I have become a national male god in Tianxianshenghao system!
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[Ding!] [The host's rebate limit of 1 million yuan has been refreshed today!] Tianxianhao system, the initial rebate limit of 1 million yuan per day! Attacking Goddess can also increase the rebate amount, reward Shenhao points, upgrade the system, and unlock more functions! Xu Jin: "Goddess of strategy? Do you want me to be a dog licker again?" Soon, Xu Jin found that he was careless and blindly licked the goddess. Instead, he was despised and strongly disliked. Goddess of strategy should know the routine and be able to pull! Play like this, right? You forced me to be a scum man Liu Mengqi: "Brother Jin is so lame. I was almost trapped when I was just seduced. I turned around and ignored people..." Su Youwei: "This dog man is not responsible for me when he raises his pants. He uses me as a spare tire!" Lin Yuechan: "It seems that I have become his spare tire..." Hu Die: "I want to catch his heart, but he only greets me." Xiao Wanyu: "Is Xu Shao yours? No, he belongs to all of us! I don't want him to be responsible, I only want his body... "Xu Jin smiled, and asked me to be responsible? My system rewards are not enough! love? Don't talk about dogs. I just want to explode system rewards and counter attack to become the most beautiful guy! Finally, Xu Jin was afraid of being recognized by girls when he went out: "Male god, let's add a V letter!".................................... This book is also called Shenhao: My rebate quota is refreshed every day, Shenhao: This dog man is too good at pulling

Luo Chen 0 ·Life ·Serials ·110000 words

Chapter 52 Backfire? 2024-06-07 16:35:34
 Funeral anchor points follow, and the whole network calls the reminder directly
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Lin Feng crossed the parallel world, became the owner of the funeral shop, and bound the funeral rebate system. That day, while he was shorting the video, he saw someone driving a luxury car to bomb the street live, and maliciously pressed water to trick passersby. When Lin Feng felt uncomfortable, the system prompted: "21 dangerous driving, next accident rate of 100%, death rate of 100%, accurate customers, the host can pay attention." After being prompted, Lin Feng's backhand is a concern. "Brother, there are thousands of roads, and safety is the first! Please regulate your driving behavior. In addition, our store accepts all white affairs activities, and can give 15% off if you book in advance!" The anchor looked at it, his nose was crooked, and after the words were broadcast, he wanted to rush to Lin Feng! Unexpectedly, just after the words were released, they ran after each other on the spot, and no one could pick them up. "Love Funeral has followed you!" This comment of Lin Feng is popular all over the network. When it appears, all the network anchors are afraid! "Brother, are you sending a life reminder online again?" "What kind of life reminder, it's clearly the living hell king!" "This brother's list of concerns is full... I'm afraid!!"

To discuss the overall plan ·Life ·Serials ·36000 words

Chapter 16 of the latest chapter receives the order! I was stabbed by an assassin on the way! 2024-06-24 13:28:03

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