Rainbow directory list is a directory list program developed in PHP, which does not need a database, is simple to install and convenient to use.

 QQ screenshot 20221018204142.png

 QQ screenshot 20221018204704.png


  • Online preview of pictures, videos, audio Text files Markdown file Office documents, etc
  • Automatically identify the README.md file in the directory and display it (GitHub like)
  • Background management can set website title, announcement, bottom code and other information
  • File search function, support cache File Index
  • With third-party file manager
  • Support the setting of Chinese file name code to solve the problem of garbled code
  • Support installation in subdirectories

Update log:

V1.1: Optimize file list table style

V1.2: Updated the new file management function and supported setting directory password access

V1.3: Add online text editing function

Demo site: http://file.cccyun.cc/

Source code download: https://github.com/netcccyun/dirlist/releases


Installation method: directly access after uploading. The default administrator account password in the background: admin/123456

Suspended advertisements on the left and right, Add the following codes to the code at the bottom of the background

 <div id="gg-left"><a href=' https://www.cccyun.net ' target='_blank' rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src=' https://i.bmp.ovh/imgs/2019/11/b31f2ab7a8486565.jpg '></a></div> <div id="gg-right"><a href=' https://www.cccyun.net ' target='_blank' rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src=' https://i.bmp.ovh/imgs/2019/11/39adab31131a53a8.png '></a></div>

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  1. Can you add a PDF reading function

    Windows 10 x64 Firefox 126.0
  2. Two suggestions for improvement. First, files with passwords can be searched after logging in with passwords (files cannot be searched after logging in now); 2、 Can excel and word documents be involved in online preview of onlyoffice and assisted editing by multiple people.

    Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome 114.0.5735.289
  3. I forgot how to reset my login password. I don't want to reinstall the source code

    Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome 119.0.6045.160
  4. It is very convenient to transfer data to each other through the intranet. It would be better if there is a preview of the ignored image, instead of clicking on it.

    Android 10 Google Chrome 78.0.3904.96
  5. For example, the xls form of the office document cannot be previewed online. Can this be fixed

    Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome 119.0.6045.160
  6. The moderator is still updating this program. I have been using it all the time. I hope you don't give up!
    By the way, make a file name and modification time suitable for the mobile phone. The distance between the file and the file can be slightly narrower
    Music on the top homepage of mobile phone Put it at the bottom to fix the hard work moderator Thank you

    Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome
  7. There seems to be a problem with the search function. The file name is pure English, and the search is also correct. Nothing can be found

    Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome 86.0.4240.198
  8. It is recommended that you can preview photos without clicking on them. Like Windows, you can have large icon options

    Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome
  9. The moderator is still updating this program. I have been using it all the time. I hope you don't give up!

    Android 10 Edge Android