Zotye: You must be jealous of me! Li Xiaobai Published on 2016-05-19 10:54 [Guide: Since the transformation of China's first red flag car and the beginning of Chrysler, China's auto industry has been on the road of imitation. At present, Zotye has two independent brands, Zotye Auto and Jiangnan Auto. Zotye, whose products cover cars, SUVs, MPVs and new energy vehicles, is one of them
The Gallic warrior that cannot be underestimated, Dongfeng Peugeot 408 1.2THP power Forest fire Published on March 25, 2015 20:37 Chai Jing's documentary "Under the Dome" has once again pushed the urban pollution problem to the forefront. As one of the main sources of industrial pollution, automobiles, together with their increasingly large population, will become the main driver of sustainable development of the automobile industry
The public is eager to change the rear suspension and not actively play the number game of tail logo Lao Lei Published on November 18, 2014 17:09 The real car pictures exposed at the Guangzhou Auto Show show that the rear digital signs of the two Volkswagen joint ventures have all been replaced with larger, "more installed" labels. The 1.4, 1.8, 2.0 and other marks that originally displayed the vehicle displacement will not be used anymore, but will be marked with power directly
The more you scold, the better you sell. The new "god sealing" road of Suotang Old Cat Published on 2014-09-11 10:15 In recent days, they have been besieged by new Sagittarius, and all eyes and heads have been attacked and occupied by Sagittarius. First of all, the sales data of the Passenger Car Association in August was released, which surprised me. In the off-season like August
Axis on the Wheel (Part 1) Axis Conspiracy Watt Published on 2014-08-01 13:35 Japan's occupation of Southeast Asia challenged the Americas, Germany swept the European world, and Italy bought hearts and minds of fishermen. Is it true that the layout of the Axis Powers' intention to dominate the world during World War II is over?       &nbs...
What is the 40000 yuan car that Geely doesn't build? Old Cat Published on 2014-07-18 13:40 I still remember that in 2009, Li Shufu declared: "We will not build cars below 40000 yuan in the future"! After that, besides Geely Panda, Geely did not build new cars less than 40000 yuan, or its own brands did not build cheap cars. And in five years
Is New Qijun confident or helpless when it is not listed? Old Cat Published on March 22, 2014 at 17:20 Colleagues went to the Dongfeng Nissan 4S store to take a photo of the car and brought back such an early promotion message: "The first 30 users who ordered the new Qijun do not need to increase the price!". In other words, if you take a fancy to Xinqijun and accidentally fail to enter the top 30 list, then wait
Private car rental, confusion and opportunity Wei Dongsheng Published on 2014-03-10 23:11 Not long ago, I went to China to rent a Kia K2, which costs 120 yuan a day. After online reservation and phone confirmation, finally pick up the car at the designated store. When picking up the car, in addition to paying the rental fee, you also need to use a savings card to swipe 2000 yuan as a pledge
Red Flag is Xiaoqiang who can't die Inking Auto Published on 2014-02-24 20:48 Welcome to follow the WeChat public account of "Yumo Auto", and the latest auto events will be interpreted and reviewed regularly. Since Zhou Xingxing cried in Tong Pak Fu Dian Qiu Xiang
More likely to catch fire? Also about the safety of electric vehicles Introduction to neologism Published on 2014-02-17 18:26 Before the Lantern Festival, another Tesla Model S caught fire. The reason why this car is "again" is that it has caught fire many times in a few months. In less than five months, there were five special cars
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