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Cold Dew Regimen

(2016-10-08 08:46:49)

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 Cold Dew Regimen

Cold Dew Regimen

Cold Dew ranks seventeen in the twenty-four solar terms, and it is handed over from October 8 to 9 every year. Historical records "The Dou refers to the cold dew, which is cold and cold at times, and is about to condense, so it is called cold dew." "The dew is cold and will condense." Because of the arrival of cold dew, the climate changes from hot to cold, and everything grows with the cold, gradually falling. This is the season of alternating heat and cold. In nature, the qi of yin and yang begins to change, the yang qi gradually recedes, and the yin qi gradually grows. Our body's physiological activities should also adapt to the changes in nature to ensure the physiological (yin and yang) balance in the body.

Autumn cold dew protects lung and yin

In the cold dew season, everything will gradually decline with the increase of cold. In nature, the qi of yin and yang also gradually changes, the yang qi gradually recedes, and the yin qi gradually flourishes. In terms of health preservation, we should make the physiological activities in the body conform to the changes in nature to ensure the balance of yin and yang in the body. According to the emphasis in the Four Seasons Regimen According to the principle of "Yang in spring and summer, Yin in autumn and winter", attention must be paid to maintaining Yin in the body in cold dew season.

In the golden autumn, dry qi is in order. The dry and evil qi is easy to invade the human body and consume lung yin. If the recuperation is improper, the human body will suffer from a series of autumn dryness symptoms such as dry throat, dry nose and dry skin. Therefore, the diet in late autumn should nourish yin and moisten lung. To be specific, diet regimen should be based on a balanced diet of five flavors. According to individual conditions, eat more sweet, light and moist foods to nourish the spleen and stomach, nourish the lungs and intestines, and prevent dry throat and dry mouth.

Cold Dew Keep Your Feet Warm

There is a folk saying that "White dew does not show body, cold dew does not show feet", this sentence means that in white dew season, the elderly and children should not be shirtless, and when it comes to cold dew, they should pay attention to foot warmth.

Therefore, the elderly should pay attention to wearing warm shoes and socks, and their ankles should not be exposed. Every night, we should develop the habit of soaking feet in hot water, because feet are the farthest from the heart and there is less blood supply. Soaking feet in hot water can expand blood vessels, improve blood circulation and tissue nutrition of the feet, and improve the immune capacity of the body. It can also reduce leg soreness and help sleep.

In addition, In the dry autumn, many people are prone to oral ulcers. A large number of people have recurrent oral ulcers, which is called "Refractory oral ulcer". When oral ulcer attacks, it makes people feel pain and sleep. In fact, for those who are prone to recurrent oral ulcers, although the symptoms are in the mouth, the real root of the disease is in the spleen and stomach.

 Cold Dew Regimen

Don't forget to detoxify cold dew

In the cold dew season, the weather is getting colder and colder. In order to strengthen their resistance, many people begin to take a lot of supplements, so their bodies will metabolize more waste material these ones here waste material If it cannot be eliminated in time, it will seriously affect your health. Therefore, cold dew should not only be replenished, but also detoxified. Choose appropriate detox food to cooperate with fitness exercise, which is not only beneficial to health, but also can strengthen the body. The following three types of food are very good choices.

Fungi. The selenium element rich in fungi can help us clean the blood and clear the dirt. Regular consumption can play a very good role in moistening the intestines, detoxifying, lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, preventing vascular sclerosis and improving the immunity of the body. At the same time, fungi food is also a very good anti-cancer food.

Fresh fruit and vegetable juice. Fresh fruit and vegetable juice is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and other nutrients, which play a very important role in removing toxins from the body.

Pig blood soup. Pig blood is a very good detoxification food. It contains rich plasma protein, which can be decomposed under the action of various enzymes in human stomach acid and digestive juice to produce a substance with detoxification and intestinal moistening effects. It can also combine the dust, harmful metal particles and other substances in the stomach and intestines with substances that cannot be absorbed by the adult body, and discharge them out of the body through feces.

