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Are off-season fruits and vegetables harmful to health?

(2009-04-01 16:04:18)


Classification: Food Safety

 Are off-season fruits and vegetables harmful to health?


      Many people have heard the saying that out of season vegetables and fruits are harmful to health, and fruits with ripening agents will make children mature ahead of time. Many people also ask: Which vegetables are seasonal? Which fruits are out of season? Can we be healthier without them? Is it true that children will not develop ahead of time?      

      According to a traditional Chinese saying, "don't eat from time to time", that is to say, food has the air of heaven and earth, and its nature is closely related to the change of climate and environment. If it is not seasonal food, it will not have the characteristics of that season, and its health value will change accordingly. Therefore, the ancients advocated eating seasonal food. There is a similar saying in Japan, our eastern neighbor, that people are keen on eating "primitive food", that is, fresh food in the season, feel the changes of the four seasons from the food, and experience the beauty and happiness of harmony between man and nature.

      From the perspective of agricultural production, the quality of seasonal products is better than that of off-season products. Tomatoes grow in greenhouses in winter, and the content of vitamin C in them is only half of the products grown in open fields in summer; Deliberately bred and cultivated early ripening fruits usually have lower taste and nutritional value than naturally late ripening fruits.

      however We cannot but admit that residents in developed societies have indeed been surrounded by out of season vegetables and fruits, and can no longer leave them.

      When the northern cold winter comes, the world is desolate, with no grass and withered leaves. From November to April, there is almost no way to grow "seasonal" vegetables and fruits. In other words, if we must eat "seasonal" food, we can only eat bean sprouts and other sprouts for five months, and there is almost no fresh fruit.

      Older people still remember that just 30 years ago, there were very few varieties of vegetables in winter in the north. Every family digs cellars to store several winter vegetables such as cabbage, radish, carrots and potatoes. At the same time, they also pickle pickles, make pickles and pickles to meet the needs of dishes in the cold winter season. Apples can be stored near the Spring Festival, and the period between February and April is the "green and yellow" season. People have very few food varieties, and the level of nutrition supply has dropped to the lowest point of the year.

      This is the so-called "seasonal food" life. How healthy and happy you haven't seen? At that time, the supply of vitamin C, carotene, vitamin B2 and other nutrients was generally insufficient in winter and spring. People relied on pickles to maintain their lives, which increased the intake of nitrite, which was not conducive to food safety, let alone food diversification and enjoyment of delicious food. I believe that no one wants to return to that "natural" state.

      In contrast, no matter which season, eating more vegetables and fruits is the most critical health problem. Numerous studies have confirmed that the greater the total intake of vegetables and fruits, the lower the risk of cancer and heart disease. Eating vegetables and fruits in winter is better than not eating them. If we don't eat vegetables and fruits out of season, will we have to eat fish and meat in winter and spring? Is that good for your health?  

      In fact, many out of season fruits and vegetables are not necessarily greenhouse products, but also products from the south, even from abroad. For example, in Hainan, vegetables and fruits can be produced all year round. In fact, there is no seasonal problem, and their nutritional value may not be lower than that of seasonal products in the north.

Advice on Peaceful Coexistence with Out of season Vegetables and Fruits

      one No matter what season, it is better to eat vegetables and fruits than not. Most fruits and vegetables mature between May and October, so you can eat more at this time. But this does not mean that we should simply not eat fresh vegetables and fruits in winter. Even if the nutritional value is lower, it is better than nothing.

      two If possible, seasonal agricultural products are preferred. Don't go after fruits that are out of season. Wait until the season when they are produced. For example, you don't have to eat watermelons in spring. You'd better wait until July to eat them; It is not necessary to eat strawberries in autumn, because they are delicious in May.

      three If possible, give priority to local agricultural products. The local products not only have good maturity and little loss of nutritional value, but also do not need to be treated with preservatives, with less pollution and low transportation, packaging and refrigeration costs. It is unwise to blindly pursue those imported fruits that come from afar.

      four Although the nutritional value of skin is high If you want to eat foreign fruits that come from a long journey, or fruits with beautiful skin, you must pay attention to peeling. They must not only be waxed, but also most likely treated with preservatives.

      five Learn more about nature, the season when food naturally matures, and what their original normal taste is. Not to mention our children, many adults may not know the food season now. Since you don't know the season, how can you know what is called "seasonal" and "off-season"?


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