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What should we pay attention to when the market situation reappears

(2019-12-26 08:53:42)
Classification: Comment

Good morning, everyone. Last night, the U.S. stock market was closed for Christmas, and the a50 index did not fluctuate. So now, the periphery has no influence on A-shares. We should go our separate ways. Yesterday, the index went rather generally. The first half of the index seemed to go relatively steadily. At the end of the second half, when the market was closing, there were a lot of pressure drops, but they were recovered at the end of the market. Yesterday, the overall market differentiation was quite obvious. There was no big profit making effect. However, some individual stocks performed well, and there were dozens of trading cap stocks, This trend feels that the structural opportunities of the previous period have appeared again.

The main reason is that the market has begun to shrink again these days. A contraction indicates that the market is only a game of stock funds, and the market that wants to rise generally must have incremental funds. Since the market continues to reproduce the structural market, the first thing is to follow the market. We will follow the direction of the market, that is, follow the mainstream funds of the market, and have a short-term amount of money, There is no need to pay attention to the infinite. As for the sector, chips and the expected semiconductor materials and equipment in Phase II are the most popular recently. These short-term estimates will be repeated. If there are some stocks, take more observation. If there is no good, consider buying at a low price, but don't chase those that rise too high. It is hard to say whether the market is sustainable.

There is also the consumer electronics in the previous paragraph, which has been a bit immersed recently. The main thing is that the direction of funds has changed recently. There will be opportunities for consumer electronics in the future. Because of the release of performance, the funds in the future will certainly be repeatedly speculation, that is to say, good quality and performance support will be exhausted sooner or later, and will be favored by funds. The market style will change greatly in the future, As the quality is getting better and better, garbage stocks will become more and more unpopular. As a result of the market's own purification, everyone can't dominate the market, but can only choose to follow.


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