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Appreciate the diversified Yala Snow Mountain from different angles

(2017-12-07 08:51:56)

West Sichuan


Yala Snow Mountain

Classification: Hear the wind sing


Photography /     Frost

Speech is far away

Qilu. Yala Snow Mountain - Yiyun Boyou Shuangling's "Appreciating the Variety of Yala Snow Mountain from Different Angles"
The blue sky blooms with snow lotus, and the clouds are beautiful and beautiful.
The long lapel stretches the mountain, and the fire burns the peak.
The sea of silver has bright eyes to see the beautiful shadow, and the beautiful mirror to shoot the real fate.
The children's shop welcomes customers. How many mountains do you want to climb?
  Yala Snow Mountain, known in Tibetan as "Xiaxue Yalagabo" (meaning Oriental White Yak Mountain), is one of the four sacred mountains in Tibetan areas of China. It is located at the junction of Kangding, Daofu and Danba counties in Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, with an altitude of 5884 meters, opposite to the holy mountain of Melbourne in the northwest. The top of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round. It is a famous holy mountain in Kangba area, where the Yarra River originates. At the mountainside of Yala Mountain, more than 4000 meters away, there are two Haizi less than 300 meters away from each other. Their water flows north and south into both sides of the ridge. It forms a beautiful natural landscape.
        Locals call Yala Snow Mountain "Cannon Mountain". Standing at different places to see Yala Snow Mountain, the shape of the mountain is different: from Bamei, it is a snow lotus that will not be released, and some people say it is like a crown; Seen from the direction of Xindu Bridge, it is the shape of lotus. From the direction of Danba, it looks like a half open rose.
    Yala Snow Mountain is Huiyuan Temple and the holy mountains worshipped by the surrounding Tibetans. According to the Tibetan ancient book "Sacred Mountain is easy to enter the way of liberation", the mountain is called "the second Shambhala".
      From the west, Yalla looks like a burning fire, and from the north, she looks like a virtuous woman. It took us a day to set out from Kangding, via Mugecuo, Tagong, Bamei, to Danba. From different angles, I have experienced the changeable style of Yala Snow Mountain.

      This is the lotus shaped Yala Snow Mountain. Starting from Kangding, you can go to Pagong in Mugecuo Scenic Area and turn around numerous mountains. After driving more than 50 kilometers on the Panshan Road, you can see the lotus shaped Yala Snow Mountain in the distance. There are two Haizi sisters at the foot of the snow mountain. When we arrived, the clouds above Xiaohaizi were misty and the big haizi was blue and cold. The snow mountain in the distance is a gentle dark blue, and there are several groups of cotton like warm snow on the top of the mountain.


      Under the snow line of Yala Snow Mountain is a vast and rare red cedar virgin forest. Under the snow peak is the blue mountain lake Yalayoucuo, also called Jade Sea, commonly known as Xiaohaizi. The lake water is connected with the glacier by ice falls. The hillside around the lake is covered with redwoods and azalea bushes, forming a wonderful natural picture. Yarachuohe Town Langcuo, also known as Sister Lake, is also known as Dahaizi. The lake is open and spectacular, with unpredictable water depth and clouds. In the morning, the lake is quiet, smooth as a mirror, and the reflection of the holy mountain is very charming; When the light wind blows, the lake ripples everywhere. The sun shines, and the lake is full of silver.


Because one of the lakes is completely covered by clouds, the two adjacent lakes are so different. It's really amazing! Although we came to the west of Sichuan, we encountered a lot of magical weather along the way. This wonderful scene still made us sigh.

When approaching Tagong, Yala Snow Mountain was blocked behind by mountains, only a sharp white snow peak was exposed.




The only roadside shop stopped to buy some drinks. Two Tibetan children in the shop were very cute.


"Tagong", in Tibetan, means "the place that Bodhisattva likes". It is located on a plateau with an altitude of 3730 meters
The Sichuan Tibet Highway runs through the area. The Tagong Grassland covers an area of 712.37 square kilometers. The terrain is gentle and undulating. The grassland is vast, with abundant water and grass, and herds of cattle and sheep. In the right front behind the Tagong Temple stands a magnificent Yala Snow Mountain, which complements the grassland. The Tagong grassland is more beautiful against the blue sky and white clouds.



The crown like Yarra Snow Mountain photographed in the direction of Bamei is usually seen on the Internet. From Bamei to Tagong, tens of kilometers away, this cool and gorgeous crown shaped snow mountain has always been on the east side of the road. Because the landform here is alpine grassland. Therefore, Yala Snow Mountain is so outstanding that no one can ignore his arrogance.







Tagong Scenic Area mainly focuses on the towering Yala Snow Mountain, undulating grasslands and the resplendent "Muya Sutra Tower" on the grasslands. There are Tagong Temple, Tagong Temple, Pagoda Forest, Yala Snow Mountain and other scenic spots in the scenic spot. Tagong Temple, known as "Little Jokhang Temple", is one of the holy places for Tibetan pilgrimage in Kangba area.











From Bamei to Danba, the car entered the colorful mountains. The mountains are magnificent and the trees are dense in the mountains. Most of the time, you can't see Yala Snow Mountain. There is only one pass with a viewing platform. This is also the climbing pass of Yala Snow Mountain. Mountain climbers who like challenges usually start climbing this mysterious snow peak here. Here you can see the white rose like Yara Snow Mountain.





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