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Detailed description of the use and location of labels 17:07, March 15, 2007 Sina Blog

What is a label

article label It is defined by yourself, more accurate and specific than classification, and can summarize the main content of the article key word

By customizing labels for articles, article authors can make it easier for more people to find their articles accurately; Readers can find the articles they are interested in more quickly through the article tag.

You can add one or more tags to each article. After the article is published successfully, you can open the tags in the article and see all the articles in Sina blog with the same tags as you. Moreover, if a tag used in your article happens to be recommended on the home page, users will see your article on the result page when they open this tag.

How to use labels:

·Use space between labels;

·Each article can use up to 36 Chinese characters (72 characters) as the article label;

·If the tag is too long, it may affect the beauty of the page. It is recommended that you try to use shorter phrases as article tags;

·Please do not use illegal content as labels. Special characters and pure numbers are not supported;

Benefits of using labels:

·Make articles more accessible: articles with tags will be recorded by search engines, and other users will accurately find articles with this tag when searching for related tags.

·Expand your horizons and find more friends: Through tags, you can find articles with the same tags and find the author of the articles, so that you can not only extend your horizon, but also find friends with the same goals.

·More free and accurate management of your own articles: The content of adding labels is entirely up to you. You no longer need to put articles into the wrong system classification, nor need to establish a large number of article classifications because of wide interests. Tags are added completely according to your needs, allowing you to manage articles more freely and accurately.

Delete and modify labels:

You can modify or delete the tags used by this article while editing it. As shown below

Figure: Modifying or Deleting Labels

At the same time, you can also choose to delete the tags you have used by managing tags. Specifically, the related articles will not be deleted after you delete the tags.

For example:

1. Add tags to published articles

Figure: Adding tags to published articles

Friendly Tip: You can use phrases that can summarize the main content of the article as article tags

2. Display effect after success

Figure: Display effect after success

3. Tagged search results page

Figure: Search Results Page of Label

If you encounter any problems in use, please call the customer service hotline 95105670 (press 2 after the prompt tone), or you can send an email to Give us feedback.

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