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 Touching an unreachable emotional person
Touching an unreachable emotional person
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Classification: Real cases of emotional disclosure

[Real Emotional Record]
Yesterday I played mahjong in the mahjong parlor because I had a rest from work. In order not to let others disturb me playing mahjong, I turned off my mobile phone.

My wife is the main person. Every time there is a little thing at home, she just doesn't play on the phone. I really don't want my wife to disturb me playing mahjong.

It only started for two hours. When my luck just improved, my wife unexpectedly found a mahjong parlor. She said that her daughter quarreled to go to her grandmother's house, so she asked me to hurry home and drive my daughter to her grandmother's house.

My wife came to the mahjong parlor to look for me. She dropped this sentence and made me laugh. I dare not play mahjong ever since

I'm lucky at the beginning. I want to turn it over. What's the meaning of coming here at this time. Don't you mean not to make me happy.

Besides, my mother-in-law can't go to her house without buying some gifts. This time, I lost half a month's salary.

I let her go by herself, I'm not free, plus this mahjong parlor


Classification: Real cases of emotional disclosure

[Real Emotional Record]
Zhang Wen and I have been in love for some time, and we know each other by working outside. Zhang Wen wanted to go home to see her mother. I knew early that Zhang Wen's mother was a single mother, and it was not easy to raise Zhang Wen. So I also wanted to see her mother, naturally as a boyfriend.

Zhang Wen was a bit embarrassed at the beginning, but later agreed. I bought a lot of gifts and went to Zhang Wen's house. Zhang Wen's mother knew we were coming and had been waiting for us at the entrance of the village very early.

I thought Zhang Wen's mother should be a person who has gone through many vicissitudes of life, but she doesn't look at all. It's still a little fashionable. Her mother cooked a large table of dishes for us when we came home that day, which was very good. I talked late that night, and I felt that her mother was a very good person. I went back to my hometown in the countryside with my girlfriend. The next day, there was an embarrassing scene. When I returned to the city, I wanted to break up immediately

The next morning, Zhang Wen was still sleeping. I woke up early and just wanted to go out, but I hadn't opened the door to listen


Classification: Real cases of emotional disclosure

[Real Emotional Record]
A few days ago, I was about to go out when my younger brother's wife suddenly came to me and asked me to lend her 20000 yuan. She was still very worried. I thought it was an emergency at home. In addition, I was anxious to go on a business trip, so I went back to my house and gave her a bank card to pick it up. Because that card is only over 20000, I didn't think much about it.

Who knows that I saw my brother's wife drying her bag when I was shopping in the circle of friends yesterday. I know this brand is not cheap. It costs tens of thousands at least.

I felt sick at once. I called my brother's wife directly and said, "Do you want to borrow money from me to buy a bag?"? I didn't expect my younger brother and daughter-in-law to say directly, yes, I just wanted to get money from you because I liked that bag. My sister-in-law borrowed 20000 yuan from her home. I saw that her circle of friends really wanted to vomit blood and wanted to get back the money

When I heard this, she said that you didn't ask me what to do at that time. It's my freedom to borrow money to buy something. I was so angry that I said that since it was not urgent, I would ask you for money.



Classification: Real cases of emotional disclosure

[Real Emotional Record]
Some time ago, my mother was ill and needed 100000 yuan for surgery. My brother fought with others and went to the detention center, so I had to pay the money. My mother is still ill, and my mother-in-law is ill again. It never rains but it pours. The family really doesn't have much money.

After my mother-in-law was sent to the hospital, my husband went to borrow money. A few days later, my husband brought back a bank card and said he borrowed it from his brother. Because my mother-in-law needs money, I didn't think much about it.

After my mother-in-law leaves the hospital, I will take care of my mother, mother-in-law and children. My husband said that the guy had a good project recently and was going to take him with him, so he would go out to socialize with him. I didn't think much about it.

Because I know that our salary is far from enough to cover our family expenses. It would be better if our husband had more channels to earn money.

Yesterday, my husband just came back from work and went to the bathroom to wash up. He said that he would go out to socialize later. I asked my son to watch TV in the living room. I was taking care of the old man and suddenly saw his hand


Classification: Real cases of emotional disclosure

[Real Emotional Record]
At the beginning, my husband and I were two people from the countryside, and it was entirely our efforts that made us poor and clean. But I never dreamed that my husband would cheat when I was preparing for my second pregnancy.

Because my husband and I only have one daughter. After we succeed in our careers, my husband hopes that I can have another. So I went home to prepare for pregnancy. I didn't know whether it was because of age or other reasons. My stomach hadn't moved for nearly a year.

