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 Ge Keyou
Ge Keyou
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What is a balanced diet

(2012-08-01 13:02:11)

Miscellaneous talk

There is no food in the world that does not provide nutrition, and there is no food that provides all nutrition. Different foods have different nutritional characteristics. The difference is that some foods have more nutrients, some have less nutrients, some have more nutrients of this kind, and some have more nutrients of that kind. For example, sugar and B Vitamin B, protein and fat of legumes, minerals and vitamins of vegetables and fruits, high-quality protein and fat soluble vitamins of animal foods, etc. These foods are needed by the human body, and there is no good or bad food. adopt The human society has chosen food for thousands of years of civilization. If a food can exist until now, it must have its existence value. The nutrition needed by the human body comes from food, Only when all kinds of food are properly matched, can we provide sufficient and comprehensive nutrition for the human body, which is called "balanced diet".


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