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Jiangsu Rugao Market Supervision Bureau specially inspected the school canteen

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On September 4, Rugao City Market Supervision Bureau of Jiangsu Province carried out a special inspection on the school canteen to guard the "first meal of school".

On the basis of the special training on food safety in the school canteen in the early stage, the law enforcement personnel focused on the environmental sanitation, tableware disinfection, food processing, cooking and preparation of food samples in the school canteen to carry out on-site inspection. On site, carefully verify whether the school canteen employees' health certificates are within the validity period, whether the raw and cooked food materials in the freezer are separated and within the warranty period, whether the cooking room, tableware cleaning and disinfection room and other workplaces are clean and tidy, and whether the canteen water meets the national sanitary standards for drinking water. Focus on checking whether the school strictly implements the main responsibility of food safety, defines the responsibilities of the person in charge, food safety director and food safety officer, and implements the food safety risk control mechanism of "daily inspection, weekly control and monthly scheduling". At the same time, guide the school canteen operators to carefully carry out food safety self inspection, strengthen food safety risk screening, advocate the canteen to provide meals on demand, and avoid food waste. Supervise and inspect the food operators around the campus, consolidate the responsibility of food safety supervision, and create a safe and secure food safety environment around the campus.

In the next stage, the bureau will continue to strengthen the supervision and inspection of food safety in the campus canteen, check and eliminate the existing problems and hidden dangers one by one, investigate and deal with violations of laws and regulations in accordance with the law, strictly urge the school canteen business units to implement the main responsibility for food safety, standardize guidance, improve quality and efficiency, and carefully guard the "every meal" of teachers and students. (Wu Haijia, Gu Xiaoyan's correspondent)

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