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 Zhe Zhe
Zhe Zhe
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Miscellaneous talk


Classification: Miscellaneous talk

    I used to think that I was a weak willed person, and everything I did was hot for three minutes, and there were only a few things I could do in the end. So I have lived in this world for more than 20 years in such an ordinary way, like boiled water and air. Although it exists, it is always insipid and will be forgotten soon.

    In recent years, I found myself more and more independent when I was far away from my familiar hometown and relatives who could help me arrange everything. I try to talk to strangers, I try to read different kinds of books, I try to walk in different places. I decided that I would be cowardly, so I would force myself to a dead end and let myself only have the option of "desperate survival". In my freshman English class, I raised my hand with a purple face and went to the stage to talk about my career ideal, just to make myself responsible for what I boasted that year.

    The trip to South Zhou two or three months ago was the penultimate wish of my college career, and I finally took responsibility for myself three years ago. I spent a month and a half as an intern there, and every day was very fulfilling. Listening to the teachers' witticism, I always admire them secretly. I will also ask myself silently, when will I be able to say something in an orderly and humorous way like them, and what theories and data can I pick up with my hands like them? Cultivating my own independent opinion and personality is the thing I have learned most and what I am trying to do now.




grow up

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Random impressions
    The last bad interview is still fresh in my memory, but who would have guessed that I had been an intern in that company for nearly two months when I was so useless at that time.

    At the beginning, I felt that I was not going to practice, but to make things worse. Although my daily work is to work as a banner, my hands are full of accidents. I spent a whole afternoon going to P a sanitary napkin, but in the end I didn't use it. When I couldn't find the material picture, my despair often pushed me to the edge of inner collapse. I will always ask myself, what is it that I come here when I am not in the comfortable library?

    Fortunately, I am stronger than I thought. I know that there are other students around me who are supporting me, as well as senior teachers and colleagues who are helping me. So, what reason do I have to refuse to move forward? Moreover, when I see the "Yes" and "Hmm, good" sent by my sisters in the QQ chat box, who will remember the failure of millions of times before? When I grow up, I will be happy.
    The world we are in contact with now is totally different from the past world. Even, to exaggerate, it is not my world in the future as I imagined. In order to better integrate into my work, I

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Be serious

    On his birthday, the teacher who was interviewed asked about the blog, and then remembered that he had a blog, but it had not been cultivated for a long time.

    I didn't stop writing, just wrote more things in my diary. First, let oneself hide deeply, dare not open some feelings to the public; Second, concentrate, practice calligraphy, and maintain a state of unwilling to give up.

    So, the former joyful


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Miscellaneous talk

  Hello, everyone! On the occasion of the Mid Autumn Festival, Zhe Zhe sends greetings to everyone and wishes you a happy Mid Autumn Festival!



      I haven't been here for more than three months. I miss the day when I typed by hand. So I picked a good day. Today, I come here to say hello to everyone.

      First of all, I feel sorry for Xiao Yan, who lost the opportunity to eat fresh meat mooncakes while pulling kampi on the Mid Autumn Festival in a foreign country! http://www/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___6724EN00SIGG.gif Don't worry, Lianhua's mooncake gate will open for you to the National Day!


      I am very lucky to return home. But because he couldn't stand the long line of people buying fresh meat moon cakes at the entrance of Lianhua Supermarket, he resolutely gave up the moon cakes and went straight home. In this way, the Mid Autumn Festival holiday began.

      To be honest, this Mid Autumn Festival is a bit boring. It is rare that I have cultivated a little sentimental style in recent years, but the typhoon and cold air completely smashed my plan to enjoy the moon in the Mid Autumn Festival. Fortunately, I don't have much desire for moon cakes. Even if I can't eat fresh meat, I don't feel very happy. Think about water injection of pork


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Random impressions


      I came back from the bathroom after class today and saw LC,CYX,HYY They were discussing things at the door and wanted to join in, but they suddenly realized that I was not a member of the Youth Association anymore... So, I'd better go to the classroom quietly.


      five month eighteen I gave up the opportunity to compete for the president because I could not defeat my cowardly self

(2010-05-08 12:27)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Random impressions

      In the morning, I hurried back to my dormitory at 10:30 to watch the Spurs' game against the Sun. This is probably the first time since entering college to watch the game in such a formal way.

      Why so fast? It's time for the playoffs again. The Spurs have lost two games to the Suns. Dang Rang has fallen behind 0-3 so far.

      A little sentimental. When watching the game just now, whenever the commentator praised the depth of the Suns' bench, I would think of the time when they praised the depth of the Spurs' bench when I was in junior high school... Things have changed.

      Ginobili still played very well. I was fascinated by the scores of more than 20 and the abstract layups.

      A person's dormitory is full of screams. Seeing his wonderful layups and three-point shots, he can't help clapping his hands again, and his heart is shocked.


      Looking at it, I think of myself in junior high school.

      At that time, I always went to the boutique to search for Ginobili's posters. Because he is not always SUPERSTAR, it is difficult to find posters, and he often returns empty handed. But I can always defeat and fight again and again, and mobilize all the students who can to join me in the cause of searching for posters.

