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Chapter 1 Fortune Telling Clothes Force Full Score

A young man wearing sunglasses and a long gown was walking on the busiest Chunxi Road. He was a fortune teller when he saw a white banner hanging on the bamboo pole in his hand, with eight characters written in black on a white background: "Immortal reverence comes to the world, iron mouth divine calculation".

"Boss, how are you preparing?" A little brother followed, a little listless.

"Limitless God, I'm ready. Please take it easy." The young man turned around and saluted.

"......" My little brother was dazed.

"Oh, I forgot that you are a rude person, so I can communicate with you in a different way." The young man scolded after saying that:

"You are so confident in me, don't you? I think Zhang Yang is also the king of deception in the People's Park, known as the divine divination Zhang Banxian. How many girls once gathered around me to ask me to open the door for good luck?"

"But this time, instead of putting up a stall, we are facing the top millionaires. The level of customers is much higher." The younger brother who owes much scolding is still chattering.

"Well, it's better for rich people to cheat. No matter how much money they have, people like those in the park will have to bargain."

"But now we don't even have a few cents. The girls have disappeared. You have just eaten the only steamed bun. I'm still hungry."

"You are so fat, and you will be fine if you are hungry for a few days. But I can't be thinner, or the skin will not cover the bones." The young physiognomy named Zhang Yang said that he was very frustrated.

"This is all caused by that dead girl. I will have to do this before I see her again. Brother, I will kill the park sooner or later to regain the territory, and I will guarantee you to continue to eat and drink spicy hot food."

Hearing Zhang Yang's heroic words, my little brother saw a little star in his eyes and forgot about hunger for the time being. Although I know this is also a trick, it is also very provocative and inspirational, isn't it?

They stopped in front of the tallest building in the golden section of Chunxi Road.

"Immortal Palace? The most famous and high-end fortune telling club in the city, helping people to tell fortune here should not lower my power of Zhang Banxian."

Zhang Yang adjusted his gown, took a deep breath, and then walked into the opposite tall building.

After entering the door, the environment suddenly changes, giving people a feeling of "two worlds separated by one door". There is a small bridge, a flowing water, a Taoist Temple, a remote mountain with a barrier and white clouds, and the sky is full of auspicious omens and birds.

Zhang Yang is a little absent-minded. Where did he go into the hall? It is clearly a step from the human world into the fairyland.

"Welcome to the Fortune Telling Club of the Fairy Palace," said a fairy dressed to greet the guests.

"You're welcome, Aunt Xian. I'm called Zhang Banxian in the Jianghu. I was hired to work here." Zhang Yang said with a salute.

"Oh, Zhang Banxian is coming at the right time. The club is short of fortune tellers now, and the appointment customers are scheduled to go six months later. Your immortal residence is more than 33 days, and I will take you now."

"Thirty three days? Do you want to go to heaven?" Zhang Yang was stunned. It's too dangerous to go to heaven for fortune telling.

"No, that's the 33rd floor of the building. We haven't really got the ability to go to heaven and earth yet."

There is a sightseeing elevator in the center of the hall, which is surrounded by transparent glass and looks like a vacuum.

There was a white cloud rising on the flat ground, holding the two men up. Zhang Yang knows he is in the elevator, but it gives people the feeling that he is riding in the clouds. And you can also see that the blue sky and white clouds around are all falling, and even some other immortals have passed them as Dunguang Changhong.

Seeing Zhang Yang's astonishment and curiosity about the surrounding environment, the welcoming beauty smiled and said, "Don't be surprised. In fact, these are all effects made by the latest image technology. Pretend to be forced, you know."

Zhang Yang nodded and sighed: "This effect is very good. No wonder those rich people are willing to pay a lot of money."

Soon, the 33rd floor arrived. The view outside the elevator is like the South Heaven Gate on TV. After passing the corridor surrounded by white clouds, it stops at the door of a pavilion like room.

"This is Zhang Banxian's residence," said the welcoming fairy with a smile.

Zhang Yang looked up and saw the words "Shensuan Mansion" written on it. He nodded with satisfaction.

"It's much easier to tell fortune in the fairyland club than in the park, because all the celebrities come here. Their company and family information, personal preferences, including the little things in life, will be collected by our paparazzi. Look."

The welcoming beauty began to introduce the workflow to Zhang Yang, pointing to a seemingly ancient grand master chair.

"As long as you sit in this chair, your body will automatically become a computer, and you will master all the information about the customers facing you. No matter whether the customers need to ask about their personal fortune, marriage and love, the future of the company, draw lots to interpret their dreams, and turn bad luck into good luck... The computer will go through trillions of calculations, display the best results in your brain, properly handle them, and then pretend to say it mysteriously."

When Zhang Yang is telling his fortune in the park, he will also send his younger brother to inquire about the information of strange customers in many ways, so that he can pretend to be "like a god". However, it is very troublesome, but here it is much simpler and more practical. It is true that rich people can cheat more with their money. But the beauty said:

"But some customers like to ask questions freely, not limited to his own fortune telling and dream interpretation. Even the computer can not quickly calculate the answer, all depends on the fortune teller's knowledgeable and resourceful. Although the difficulty is increasing, the customer's price will also be higher, and even some customers are willing to spend all their money to solve some personalized problems. The next business will make the fortune teller rich."

