Rainbow external link online disk is a PHP online disk and external link sharing program, which supports the upload of all format files, can generate external links of files, pictures, music and videos, and automatically generate corresponding UBB code and HTML code when generating external links. It can also support online preview of text, pictures, music, and videos, which is not only an online disk, It is also an online music audition website. The new version supports docking with AliCloud OSS, Tencent Cloud COS, Huawei Cloud OBS, Youpai Cloud, Qiniu Cloud and other cloud storage, and adds the image violation detection function.

Update records:

1. The background supports batch sealing and unsealing
2. Optimize the speed of background image loading
3. Fix the garbled Chinese names of some cloud storage downloads


1. Fix a high-risk vulnerability (must be updated)
2. Fix problems such as stage file search

1. New user system, login user can keep upload record
2. Block upload is used by default to solve the problem of large file upload failure
3. Calculate file hash before uploading, support fast second transmission, and add file integrity verification
4. Cloud storage supports direct interface upload, no local transfer, faster upload speed
5. Cloud storage supports the direct link download mode, with faster download speed
6. File download adds breakpoint resume function, and video playback can be dragged
7. New file search function
8. Add Qiniu cloud storage
9. Optimize page styles such as file preview

1. Add another cloud and Huawei cloud OBS storage
2. Repair the QR code display
3. Add upload API interface

1. Add Tencent Cloud COS storage
2. Fix SAE compatibility issues
3. Fix multiple other problems

1. New interface, computer and mobile phone adaptation
2. Change the video player to ckplayer, and change the music player to APlayer
3. New file type small icon
4. Enable manual review of video files
5. Add Alibaba Cloud image violation detection API
6. All website settings can be modified in the background
7. Support custom local storage path
8. Add AliCloud OSS storage

Upgrading from the 5. x version only requires overwriting the config.php file

Demo site: https://cccimg.com/

Open source address: https://github.com/netcccyun/pan

Download address: Rainbow outer link netdisk.zip

Note: Nginx running under Windows is not supported at present

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  1. Notice: failed to open file: functions.php
    Well used. What's wrong with this problem today?

    Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome
    1. @Xiao Qian: Some source code files have been deleted

      Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome 95.0.4638.69
  2. It is recommended to support multi file upload and multi file one click copy link. Google login is supported by member login.

    Windows 7 x64 Firefox 102.0
    1. @Guagua: Send me an onedrive domestic account and I'll try

      Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome 95.0.4638.69
  3. After uploading files, Tencent Cloud COS cannot view and download them. Check the error prompt given by the link: signature error, use the same configuration as other graphs, no problem Strange

    Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome
  4. 1. Whether the multi-user function can be more complete, manual registration function, user upload space limit, free choice of storage strategy
    2. Whether it can be connected to the payment system
    3. There seems to be a problem with Tencent's cloud storage strategy. After the same configuration, cross domain settings have been set. However, Alibaba Cloud and Qiniu can upload and preview normally, but Tencent Cloud cannot. The foreground shows that the upload is successful, but the file does not exist. The external link address and download address are both wrong. I don't know where the problem is.

    Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome
  5. Hopes to add third-party authorized logins, such as github
    As long as the domain name callback is set, the login setting is OK. I hope it can be added later

    Huawei DUA-TL00 Google Chrome 105.0.5195.136
  6. It seems that the QR code image link of the mobile phone scanning and downloading the QR code is invalid

    Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome
    1. @a'ゞ .: It doesn't fail. The interface is foreign. Maybe your local operator intercepts it

      Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome 95.0.4638.69
      1. @Disappearing Rainbow Sea: I built a built-in one and called it later. As long as my domain name can access it, the QR code will be displayed

        Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome 86.0.4240.198
  7. The expensive station is good. Resources are free. Reach out and use it to learn. Thank you, webmaster

    Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome