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Chapter 1 Preface - Colored Glaze Fire

The night of departure, without the moon, was dark and despairing.

The wind slapped the wooden window wantonly, and the window paper broke a piece, which has not been repaired yet. I'm afraid that no one will repair it in the future. The wind shuttles through the cave and makes a sound like crying.

The maid, Aman, put the last piece of clothes into the bag and looked up at the door in panic. Diji was standing in the courtyard. Her long hair was blown wildly, and the embroidered long sleeves were like wings waiting to be broken.

She hesitated to walk over, put her heavy cloak on Diji's thin shoulder, and whispered, "Princess, it's time for us to go."

Diji nodded, her white hand sticking out of her long sleeve, pointing to the pink in the courtyard, and her voice was very soft: "Aman, look, all the crabapple flowers are blooming. But my father and mother will never see each other again."

Aman said softly, "Princess, you are still young. Don't think so much. Let's go quickly."

Diji looked at the reddish petals all over the ground quietly. The wind rolled them up and threw them like snow. It was clearly in May, but suddenly the cold came down. The tender drooping crabapple just blossomed, unable to resist the wind and rain, dropped a large area, left the branches sadly, and committed to the soil.

"Ah Man, the country is extinct. Why can't I guard with my father and the emperor until they die? Shouldn't I stay?"

Ah Man was almost ready to cry, and he forced a smile: "The princess is only fourteen years old, and her life will be long in the future. The emperor and the queen only hope that you can live a safe and secure life."

Diji shook her head slowly, turned around, held a dying crabapple in her palm, and carefully put it into her purse.

"Aman, can I look here again?" Diji asked in a low voice.

Aman secretly wiped away his tears and said in a trembling voice, "OK... Let's see..."

Before he had finished speaking, he saw a meteor like flame in the sky, with a sharp whistling sound, falling straight down to the palace. "Boom", the glazed tiles on the roof of the Jinfang Palace of Diji were broken, and the fire fell like rain, mixed with tiles and dust.

Aman screamed, "They are going to set the Imperial City on fire! Princess! It will be too late if they don't leave!"

Without waiting for Diji to answer, she grabbed her arm and ran away desperately dragging the secret path behind the palace.

Diji was thin and weak. She ran against the wind and almost fell down. The thorns and branches of the mountain path stretched out randomly, and the blood stains hit her face. Her face was full of sweat, and she suddenly couldn't help looking back. There were countless meteor like bright lights in the sky, falling into the imperial city.

It seems that there is a fire burning in the glaze. The imperial city becomes crystal clear in the fire light and is about to melt.

Along with the meteor like fire rain falling into the imperial city, there are countless strange birds with two or three people tall, red heads, like a pool of blood. The shrill cry in the imperial city was sent to his ears by the strong wind, and Ah Man could no longer support it. He covered his face and knelt down on the ground crying bitterly.

It was a bareheaded ghost, only a demon with a desire to eat people.

The thin blood fell from Diji's lips, and she bit her lips to death. The great pain in her body almost crushed her into powder. As if she could no longer bear it, she suddenly shook off Aman's hand and rushed down the mountain.

Before running a few steps, Aman dragged her desperately from behind and held her in his arms. The branches broke all over the ground. Diji was like a wounded animal, shaking to pieces, and her face was covered with mud.

She did not know how long she had struggled, and slowly lost strength. From the deepest part of her soul, huge emptiness and fear arose. She thought she would die, but she could not die; Open your mouth to cry, but you can only send out intermittent gasps.

She must watch everything she has be destroyed tonight. Her soul is cut by a knife. She cannot be weak or turn back.

Aman felt that the strength of the struggle in her arms was gradually weakening, and Diji fell in her arms and did not move any more. She wiped her tears hard, took out her handkerchief from her arms, pulled out Diji's hair, and wiped the mud off her face.

In the firelight, Diji's face was as pale as a ghost. She was once beautiful and nimble, but now she is only absent-minded and gloomy. She closed her eyes tightly, and her thick long eyelashes trembled. It was a long time before a huge tear rolled down from inside.

When it was getting light, Diji woke up.

"... Aman, let's go." She didn't cry anymore, her tone was flat, but her eyes were full of blood.

Aman looked at her anxiously, "Princess, let me carry you on my back. Take a rest."

Diji shook her head, took out two pieces of white paper from her sleeve, bit her fingertips and dropped blood on them, then threw them on the ground. The white paper turned into two horses in an instant.

She rolled onto the horse, and when she lifted the reins, the horse immediately gave a loud hiss.

"Go down the mountain and find a place to stay."

When Ah Man saw that she looked calm, he was worried. He hesitated and whispered, "Princess... what are you thinking?"

Diji turned around and smiled at her. The pale pear whirlpool appeared on her cheeks, reflecting the blue morning light. She seemed to be the charming little princess again.

"Don't worry, Aman, I will live." I will live until the day I die.

The steed spread its hooves and headed down the mountain.

"Princess, where are we going?"

"Go to a place where there is no war."

This book is first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

Copyright: Xiaoxiang Academy

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