But one day I took my daughter home and saw my husband walking with a woman with a big belly. I ran to her and asked what was the matter. When my husband saw me, he said directly that since you saw me, I would not hide it from you. This woman has my child in her belly. She is still a man. I am responsible for her. Let's divorce. I ran into my husband walking with the big belly lady. He went out of the house clean. One month later, he came to see my daughter every day

When I heard my husband say this, I was disappointed. I didn't expect that my husband, whom I loved so much, would treat me like this. I agreed to divorce


Classification: Real cases of emotional disclosure

[Real Emotional Record]
It's an open second child. Seeing the old people around me at the same age start to take care of children again, I'm also itching to tell you the truth, and I hope my daughter-in-law can have another one.

My daughter-in-law has given birth to a daughter who is already five years old. Although I also like boys, we are intellectuals, and we know that it is my son's problem to have boys and girls, so we didn't embarrass my daughter-in-law too much.

The second child is not open now. I want to let my daughter-in-law have another one. Both men and women are good. I blushed for my daughter-in-law who wanted to have a second child when she made such an unreasonable request

I told my son about this two days ago, but my son unexpectedly said that it was not him but my daughter-in-law who was the key to the birth. You said that I, the black sheep, listened to his wife. We had no choice but to talk to her.

On that day, I specially prepared a meal and brought my granddaughter back for dinner. I told my granddaughter that when the time came, I would tell her mother


Classification: Real cases of emotional disclosure

[Real Emotional Record]
My ex-wife and I have been married for 8 years, and we have always been in a good relationship. But I never dreamed that my daughter, whom I have raised for 5 years, would not be my daughter. A DNA test made the relationship between my daughter and me clear.

I didn't expect that my daughter who had been in pain for so long was not my child. I didn't expect that my ex-wife had an affair in marriage and gave birth to another's daughter. I can't swallow this all the time. I chose divorce.

Because my daughter has no blood relationship with me, I can't take her with me, so my 5-year-old daughter left with her ex-wife in this way.

Although I hate my ex-wife, the child is innocent after all. So I will miss her after a long time. After all, we have had so many years of father daughter relationship.

My daughter, who has been raised for 5 years, is not born in person. After divorce, I want to return the custody of my daughter. Her father is too inhuman

The other day I came back from a business trip to tidy up my room and sorted out a box of my daughter's clothes and toys. I wanted to give them away


Classification: Real cases of emotional disclosure

[Real Emotional Record]

Tell me something about me. A man I met in our store. I went out to open a room last night. I took the initiative to ask him out. I didn't mean that at first. But he misunderstood. You have been acting on me. Said he would love me. I refused him if I had to. Although he kissed me. I really want to touch it, but I still have too much concern. Not touching the last bottom line. You said he really liked me. Still want to get on me. Should a woman fall in love with someone so impulsively?


Why do you pretend to be innocent when you ask others on your own initiative? To be honest, when you ask a man out, you can only feed your lower body at most, and the upper body (the feelings, care, and even the tacit understanding of the soul you want) can only become empty talk.
A man can easily get you at his door. Don't talk about cherishing. I think I will let you get dressed and go after getting into bed.

In men's love world, sex comes first, followed by spirit, character and spirit


Classification: Real cases of emotional disclosure

[Real Emotional Record]
My mother-in-law passed away some time ago. My husband didn't trust his father-in-law to be at home alone, so he took him out to live.

It's hard for me to say anything about filial piety to the elderly, but when I live together, I find that life is really different.

My father-in-law likes to have some wine with dinner. However, if you drink, you will drink in the bar. If your husband doesn't accompany you, you will lose your temper and refuse to eat.

Because of this, my husband had to drink with him, not occasionally every day, but almost every day, and had to drink twice a day on weekends. After my father-in-law came to my house, my daughter said a lot of dirty words. I wanted to drive him back to my hometown. My husband pressed me with the whole village

After a month, everything is chaotic. Usually, after dinner, my husband accompanies my daughter and tells her stories. I do housework. But now the husband can't accompany his daughter at all, because he drinks too much, and two people will talk nonsense when they drink too much, and often say some dirty words.


Classification: Real cases of emotional disclosure

[Real Emotional Record]
My daughter is almost eight months old, and the company said that it was impossible to extend my maternity leave. Let me go back to work. I couldn't help but call my mother-in-law, hoping she could come and help me with the baby. My mother-in-law said that there was no way out. The pig farm at home could not do without people. If it was really impossible, she asked my sister-in-law to come here.

As soon as I listen to the drum, my sister-in-law has been in her late twenties, but is it OK not to tune all day? I didn't say anything. My sister-in-law called me that night and said that she would come to give me a try. If she couldn't do it for a week, she would go home.

Since she said so, I can only agree. I taught my sister-in-law the same way that week. She also studied hard and her daughter was willing to follow her. I thought that no matter how bad it was, it would not be worse than the nanny. Because I didn't worry, I let my sister-in-law stay. My sister-in-law helped me take my daughter. When I came home, I saw that I drove my sister-in-law out. My mother-in-law scolded me for being ungrateful

I went out to work. Later, I had to go on business because of many things in the company. I began to worry about my daughter,

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