Dostoevsky's Works Collection (9 sets in total) (Featured by famous artists)

"Reading Dostoevsky, you need a strong soul." Dostoevsky is not only one of the greatest novel masters in the 19th century's starry Russian literary world, but also one of the most complicated, contradictory and greatest novel masters in the world history. This package includes all the most important literary works created by Dostoevsky throughout his life. It selects the excellent translations of Lou Ziliang, Rong Rude, Yue Lin, etc., which are highly respected in the literary world. It includes 9 volumes, including White Nights, People Injured and insulted, Dead Room Notes, Crime and Punishment, Idiots, Ghosts, Teenagers, and Kalamazov Brothers (Volume I and Volume II). Dostoevsky was the greatest novelist in the 19th century's starry Russian literary world, and also the most complicated, contradictory, and greatest novel giant in the history of the world. As the most insightful writer of human nature in the history of literature, and the greatest soul in the history of mankind, he wrote the greatest novel of mankind, the Karamazov Brothers; He has influenced countless writers. Zweig, Brodsky, Borges, Susan Sontag have all expressed their praise for him. He has written all about the desolation of the world. His pen tip touches the little people crouching on the edge. His words show warm human brilliance, and his name has become immortal. This package includes all the most important literary works created by Dostoevsky throughout his life, and selects excellent translations such as Lou Ziliang, Rong Rude, Yue Lin, which are highly respected in the literary world.

Dostoevsky ·Collection ·3.21 million words

 Dickens Collection (10 sets in total) (Featured by famous artists)

Dickens is the most famous and popular novelist in England. According to the entries in Encyclopedia Britannica, his position in English literature is second only to Shakespeare, and he is known as "the greatest novelist in the Victorian era". Many literary critics regard him as the representative of British critical realism literature in the 19th century, paying special attention to describing the life experiences of "little people" living at the bottom of British society, but ignoring his humor, satire and comedy. His literary style is a collection of reality, fantasy and fun, and also a pioneer of serial novels. He can write sunny comedies, but also describe the social tragedies of the dark bottom. Tolstoy, Dostoyevs, Lao She and Mu Xin are all his admirers. Jules Verne, the "father of science fiction", even regarded Dickens as his source of inspiration, because the creativity in Dickens' works is inexhaustible for later generations of writers. After the emergence of the film art, it has affected the works including Batman: The Rise of the Dark Knight Such as the birth of a large number of films that pay equal attention to both popular and serious. The Collection of Dickens' Works is the most complete set of Dickens' literary classics on the market at present. It not only includes his five most famous novels, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, David Copperfield, Desolation Villa, but also includes two travel essays, Notes on Visiting the United States and Scenery of Italy, which have been out of print for many years Two collections of short and medium length humorous stories, "Boz's Special Stories", "Selected Short and Medium Stories", and one collection of "Christmas Stories", which invented "Christmas", try to restore the readers to a comprehensive and great literary genius Dickens.

Charles Dickens ·Collection ·3.79 million words

 Selected Works (six volumes in total) Essence: full annotation and translation of Chinese classics

Wenxuan, also known as Zhaoming Wenxuan, is the earliest extant collection of poems and essays in China presided over by Xiao Tong, Prince Zhaoming of the Southern Liang Dynasty. Since the Han and Wei Dynasties, there have been more and more collections of literati, which are difficult for scholars to read all over. "Wenxuan" is a collection of poems and essays with the essence of selection. It contains 764 pieces of works by 130 writers and several anonymous authors from the Zhou Dynasty down to the Southern Liang Dynasty. According to the genre, it can be divided into Fu, poem, Sao, seven, imperial edict, book, order, teaching, essay (Qiwen), table, calligraphy, Qi, Tanshi, note, play notes, book, move, Xi, question, comment, words, preface, ode There are thirty-eight categories of praise, fu ming, shi lun, shi shu zan, lun, lian zhu, zhen, ming, lei, ai, epigraph, epitaph, line shape, hang wen, and sacrificial inscription, among which fu and poetry are divided into several sub categories according to the subject matter. The works of all kinds are roughly in the chronological order of the authors& lt;br> The selected articles in Wenxuan pay attention to literary talent, and take "things come from meditation, meaning goes to Hanzao" (Xiao Tong's Preface to Wenxuan) as the main artistic standard. It records many works of parallel couplets, and focuses on the main essence of literature in the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties. It is praised as "the value of articles and the source of works" by the General Catalogue of Siku Quanshu. Wenxuan is rich in content and carefully selected. Many famous articles have been handed down to this day relying on Wenxuan, so it has important documentary value. The poetry and prose articles recorded in Wenxuan have become a model for later generations to learn to write and have a profound impact on later generations' literary creation. The literary and cultural thoughts embodied in Wenxuan have many values such as literary criticism, stylistics and rhetoric. As the head of the collection, Wenxuan's compilation style is of exemplary significance to the collection of literature of future generations. Wenxuan has retained a large number of language materials from the pre Tang period, which has important linguistic value. Wenxuan was once a required textbook for the imperial examination scholars, which had the research value of educational history and imperial examination history& amp;nbsp;<br> Wenxuan was originally 30 volumes, and the annotated version of Li Shan in Tang Dynasty was analyzed as 60 volumes. The original text of The Complete Annotations of Chinese Classical Masterpieces, The Complete Translation Series, Selected Works, published this time, is based on the Selected Works of Song Youmao, a book reprinted by Hu Kejia in the Qing Dynasty, which was photocopied by Zhonghua Book Company in 1977. In other editions of the school, each work has an explanation of the title and an introduction to the author, and is annotated and translated in sections to facilitate the reading and understanding of ordinary readers. There are six volumes in the whole book, and every ten volumes are one volume. There is a general catalog in front of the book, and each volume has a title list of sub volumes. At the end of the book, there is an author index of Wenxuan and a title index of Wenxuan arranged in phonetic order, which is convenient for retrieval& lt;br><div><br></div>

Zhang Qicheng, Xu Da, etc ·Collection ·2.41 million words

 Collection of classic works by Dan Simmons, author of Hebrian

"No one writes better than Dan Simmons!" The package includes: "Heiberian Quartet", "Murder of Dickens", "Song of Kali", "The Devil of Everest", "The Devil Behind You", "Polar Evil" Dan? Simmons has won 28 major awards in the world literary world: Hugo Award, Track Award, Nebula Award, World Fantasy Literature Award, Bram Stoke Award, International Association of Terrorist Writers Award, British Fantasy Novel Award, Japanese Nebula Award, French Cosmos Award... He has written about fantasy, science fiction, terrorism, reasoning, thriller, history, and mainstream literature. As long as he makes a move, any type of player will be applauded and won numerous awards. He is truly a "cross-border master". The Heiberian Quartet has swept all the important sci-fi awards around the world: Hugo Award, Trajectory Award, Japanese Nebula Award, French Cosmos Award, first prize of Spanish sci-fi novel, British sci-fi award... Heiberian is on every "must read" sci-fi book list. When Murder of Dickens was not published, the film copyright was awarded by Oscar winning director Gilmore? Toro (the representative works "The Pacific Rim" and "The Story of Water") signed it. The Devil Behind You is a horror classic that makes the whole America scream! The Song of Kali is Dan Simmons' first novel and the first fantasy novel in the world to win the World Fantasy Literature Award. The Demon of Everest is Dan Simmons' new work in 2013, which is also a particularly thrilling legend in all his works. "Polar Evil Spirits" won the 2007 International Association of Terrorist Writers Award. The American TV series of the same name is on the air!

Dan Simmons ·Collection ·3.88 million words

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