TYPECHO Automatic Translation SLUG Plug in

/ 29 Comments / nine fabulous

The first plug-in, just like the others, can automatically translate the titles of articles and pages, using Baidu translation API, or Pinyin. Usage: 1. To use Baidu Translate API, you need to register first. After enabling the plug-in, you can find the link. Normal users are basically free, and only those who exceed 100w will be charged. 2. Then fill the appid and key into the box in the settings. If there is a slug, it will not be regenerated. You can edit the title, clear the slug box, and click the mouse outside to automatically generate a new slug. Click me to download GitHub: https://github.com/gischuck/BaiduSlug

  1. Dante say:

    Can you remove the time after the translation

  2. When I saw the neighbor's child sitting at the door, depressed, I went to ask him, "Why don't you go home?" The child said, "My mother and my father are quarrelling." I asked, "Who is your father?" The child kept silent for a long time and said, "They are quarreling about this." Then I left in silence.

  3. Chuck say:

    Thank you for your support~

  4. Chuck say:

    Where is the time?

  5. Chakhsu Lau say:

    There is a problem with the download link

  6. Imazawa say:

    I'm ready to use this plug-in. Baidu can't use other people's plug-ins before, but Youdao can only be used. Youdao sometimes has a wind

  7. Imazawa say:

    I filled it in correctly, but it still didn't work. Both 360 Browser and Google are invalid. The plug-in I used to use is Google's invalid [nose picking]

  8. Imazawa say:

    Well done. When Baidu Translator fills in the information, it's not easy for me to fill in the IP address. It's better to modify it now

  9. Chuck say:

    [Too happy] Thanks for using

  10. kiss you say:

    Why can the blogger translate the entire page by clicking your title

  11. Chuck say:

    Do you mean switching between simplified and traditional Chinese? This is the template function. You can check qqdie.com

  12. kiss you say:

    Well, I didn't expect the broadcaster to be here so late

  13. ZhaoQuinn say:

    It seems to have failed

  14. If there is gitee, domestic resources, github can not be opened in some places


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