      As long as there is Ginobili's basketball magazine in the class, I will try my best to cut it down and paste it

(2010-05-05 21:13)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Random impressions

      Since the beginning of school, I have finally fallen ill with a sore throat and dare not swallow saliva. So this morning, I took the medical record card and went straight to the school clinic.

      Hang up the number to see the doctor, the doctor said it was pharyngitis. So she asked me if Cephalosporin was allergic, and I was proud to answer "Ah? Cephalosporin?... I heard of it, but I didn't eat it... I grew up, generally not sick... Really..." I could feel the doctor's helplessness, but she still calmly prescribed medicine for me. It's cheap for college students to buy medicine, and only 14 yuan is enough for a total of 42 yuan medicine~So, after buying medicine, they happily went back to their dormitories to clean up.

      At noon, when it was time to take medicine, I took the instructions and read them carefully. Well, there are three boxes of medicine. The first box contains four pills each time, three times a day; The second box contains 3 tablets each time, 3 times a day; The third box, 6 pills at a time, 3 times a day... Although I'm not good at math, I can still calculate how many pills I should take every day. A total of 39. Looking back on the past, the number of pills I have taken in the past 20 years is at most that much~

      Therefore, my conclusion is that doctors cannot see.

      I went to the clinic today, but I really had no choice. My throat has been sore for six days, but it hasn't improved at all. It's getting worse every day. I went to see the doctor for fear of leaving any sequelae. I used to drink boiled water like a cold before,

(2010-05-04 18:04)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Random impressions

      I haven't managed my blog for a long time. Because I was very depressed a few days ago, I put all my diaries on the online disk and only left them for myself to read later.


      Yesterday afternoon, I was at home during the May Day holiday, so I got my mobile phone to play online. I accidentally opened "My Blog" and saw a message: "When will I update it again??? Little girl, I will keep an eye on you. Suddenly I felt so warm. There are strangers waiting for the update of my blog at the end of the world. I live an ordinary life. Now, another person who lives an ordinary life cares about my life. What an honor! No matter whether Ta's "attention" and "optimism" are true or not, I feel particularly happy. I also realized the value of writing my own blog for the first time. Sweet~Thank you!


      Then, from today on, I also want to regain my blog and continue my happy and carefree life. Occasionally, I feel a little sad, and I will talk to you. It seems that I need your comfort


      May Day is at home.

      The night before yesterday, I packed my summer clothes with my mother and prepared to go to Hangzhou. I picked up a pair of shorts to try them on, see if the waist fits properly, and also experience the feeling of summer in advance. After wearing it, I bent down to look at my legs, which were mostly exposed to the air, and exclaimed, "How rough!"

(2010-04-13 17:36)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Miscellaneous talk

      Today is the third time to see a blood donation vehicle. It was a kind of unintentional sight. I came down from the second floor of the canteen after having a meal. I saw a low-key car parked next to it and looked carefully. It was a blood donation car. So, the second elder martial brother, Yuanyuan and I ran towards it desperately, eager to donate their own blood.

      This time, God's will didn't trick people. We have successfully donated our blood, which can be regarded as a contribution to the society.

      The happiest thing about this blood donation was not to get an umbrella, a box of milk and a packet of biscuits, but to easily know your blood type. Second Martial Brother and Yuanyuan are selfless type O blood. I am type O blood. After 20 years of living, I finally know my blood type, which is really a leap!


      The sister who helped me draw blood said that my blood was drawn very fast. I asked her if it was because I was too healthy. My sister smiled and said that it was because you were not nervous and relaxed.

      Look, how brave I am at this time. I can take my time when facing a large pool of blood. I was not so calm in the math test and the long-distance running test! I also took a picture of our blood with my mobile phone in a leisurely way~~Now let it out for everyone to enjoy~




On the bus, a female classmate was quietly looking at her arm

(2010-03-31 14:49)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Random impressions

      Now, BB is sleeping quietly in bed. 45 minutes ago, she asked me to wake her up at this time. As a result, I called, she answered, but continued to sleep. BB reminds me of my mother again. I remember when I was at home, my mother would give me a specific time before taking a nap to wake her up at that time. But every time I answered, I went back to sleep. Today, I don't know how long BB will sleep.

      Now, our dormitory looks very harmonious. It's sunny outside, and the bedroom is dark and gloomy under the tight curtain. BB is on the bed and I am on the ground. What I am looking forward to most now is that she can say a few words in her sleep so that I can be happy again. For example, the last time I heard her talking in her sleep, she said "I want to eat"... It's funny, it kills me. When I heard this sentence in the middle of the night, I could understand how sympathetic women are in weight loss.

      It's really a rare afternoon~we haven't stayed in the dormitory so leisurely for a long time. This is probably the first time this month. In the past, if we were free, we would put ourselves in the library. Today, because of the activities in the evening, we can stay in the dormitory with peace of mind. I felt it was pretty good (just a little cold).



      It seems that BB has more perseverance than my mother. She has got up. It's a pity that she didn't talk in her sleep while taking a nap.


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