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[Dai Ruo - Workshop on Orthoposition and Physiological Phase Sequence of Pelvic Disc (Guangzhou Station)]

(2015-05-15 23:26:09)

Miscellaneous talk

http://ww3/large/62683c9bjw1es5cojsffaj20yi0puwjv.jpg The four days of learning passed in a flash. I was extremely expecting and enjoying being a student for a person who was accustomed to the role of a teacher.
http://ww2/large/62683c9bjw1es5cng9a61j20tw16w1aj.jpg She deserves my whole life! Since my marriage in 2009, she has given me the direction of yoga and a turning point in my life, as well as the power and infinite support she has given me to learn. There is no need for too many words, and tacit understanding has become a matter of course. She is my life teacher --- Dai Ruo. Her courses are boundless, broad and profound, which make you walk steadily, sit steadily, lie comfortably... and show the power of life in bloom.
http://ww2/large/62683c9bjw1es5cmwt2hhj20k00qojvy.jpg               First of all, the teacher let us re understand the pelvis from the structure and function of the pelvis and its importance to the spine and female physiology. The importance of the pelvis to the human body is ignored by most people. When people are busy treating the spine and massaging muscles, they forget that the foundation of the spine is the pelvis, which is the largest support of the human skeleton structure, just like the foundation of a house. When the foundation is tilted, the house cannot be stable and safe. In the human body structure, the importance of the structure, function and emotion of the pelvis has not been fully emphasized. Its three functions of support, accommodation and protection play an extremely important role in the use of the human body.
http://ww1/large/62683c9bjw1es5cnm70tuj20m80xcn5c.jpg               The correction of the pelvis is equivalent to finding the source, and all exercises originate from the direction. The teacher used her very clear thinking to analyze the consequences caused by the incorrect pelvis case by case, and helped everyone to settle the results through the repair exercise. In all processes, the teacher broadened our thinking with yoga philosophy
http://ww2/large/62683c9bjw1es5cnrf6qvj20m80xcgtw.jpg               Physiological period has a profound impact on women. Today, the teacher analyzed all aspects that affect the physiological period, and how women in the physiological period should practice the pose sequences that are beneficial to the menstrual period.
http://ww3/large/62683c9bjw1es5cnyhunaj20m80xcahd.jpg               The exercise and living habits of the three days before and after the physiological period also affect the physiological period. As a yoga teacher, because of the large amount of classes, physical energy consumption, long-term barefoot, irregular diet, and still teaching with the physiological period... The result has led to various adverse reactions in the physiological period.
              The sentence "You have to love yourself first to be able to love others" is very generous.
              The contents of the two themes are all around the improvement of life energy, and the truly harvested seeds are believed to have been buried in everyone's heart.
http://ww2/large/62683c9bjw1es5co89madj218g0wo7i8.jpg http://ww4/large/62683c9bjw1es5cogpls2j218g0xc7jo.jpg             Dai Ruo, with her gentlest power, let every follower blossom bravely! Looking forward to the next meeting


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