 Cold Dew Regimen

Common Sense of Cold Dew Regimen

one , Chaoyan Evening Honey

Cold dew is the beginning of autumn, when hot and cold alternate. In autumn, autumn dryness is a vexing thing. Health experts suggest that the best diet to deal with autumn dryness is: "Morning salt water, evening honey soup".

It is found that the skin is getting drier and drier. Many people think that as long as they drink more water, they can replenish water. The truth is that drinking plain water is easy to lose water. However, if a little salt is added to the boiled water, the situation will be different. This method is the same as adding normal saline.

Drink salt water in the daytime and honey water in the evening. This is not only a good way to replenish water for the human body, but also a good diet recipe for health preservation and aging resistance in autumn. It can also prevent constipation caused by autumn dryness. Modern medicine has proved that honey is effective for neurasthenia, hypertension, coronary arteriosclerosis, lung disease, etc. In autumn, honey is often taken to moisten and nourish the lungs. So when autumn comes, it's best "Drink light salt water in the morning and honey water in the evening" to keep healthy!

two Moxibustion of navel for autumn

If diarrhea is caused by cold spleen and stomach, you can use moxibustion to solve the problem. There are many methods of moxibustion on the navel. You can hang the burning moxa stick directly above the navel one About cm, moxibustion should be carried out with a warm feeling. Moxibustion takes about half an hour each time and is carried out every day one Times, continuous moxibustion ten Second one course of treatment. Generally speaking, this method can be used all year round, but the best effect is in autumn and winter.

Gastrointestinal dysfunction, neurasthenia and other diseases due to physical weakness can be prevented and treated with this method with good results. Ginger separated moxibustion is also a moxibustion method often used by modern people. Take a piece of ginger, cut it into thick slices, put a few eyes on it, put it on the navel, light the moxa cone, and carry out bird pecking moxibustion (like bird pecking) on the ginger slices to feel warm and comfortable.

Cold Dew Regimen Recipe

Recipe 1: Red Date Peanut Yam Congee

Raw material: jujube ten Pieces, peanuts forty-five Ke, yam one Segment, rice one hundred Gram.


one Wash yam, peel and cut into pieces, and wash peanuts and red dates. Add proper amount of water.

two First boil yams, peanuts and dates, then put rice in and stir it with a spoon to prevent sticking to the pan. cook ten Just a minute.

Efficacy: Red jujube has the function of tonifying qi and blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach ; Eating peanuts with red clothes can not only strengthen the spleen and stomach, nourish and regulate qi, but also enrich blood ; Chinese yam nourishes the spleen and stomach, and invigorates the middle and qi. This porridge nourishes the spleen and blood, nourishes the face.

Recipe 2: Shenmai Sydney Lean Meat Soup

Raw material: lean pork five hundred G, Radix Pseudostellariae thirty Gram, Sydney four Piece, Ophiopogon japonicus fifteen Grams, almonds thirty Gram.


one , Pseudostellaria heterophylla, Ophiopogon japonicus ( Decanter ) Rinse, Sydney, and peel four Block, enucleated ; Blanch the almonds with boiling water and remove the clothes ; Clean lean pork and cut into pieces.

two Put all the ingredients into the pot, add some water, boil it with fire, and then cook it gently one two Hours, seasoning for use.

Efficacy: The autumn dryness is high and the wind is high. You must clear the dryness and moisten the lungs, replenish qi and promote fluid production. The Chinese medicine Pseudostellaria, Ophiopogon japonicus and Nanxing Snow Pear Pork in Pot have this effect. Pseudostellaria heterophylla and Ophiopogon japonicus are both drugs for nourishing yin and moistening dryness. Nanxing apricot is mild in nature and sweet in taste. It has the function of relieving cough and moistening dryness. Sydney moistens the lung, promotes fluid production, clears heat and dissipates phlegm. Compendium of Materia Medica believes that it has The function of "moistening the lungs and cooling the heart, eliminating phlegm and reducing fire".



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