But it's not good to think of him, and it's certainly not good to answer his phone.

"Where are you?" Lin Haotian's voice was as cold as if it had just been taken out of the refrigerator. He did his routine without any temperature.

"It's already on the elevated road, and it's still 20 minutes before we get off the elevated road. Ten minutes after we get off the elevated road, we'll arrive at Bihai Bay, and we'll get into the garage in five minutes." Liu Yan finished her report with a crackling breath, learning from him coldly, without any warmth.

Liu Yan works in Longchuan Town, while her home is in Bihaiwan Villa District of Shangjing City. She commutes to and from work every day by viaduct. It takes her 40 or 50 minutes to get there by car.

"I see. I have something to tell you first." Lin Tianhao seems to be hesitating over there.

He would also hesitate. Liu Yan thought strangely that this headstrong, autocratic guy would hesitate at any time.

Liu Yan suddenly had a bad feeling.

"My mother came today." Lin Tianhao said after a silence.

"Ah, oh." A hydrogen bomb made Liu Yan's brain buzzing, and her poker face mother-in-law unexpectedly came.

After a year and a half of marriage, her mother-in-law, Jane Wenhui, only once before they got married and never visited their new house again. The only reason was that she didn't want to see her daughter-in-law, who had no illustrious family background and no great prospects, but was still a "native",.

Has the sun set in the east? Liu Yan looks at the setting sun and determines the direction. Alas, the setting sun is in the west. The sun is right. It can only be the mistake of Jane Wenhui.

"Why don't you talk?" Lin Tianhao heard the voice of "ah, oh" and then nothing happened. After a while, he gave her a slow breath and then asked. He knew that she was afraid to see her mother.

"It's a good thing, isn't it Mom - is it coming?" Liu Yan dragged a long voice behind her mother, she said with a smile.

In fact, if you see her face at this time, she is sad. She wishes her car had broken down, the road was blocked, or she could find thirty or fifty excuses. Anyway, it would be better not to go back and face Jane Wenhui.

"Mom came here to see you, and you must come back as soon as possible." Lin Haotian seems to be able to see through her little things through time and space.

"Thank you so much, mother-in-law! I must fly back to report." Liu Yan said with teeth clenched, thinking that who is afraid of who, is not an old woman who is half aged Xu?

"Also, the second sister-in-law Lan Xinmei is coming," Lin Tianhao continued.

"Ah!" Liu Yan was completely stunned with a cry. Could it be more tragic? The blue heart of the knife mouth and the heart also came. She wailed, and the sky turned gray in an instant.

"They just come as guests. You don't have to make a fuss about normal family moves and contacts." Lin Haotian seemed to comfort Liu Yan a little.

Unfortunately, Liu Yan was extremely upset and could not feel his kindness.

"Lin Haotian, President Lin, please make it clear once and for all how many people will come, and don't come out to frighten people later, OK?" Liu Yan shouted angrily at the microphone.

"Three people." Lin Tianhao was still in the tone of light wind and cloud, ignoring her resentment.

"Three people, who else?" Liu Yan bowed her head and asked the sky.

"Su Yan" Lin Haotian said lightly.

"Su Yan, who is Su Yan?" Liu Yan wondered, it seems that no one in the Lin family called this name, but why is it so familiar.

The heart thumped and missed half a beat. Isn't Su Yan, who studied in Berlin, Germany, the apple of the eyes of Su Group and the dream lover of Lin Haotian? Why is she here?

"Swallow, are you all right?" Lin Haotian asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, I'm still alive. I said Liu Yan's husband. What can you sing? It's my mother-in-law, sister-in-law and rival's party. I have to provide the party venue." Liu Yan was so angry that her teeth itched and smiled angrily.

"I just knew they were coming, so I immediately informed Mrs. Lin. Lin Haotian was careless and learned from them.

"Bah, why don't you just tell me that I don't need to go home?" Liu Yan said angrily.

"You are Mrs. Lin, the hostess of the family. How can you not come back? Is Mrs. Lin afraid?" Lin Hao said in a relaxed tone.

"Bah, I'm afraid. Why? I'm just too lazy to argue with some self righteous people."

"Mrs. Narin was careful on her way. She came back early and hung up the phone."

"Hey, hey, crazy." Before Liu Yan could speak, there was only Dudu's blind voice on the phone.

"Hum, the killer mother, the mean second sister-in-law, the dream lover, and the bullshit are all bullshit." Liu Yan scolded her mother angrily, and the car sped along with the accelerator on the foot.

Copyright: Tea Flavor

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