"Although it is difficult, no matter how tricky the problem is, don't worry about it." The beauty opened the back door and continued to introduce:

"This study is the biggest inside story of the club. Xiangshi feels that his knowledge is not profound enough and can make up for it. The books here can basically solve all problems. If you don't have time to read, you can also press a hidden key under the desk, and relevant content can enter your mind in the form of data."

”But don't worry, because the content is too rich, there may be accidents. " The belle who greeted the guests also gave special advice.

Zhang Yang was also surprised when he looked into the study. The endless bookshelf is really a sea of books. I'm afraid there are fewer books in all libraries in the world. However, according to previous experience, this must also be an image effect. It is impossible to put so many books in a small study in the building, but it looks really amazing.

"I will give full marks for the forcing effect of the fairyland club. I am not afraid of pride." Zhang Yang smiled.

"The hardware club has tried its best, and the software will depend on how Zhang Banxian makes customers pay."

"Of course. I failed the Banxian Culture Test, but there is still a way to cheat people."

The first customer Zhang Yang received was a young girl with excellent temperament and beautiful appearance. If I met her in the park before, Zhang Yang would try to get her. However, according to the information given by Xiangong, this is the daughter of the top domestic millionaire, and the gap between the two is too large, so he can only be his client.

As soon as the beautiful girl entered the door, she saw a young man in a Taoist robe and said suspiciously, "The fairy palace is looking for a little fart boy to fool Miss Ben. Aren't you afraid of smashing the sign?"

Customers who suspect him to be young and incompetent like this often encounter Zhang Yang, who has already been able to move forward and retreat freely, and who is even more boastful of himself when facing the rich.

"Miss, you are really ignorant. The age of the Xiangshi can't be seen on the surface. In fact, I have lived for two years, and I was just over 100 and 20 years old last year. The reason why I can keep the appearance of more than 20 years old is that I have refined this beauty pill."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said calmly, taking a purple gold gourd from the table at random and pouring out a pill from it.

"This beauty pill is unique in the world. There is only one family. Now you and I are predestined. I will suffer a little loss. One pill costs you one million yuan, ten pills for a course of treatment, three courses of treatment will work, and ten courses of treatment will be like Ben Banxian. A mere hundred million yuan will make you young forever. Would you like to try it, girl?"

Zhang Yang took advantage of her suspicion of her age to promote fake and inferior pills. The exorbitant price is also a kind of free counterattack.

If you want to buy my beauty pill, you will be cheated directly; If you don't buy it, you have no right to doubt my age.

"Hum, I'm beautiful and young, so I don't want your pills." The beautiful girl looked at Zhang Yang, and sure enough, she didn't say anything about her age, but suddenly complained about suffering.

"Xiangshi, do you know that my father died and left me ten billion dollars, but I don't think it's interesting to live. Can you help me?"

"Nima shows off her wealth, right? If you are not interesting in life, you will die. I will live your boring life instead."

Zhang Yang muttered in his heart, but said, "The immeasurable god. Money itself is not innocent. If you learn to experience different lives, you will find many interesting things in reality."

"It's boring. I've experienced almost everything I can think of."

The beautiful girl sighed and suddenly seemed to remember something. She smiled strangely and said, "But I did something interesting not long ago, and now I think it's funny."

"What's so funny? I would like to share it with girls." Being a good listener is also the basic quality of a physiognomy, so that you can master the psychological trends of customers. With the experience of fortune telling in the park, customers sometimes want answers in their own words.

"Does Xiangshi know that there is a People's Park in front of Chunxi Road?"

"Of course I know that. Every morning, I will go to play Taiji and have some health cultivation." That is the old base of Zhang Yang, which is very familiar.

"There was a boy who was a fortune teller. He was so arrogant and shameless that he often used fortune telling to take advantage of girls. Not long ago, I hurt my feet seriously and disguised myself as a poor girl to tell his fortune. But after talking nonsense, the boy pretended to be blind and wanted to touch my bones. Then he hugged me and lied that I would call my future destiny by the 'fortune telling method'."

"Ha ha ha, I was exposed by my girl on the spot and let my little sisters smash his fortune telling booth. As a result, everyone in the park knew that he was a liar, and no one asked him to tell his fortune again. He moved away in disgrace. I think he lost his job and may beg in some street now..."

The beautiful girl laughed wildly, and her posture was seductive. It seems that this is the proudest thing in her life.

"How can you? You are deceiving people too much." Zhang Yang, however, was furious and stood up, rushed forward, grabbed the girl by the throat, and lifted her up.

It's really hard to find a place to break through iron shoes. I met a big enemy here. No wonder I felt that the girl was familiar at the beginning. After all, their image and identity have changed greatly and they didn't recognize each other.

The unlucky guy mentioned by the beautiful girl is naturally Zhang Yang and Zhang Banxian. Before that, he had a good time in the park. He could eat and play easily by only fooling around with his fortune telling income. He also kept a group of younger brothers, but all this was framed and buried by the girl.

The girl's neck was pinched by Zhang Yang, and her face was pale due to insufficient blood supply. But she was not afraid. She still winked and said, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to kill you," Zhang Yang roared fiercely.

"Ha ha, hurry up. I haven't experienced the feeling of being a ghost yet. And can you do that first and then this? I don't want to be a ghost."

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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