Introduction to script:
Rainbow Kangle one click script is a Linux script that can install Kangle+Easypanel+MySQL collections with one click.
Script integration: PHP5.3 ~ PHP8.0, MYSQL5.6 (CentOS6 does not support PHP7.4 and PHP8.0), supports two modes of fast installation and compilation installation, and supports CDN exclusive installation mode At the same time, the Easypanel panel has also been greatly optimized. Scripts currently support CentOS6 CentOS7、 CentOS8 operating system.

There are two installation and download nodes at home and abroad to improve the installation speed
The latest version of Kangle commercial version is free to use
Support free switching of the EP foreground PHP 5.3-8.0
Pre set the PHP. ini security issues of each PHP version
The database password can be customized before installation to avoid the trouble of setting after installation
Support user-defined error pages such as 403.404.503.504
Other sets of EP user background templates can be switched in the script
Linux toolbox is integrated in the script, which can change Yum source, change DNS, set Swap, synchronize time, clean up garbage, etc

EP optimization content:
1. Fix the problem that the CDN site does not display SSL
2. The new SSL certificate can be synchronized to the cdn node
3. Add the "HTTP Jump to HTTPS" option on the SSL configuration page
4. Add and enable HTTP2 option on SSL configuration page
5. Fix the problem that the SSL certificate cannot be saved in some cases
6. Add an independent PHP version switching page
7. Fix the problem that the PHP version cannot be modified when the product ID is used to connect the opened host
8. Fix the problem that file names with spaces cannot be decompressed and renamed
9. Fix the php exception caused by refreshing the page after modifying the php version
10. CDN binding domain name can customize the back to source protocol
11. Fix the vulnerability that the universal binding patch may lead to malicious binding of domain names

Visit the website to get the installation command:

Welcome to leave a message


  1. When do you expect to support contos 7x

    Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome 63.0.3239.132
    1. @Ancheng: Kangle generally does not support Rainbow Cloud tasks. It is recommended to use pagoda or amh

      Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome 63.0.3239.132
  2. How to set the EP panel that users can bind universal parsing

    Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome 55.0.2883.87
  3. Great. Why can't I connect using FTP? 220-You are user number 1 of 50 allowed.
    Response: 220 Local time is now 18:43 Server port: 21.
    Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity
    Command: USER blog
    Response: 331 User blog OK. Password required

    Then the connection fails
    Port 21 has been added to the security group!
    How can I solve it?

    Windows 10 x64 QQBrowser 9.6.11858.400
  4. Prompt that a new version of PHP 5.3 has not been successfully installed. When will Rainbow be updated

    Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome 55.0.2883.87
  5. Forgot the password of kangle panel. How can I get it back?

    Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome 55.0.2883.87
  6. The newly released Kangle3.5.10 has a bug. There are still bugs in the background after the virtual host is deleted in the foreground of the ep, and it can still be accessed, but it can't be seen in the ep, and some other operations can't be changed in the ep, such as log settings. After setting, Kangle displays the original

    Windows 10 x64 Google Chrome 55.0.2883.87