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 Chief physician of andrology Qi Guangchong
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Fun of playing mineral radio

(2022-06-11 06:48:28)

Miscellaneous talk





Classification: Qi Guangchong's radio culture

DIY ore radio is the earliest memory of almost every elderly radio enthusiast.

Due to the lack of electricity, it is favored by radio enthusiasts.

It has been more than half a century since I first assembled the ore radio when I was in the senior grade of primary school.

Save one or two cents of pocket money given by my grandfather and parents and go to Qiujiang Road and Niuzhuang Road electronic markets to buy ores, coils, variable capacitors, etc.

Tie a short bamboo rod to the upper section of the bamboo rod, install a mesh antenna with thin lead wire, insert it on the roof, and then wrap an iron rod around the bare copper wire, insert it into the ground as the ground wire.

When the antenna ground wire is connected to the ore radio and the radio sound is heard from the earphone, don't mention the joy at that time.

Generally speaking, ore radios are medium wave, but also short wave. Realistically speaking, if the location is good (high) and there is a long antenna, it is not so difficult to listen to the medium wave, while listening to the short wave is still extravagant in the city at least.

In recent years, there has been an FM (frequency modulation) ore radio. My FM ore radio only needs a built-in 1.2-meter rod antenna without ground wire. On the 15th floor, near the south facing window, you can listen to three FM radio stations with headphones, and you don't need high impedance headphones, just ordinary headphones.

A beautiful day begins with listening to the radio. Enjoying in it and increasing knowledge, why not?

 Fun of playing mineral radio


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