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Health expert ZOE
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Why do you have acne on your chest and back? Seven things you should notice about acne

(2014-10-27 08:26:28)


Text/ Royal、Yun photo/ GETTY
Does your skin keep getting pimples? The pimples on the chin haven't gone away for a while, but these days there are several more on the forehead. Why on earth? In fact, the skin basically reflects the personal physical condition. They don't depend on the mood. For example, growing on your cheeks means that your hygiene habits are not strengthened... The sudden appearance of acne must be due to the reason. To check the acne warning in various parts, it is more practical to treat acne symptoms!
http://s13/mw690/003izWB1gy6N2LHyONS9c&690 Seven things you should notice about acne "TITLE=" Why are there acne on the chest and back?   7 things you should notice about acne "/>
Chin, neck
Cause: Your daily routine leads to the fluctuation of hormones throughout the cycle, which makes pores secrete too much oil, clogs pores, and causes acne.
How to solve it: This requires at least a week of conditioning. If you normally use a facial cleanser containing anti acne ingredients (such as salicylic acid) to clean your face, thoroughly clean your chin, neck and cheeks. If you are already very bad, it is recommended to go to the dermatology department to seek professional help.

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Forehead, nose
Cause: pressure. When you are under pressure, the most obvious reaction is that there is oil at the T-shaped part. Your body will secrete adrenaline, increasing the secretion of skin oil, so it will be easy to grow pimples on the forehead and nose.
How to solve it: When you know that the pressure is coming, such as an exam or an important meeting next month, you can use anti acne lotion to maintain your whole face in advance.

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Acne along the hairline
Cause: styling products. When you oil your hair or apply hair care lotion for maintenance, you accidentally touch your hairline, which will lead to pore blockage.
How to solve it: Never touch your forehead when applying styling products or hair care products. And clean your hands thoroughly after modeling, and don't forget the dead corner of the hairline when washing your face.

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Cause: The phone is too dirty or you don't wash your hands and touch your face. If your dirty hands touch your face or talk on the phone all the time, of course, your pores will be blocked and infected with bacteria.
How to solve it: wipe your mobile phone with an antibacterial tissue, often clean your hands with hands free lotion, pay attention to cleaning carefully, and don't touch your face frequently.

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Around the mouth
Reason: eating habits. The oil left on the mouth by fried food will block the pores around your mouth, making some small pimples appear on your lips.
How to solve it: Remember to clean your mouth after eating, because it is the invisible food residue around your mouth!

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Chest and back
Reason: dirty sports bra or T-shirt. The sweat absorption characteristics of cotton clothes make your skin fit with sweat for a long time, which allows the bacteria that love moisture to breed! Wearing cotton clothes is easy to cause acne in the chest and back.
How to solve it: When you exercise, you should wear special sweat wicking fabric. This will prevent your sweat from being on your skin all the time, and will not become a hotbed of bacteria.

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When you have a big acne or a lot of acne
Cause: If your skin suddenly has a large number of pimples and acne, it may not be caused by a single reason, but by many reasons.
How to solve it: Now that the technology of Yimei is developed, you may want to fast laser treatment once and for all, but don't go directly to Yimei without consulting a professional dermatologist. On the contrary, it is more likely to stimulate the sebaceous glands of the skin and cause more acne. Everyone's skin and muscle conditions are different. The best way to decide is to go through the diagnosis and treatment of a professional doctor.

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