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Small reflux disease, complications are big problems!

(2016-08-26 16:33:23)

Miscellaneous talk

Gastroesophageal Reflux Department of the Second Artillery General Hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army - Others - Chief Physician   Wu Jimin

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common disease, and many people have experienced it. Its typical symptoms are acid regurgitation and heartburn, and its atypical symptoms can be described as various, involving multiple specialties and systems They often commute to various departments of the hospital. As the saying goes, a headache heals the head, a foot sore heals the foot, and the doctors are busy with their own affairs. The digestive department looks at digestion, the respiratory department looks at breathing, the otorhinolaryngology department looks at ear, nose and throat, and the cardiology department looks at the heart Pile, such as allergic asthma, coronary heart disease, chronic pharyngitis, allergic rhinitis, etc Wait, a lot of medicine has been prescribed, but it has little effect. There is a development trend of modern medicine, that is, the specialization is more and more detailed. This division of labor has its advantages - doctors are easy to be proficient in the diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases, but it also has its disadvantages, It artificially separates people as a whole. It is unknown that people cannot only suffer from one disease, and one disease may also have multiple manifestations. At this time, if doctors lack a holistic view and know little about non professional knowledge, it is easy to appear The situation mentioned above makes this very simple gastroesophageal reflux disease diagnosed as a variety of diseases. Now I will list the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease involving all systems for your reference.

——Digestive system: acid regurgitation, heartburn, stomach distention, belching, regurgitation, diaphragm beating, epigastric pain, dysphagia, oral ulcer, diarrhea or constipation. Some patients complained of foreign bodies or oppression under the esophagus or xiphoid process.

——Respiratory system: cough, expectoration, wheezing, throat ringing, hoarseness, throat tightness, chest tightness, suffocation, shortness of breath, sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, nasal drip, dry throat, throat itching, foreign body sensation in throat.

——Circulation system: chest pain, palpitation, arrhythmia.

——Nervous system: ear itch, tinnitus, otitis media, hearing loss; Dry eyes, swollen eyes, itchy eyes, tears, blurred vision; Dizziness, headache.

——Motor system: back pain, skin numbness of head or limbs, paralysis of limbs, dental caries.

People will be surprised to see how many problems can be caused by a small gastroesophageal reflux disease. These problems are common, but they have never been treated correctly. Therefore, it is urgent to pay attention to gastroesophageal reflux disease. Let's start from the people around us and spread the knowledge of gastroesophageal reflux disease widely, so that more patients can be freed from the suffering of misdiagnosis and mistreatment as soon as possible.


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